1983-04-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, APRIL 12, 1983 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M, by Acting Chairperson Stein. Members present were Stein, Doffing, Knittig and McMonigal. Bayless, Schneemamand Williams were excused. Also present were Rudy Literski, Dewey Selander and Marcia Knuth. Maintenance Report - Literski reported that vandalism to lights in the Ivy Falls Park has resulted in $350 damage. The youths were reported by a resident of Ivy Falls neighborhood and apprehended by the police. It has been suggested that the boys work in the parks to pay part of the damages. McMonigal suggested that the Board check into the insurance coverage that the City carries on the warming houses, lights, and equipment. Park Survey - Those members present reported on the parks they surveyed for maintenance needs. Ivy Fa1lsPark has a loose piece of playground equipment that needs stabilizing, Marie Park needs a load of sand around the play area and needs the drainage area cleaned out, and the Ualley Park pavillion needs a new cover layer. Recreation Report - Selander reported that the summer recreation programs are proceeding on schedule. As usual, this will include T-ball for K-8 year olds, Arts and Crafts at two warming houses, according to demand, women's tennis league and men's baseball. Tot Lot - McMonigal reported that she brought up the matter of the Friendly Hills Tot Lot at the March 15th City Council meeting. Orvil Sohnson indicated that the property may belong to the City. The matter was dismissed before ownership was determined. McMonigal asked the Schranklers not to attend the meeting to discuss the park until the status of the land is known. Doffing moved that the Commission make known to the Council the need for the City Attorney to verify ownership so that the Tot Lot problems can be resolved. Motion carried. Marcia Knuth attended the meeting as a representative of the Friendly Hills neighborhood. She said the residents feel strongly about the park, more for the play space than for the equipment, which she felt was dangerous. Trails Meeting - The April 14th Trails meeting has been changed to April 26th. Barb Schmidt has agreed to come to the meeting as a resource person. Council Meetings - Bayless will attend the April 19th Council meeting. (Doffing, May 3rd; Stein, May 17th). Park Clean-up - It was suggested that "park cleanup" has not been successful in the past, that maintenance crews do keep the parks presentable. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Next Meeting - The next meeting of the Park Commission will be May loth at 7:30. It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marsha Knittig