1980-07-22 Parks and Rec Comm Minutest 1n CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Park and Recreation Commission MINUTES July 225 1980 Present: Mills, Williams, Finn, Bayless, Gustafson, Selander, Stein, Larry Shaughnessy and Dick Ploumen Absent: McMpnigal and Lterski. Minutes of June meeting approved. Larry Shaughnessy and Dick Ploumen were present at the meeting to discuss the status of the current budget and the budget procedure for the next fiscal year, Larry Shaughnessy reported that the January 1, 1980 balance in the Park Fund was $106,320.00, Additional park con- tributions through June 30, 1980 amounted to $5,697.98, Park contributions of approxi,mately $2,000,00 will be due in the second half of 1980. To date, the charges to the Special Park Fund have included legal fees and appraisal fees on the Wachler Property, and have amounted to $930,00. However, charges in the second half of 1980 for such things as the purchase and installation of the Rogers Lake Playground equipment will be assessed against the Fund. Mr. Shaughnessy reported that the Park Fund money is invested in a common investment fund with the rest of the City's money. At the end of the year, the average investment rate over that year is apportioned among all of the invested funds of the City's various units. The funds are invested primarily i,n bank certificates of deposit.. A considerabel amount of time was devoted to discussing some of the problems with the City`s budget process as related to the Park's Commission. The Commission felt that there is a general lack of communication over sources of the Park Commission's money and the manner by which its money is spent. This general lack of communication and confusion over the spending process led to the suggestion that the City assign one specific staff member who will act as a liaison with the Park Commission. The Park Commission could then look to this individual for the resolution of any questions or problems it might have concerning its budget and the spending process. There was further discussion on the need for input into the budget process by the Park Commission. It was suggested that there be discussions between the Commission and Dewey Selander in the Recreation Program to determine budgetary priorities for the upcoming year. The Park Commission's input into this process should take place no later than August of each year, since the Council generally takes action on the budget in early September. It was agreed the Dewey Selander will work with Dick Ploumen to approximate the Recreation Program's budget requests for next year and will present his 1981 requests for discussion to the Park commission at its August meeting. It was further suggested that we attempt to obtain a firm idea about large monetary expenditures which are expected for 1981 so that those items can be included into the proposed budget as line items. Commissioner Bayless asked if the Commission could be provided with advance copies of the new budget before the August meeting. He further asked that budget information be made available to the Park Commission on a regular basis showing monthly expenditures against the Park Fund on a line item basis. Messers. Shaughnessy and Ploumen indicated that they would attempt to comply with each of the requests. The Commission then generally discussed its budgetary priorities for 1981. They were as follows: A. An extra City employee for park maintenance. B. Additional equipment to maintain the City's baseball diamonds. C. The need to limit and control consultants' fees. D. The need to provide access to Wentworth Park from The Avenues. 3. Park Signs. Commissioner Mills reported that the Police Chief requested that park hours be included on the new signs. The Commission then reviewed a picture of the proposed sign. It was approximated that the lumber along for the six park signs would be $1,200.00. Dick Ploumen indicated that the labor and installation of the signs would be accomplished at no cost to the Park Commission. -2- A motion was made be Commissioner Gustafson to authorize Dick Ploumen to spend $1,500,00 for cedar with white, routed letters, and to further authorize Dick Ploumen to proceed with the purchase of the wood and installation of the signs. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion was passed unanimously. Dick Ploumen indicated that i.t would be possible to route letters on both sides of the signs. 4. Friendly Hills Tot Lot, Commissioner Mills reviewed the history of this Park and stated the Commission had to decide what would be done when the present park equipment breaks down and whether shade tress should be planted in the Tot Lot, Commissioner Finn agreed to call the City Attorney to see whether the property could be sold by the City. No action was taken on this matter at the present time. Wentworth Park Access. The Commission once again discussed the problem of access to Wentworth Park from The Avenues, Commissioner Finn made the motion to authorize the City Manager to investigate the best routes from The Avenues to Wentworth Park and to advise the Commission at its next meeting what alternatives are available. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bayless. Motion passed unanimously. 6. The next Park Commission meeting is scheduled for August 26, 1980. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfullys�j�ubm�itted, J s P. Stei.n retary