1981-08-25 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 25, 198E The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Bayless at 7:35 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Bayless, Williams, McMonigal, Gustafson, Schneeman. Absent were: Stein, Selander and Literski. Minutes of the June 23, 1981 meeting were approved by Gustafson, seconded by Williams. In the absence of Literski, Chairman Bayless conveyed Literski's comments. The City still needs a tractor for multi -purposes and asked for the Park Commission's support. He said the bang boards for the tennis courts were not feasible. New swings were put up at Rogers Lake Park. Chairman Bayless reviewed the County Trails Plan. He asked that all commission members review their comprehensive plans for the September meeting and he would ask a County staff person to attend the meeting. He also commented on the Lakeridge Park Bid package, noting that the package had been approved by the City Council but was tabled until the development plans were more firm. Chairman Bayless will contact Brian Birch to discuss the proposal of TH 149 as a site for ballfields. Bayless also explained the Amesbury East development. A resolution was made by Gustafson that we tentatively approve the McNulty PUD park donation of 8 acres provided that it is done by having all 8 acres donated as a single parcel. Voting: 4 ayes, 1 nay. Dr. Glenn Stratton of the Kiwanis has contacted some members of the Park Com- mission about a gift to the City. The Kiwanis would like to install some plaques on the trails of Valley Park. The plaques would be indestructible and would describe the plantings and unusual trees and plants of the trails. A naturalist would work with them to help decide the most appropriate items. Gustafson proposed that we graciously accept the gift and interest of the Kiwanis. A motion to accept by McMonigal and seconded by Williams. Several letters were received from residents of MendotaHeights, asking for the installation of water fountains. Literski said it was prohibitive and there was a negative response from some about this item. Schneeman agreed to contact the City about the water fountains. Chairman Bayless will contact Mayor Lockwood regarding a new member replacing Dick Abraham. Budget Discussion: Suggested the Park and Recreation Commission do an in-depth study on the athletic program and also to ask Larry Shaughnessy about the interest accrued in the Park Fund. Adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully, M.J. Schneeman