1980-06-24 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Park and Recreation Commission MINUTES June 24, 1980 Present: Mills, McMonigal, Finn, Bayless, Literski. Absent: Stein, Williams, Gustafson, Selander, 1. Minutes of May meeting approved. 2. Park Signs: Rudy Literski and Jim Danielson reported that arrangements have been made with West St. Paul to cut signs and route out lettering. Danielson presented a rough drawing of what the signs might look like. Several commission members felt that a more in-depth look at sign. designs should be taken. A motion was made to authorize Chairperson Mills to spend up to $50 with an artist to come up with some new ideas and to prepare sketches for review by the commission. It was reiterated that the design should be as vandal -proof as possible. 3. Rogers Lake Park: Chairperson Mills reviewed the plans to install new play equipment at Rogers Lake Park, to move the swings, and to remove the "fort". It was agreed that no action should be taken to remove the path from the parking lot to the tennis courts, as suggested by Mr. Uban at the previous meeting. 4. Park Publicity: Chairperson Mills reviewd the forum for park related matters. fact No that the City newsletter action was taken. would be a good 5. Wentworth Park Access: A request was made that the City provide access to Wentworth Park from the north at either Second or Third Avenue. Fourth Avenue was also mentioned as a possibility by McMonigal. She reported that landowners near that access were ameanable if they could be relieved of personal injury liability. No action was taken, pending a review of available City property for access. 6. Trees in Valley Park: A request was made that the trees around the pond on the south end of Valley Park be thinned to improve the view. Since it was felt that such thinning would benefit only a limited number of property owners and that that would be a benefit in their eyes only, the request was denied. 7. Shade Trees Tot Lot was at Friendly Hills Tot Lot: The subject of the Friendly Hills again raised. After a great deal of discussion concerning the equipment on the Friendly. the Tot Lot, Hills Park, the need for it was decided shade trees, and the to review the legal proximity to status of the Tot Lot for future sale possibilities. No other action was taken. 8. Budget: Chairperson Mills reported that we would be working on the parks budget for the next .year at our August meeting. It was the concensus of those present that we expend extra effort to determine our needs and to make up a realistic budget to present to the City Council. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes June 24, 1980 Page Two 9. Wachtler Park: A motion was made that the following recommendation be made to the City Council: "We strongly recommend, as we have recommended in the past, that the City Council give utmost consideration to the purchase of the Wachtler property as a park. This acquisition has been priority number one in all studies relative to our long-range park plans. We feel that it is essential that the City Council lend its credability and support in establishing the methodology to see this project through to reality." It was also resolved that commission members be present at the Council meeting when the recommendation is received. 10. Maintenance Report - Literski: Literski reported thatthe weeds are heavy just outside the beach at Rogers Lake and that a heavy wind could move them in. There is apparently nothing that can be done now. There have been no recent complaints about swimmer's itch. Literski recommended that we consider the purchase of a small tractor and roto tiller to turn upthein-fields of our ball fields to soften them and to keep the weeds down. He says we are receiving numerous complaints about the condition of .our ballfields. Since that purchase ($4,000) would be a major expense and not in the budget, it was deferred to next year's budget. It was reported that considerable storm damage was done to the bridge supports in Valley Park. The bridges in Wentworth Park are high at both ends, making it difficult for handicapped and elderly people to use. The beaver that is doing considerable damage in Valley Park is to be trapped. 11. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J..Bayless Acting Secretary