1983-02-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
February 8, 1983
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights at and Recreation Commission
was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Bayless. Members present were
Bayless, McMonigal, Williams, Schneeman and Doffing. Excused absence was
Jim Stein. Gary Gustafson was not interested in reappointment to the Commission
for another three year term.
ELECTION OF Mary Jeanne Schneeman nominated Tom Bayless for Chairman.
OFFICERS Schneeman was nominated for Vice -Chairman and Jim Stein was
nominated for interim secretary. McMonigal seconded the
nominations and moved that the nominations be closed.
After voting, Tom Bayless was elected Chairman, Mary Jeanne
Schneeman was elected Vice -Chairman and Jim Stein was elected
interim Secretary of the Park and Recreation Commission.
MARCH MEETING It was recommended that the March meeting be rescheduled for
7:00 P.M. on March 22nd, due to many vacations scheduled earlier
in the month. It was also mentioned that at the January llth
meeting, the Park Board members requested that copies of the City
Council meetings be mailed to them.
CROSS COUNTRY Dakota County has a groomer for ski trails which can be rented
SKI TRAILS for $45.00 per hour. Barb Schmidt, from Dakota County, noted
that Mr. Ben Wilson, a former olympic cross country coach,
is available to help layout cross country ski trails.
ART IN THE PARK A discussion ensued regarding an "Art in the Park" activity.
Mike Williams is to invite Cathy DeCourcy to our next meeting
on March 22nd to discuss this project.
PARK CALENDAR A calendar was distributed for the coming year, showing the
activities planned for 1983.
COUNCIL MINUTES All Park Board Commissioners would like to receive copies of the
City Council meeting minutes. Mary Jeanne Schneeman will attend
the City Council meetings.
WOOD DUCK HOUSES Dorothy McMonigal has talked to several people at the DNR. All
information has been given to Rudy Literski regarding the purchase
of wood duck houses. McMonigal moved, seconded by Doffing, that
six wood duck houses be purchased for the following locations:
Wentworth Park, Marie Park, Rogers Lake, Valley Park, Wetlands at
Lexington and Marie and Friendly Hills Park.
TENNIS TOURNA- Mike Williams will explore a Junior Tennis Tournament for this
MENT summer. He will see what can be done to get a sanctioned tournament.
SNOWMOBILE The School District property behind Friendly Hills is being heavily
ORDINANCE used by snowmobilers. The Park Board expressed concern that the
Ordinances are not being enforced.
ADJOURN Doffing moved, seconded by Williams to adjourn at 9:20 P.M.
Submitted by Bob Doffing, Secretary.
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