1973-02-26 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION
February 26, 1973
A. Approval of Minutes
-- December 18, 1972 - motion passed unanimously
to approve
-- January 22, 1973 - motion passed unanimously
to approve
B. Appointments and Reappointments
C. Election
-- Nomination via Murphy letter of J. Stefani for
Chairman. Seconded by Meierotto. Voted un-
animously to approve.
-- Nomination by Stefani of K. Howe for Vice
Chairman. Seconded by J. Finn. Voted unanimously
to approve.
-- Nomination by Meierotto of M. Shipman for Secretary.
Seconded by G. Lundeen. Voted unanimously to approve.
D. Recreation
1. Winter
-- Reported by Bruce Levine that the rinks were in
poor condition.due to the warm weather
-- Discussion about keeping rinks opeb as long as
weather permits ana they are being used.
-- Decided that decision on closing of the rinks be
made by B. Levine, 0. Johnson and J. Barber.
-- Suggested by G. Lundeed that hockey schedules for
next year end: at an earlier gate.
2. Summer
-- Letter read from Mendeagen Athletic Assn. request-
ing the use of Ivy Falls and Friendly Hills baseball
fields from May 1 - August 15, Monday - Thursday,
from 5 p.ms till dark. Decided to ask for specific
schedule of dates, incorporating girls' program,
from Assn, to be approved at next meeting.
-- Discussion of further summer program and need for
program director. Decided that 0. Johnson write
up job description for part-time recreation director
to commence with next winter season.
-- G. L.undee
to submit proposal
playground activities.
E. Beckman, Yoder and Seay Contract
-- Contract approved by Council as amended.
-- L. Starr made the following points:
1. Concept plans will be ready by the end of March.
2. The plans should be reviewed by the Park Board
followed by a joint meeting with the Council for
plan approval.
3. Suggested walking tour of park sites with Council
prior to joint meeting.
-- The following dates were decided upon for meetings:
March 7 - Niarie Avenue Park Neighborhood Meeting,
8 p.m., Council meeting Room
March 24 - Walking tour with Council, 9:30 a.m.,
March 28 - Park Board meeting to review plans.
April 3 - Joint meeting with Council, starting at
7 p.m, with permission.
-- Starr suggested we be thinking of playground
equipment preferences, primarily with regard to
Rogers Lake site.
F. Land Acquisition
-- North Park Parcel - mayor still working on it.
-- Wachtler Parcels 13 and 14 - After discussion,
Meierotto made the motion to purchase. J. Finn
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
-- Lilydale Road Parcel - part of Kraft land being
G. 1973 Development
-- Marie Avenue Park preliminary site plans were dis-
cussed. It was suggested that an approximate 15'
change be irade in setting of ball field in order -to
make room for some tree buffers. It was also asked
that overlays be made to su8Sest alternate access
and parking areas,
H, Trail Systems
-- Letter read asking that any trails be modified to
provide for cross country skiing in winter,
-- Letter from Snowcrest read offering tic use of
an instructor to go over trails and make suggestions,
-- Meierotto anci Shipman designated to look into trail
system further,
I. Next meeting
-- Decided that future Park Board meetings are to be
held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, be-
ginning at 8 p.m.
-- Next meeting - March 28, 1973, at 8 p,m,
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Stephani Lundeen
Fogelson Murphy
Shipman Franzmeier
Finn Johnson
A. Approval of Minutes
January 24, 1974 minutes unanimously approved
B. Selection of officers
Chairperson -Kevin Howe
Vice Chairperson - Jerry Finn
Secretary - Maddy Shipman
C. Reports
Stefani reported on Trails Meeting on Marie Avenue project
Winter Recreation
1. 5elander reported on skating season; will make decisions
on continued ice maintenance
2. Suggestions
a. boards at ends of free hockey rinks
bs need for strictly free skating rink
3. Stefani requested review and recommendations from 5elander
4. Park Board extended appreciation to 5elander for first class
operation of the rinks.
Summer Recreation
1. 5elander reviewed proposed program and estimated cost
2. Title suggested -Park (Program) Coordinator -for 5elander
if year round job negotiated. Howe moved that program be sold
to Council. Finn seconded. Passed unanimously.
3. Johnson/ Selander to get together for detailed discussions
Budget (postponed to next meeting)
Lawn Mower Acquisition
1. Murphy discussed merits of
Hesston 3500 vs. Toro
$3,500 $9,500
20 acres/day 70 acres/day
$1.60/acre $.46/acre
3 years 15 years
2. Finn moved to recommend to council purchase at
earliest possible date of Toro 7-unit hydraulic mower
at cost up to $9, 500. Howe seconded. Passed
Stefani requested Franzmeier to write up typical summer -
winter work month for Park Board information.
D. Next Meeting -- March 27, 1974 8:00 p.m.