1979-10-23 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesMINUTES
October 23, 17/ 7
Members Present: Williams; Lundeen, Mills, Gustafson &Finn
Members Absent: Murphy, McMonigal
Guests: Liz Witt, Jim Loslebin
1. A request was made through Chairman Mills by the Visitation School to have the
City maintain and flood their skating rink this winter and they in turn would permit
outsiders to skate there. Motion to deny request by Williams, seconded by Mills,
passed by the Board.
2. Mills reported that the Council had rejected the $2400.00 contract with Gary Tuchie
for planting for improvements for Rogers Lake Park,
3. The pond at Lexington &Marie was again brought up for discussion as the engineer
reported that the drain pipe is properly located. Until further study can be made
on this issue, the Board agreed that no further action would be recommended.
4. The Board then focused their attention on the planning for future major park areas
that are now incorporated into the comprehensive plan. Councilpersons Witt and
Loslebin were present as resource people and earlier Orville Johnson, the Admin-
istrator, discussed with the Board the steps that need to be taken to put together a
bond issue for this purpose. After considerable discussion between the board members
and the councilpersons, the following recommendation was made upon motion by
Gustafson, seconded by Finn and unanimously passed by the board:
We recommend to the City Council that a parks' bond issue be approved in principle
to accomplish the following improvements to the Mendota Heights Park System in
accordance with the recently revised Comprehensive Plan:
1. Two 40 acre parks with ball fields and other open space amenities per the
Comprehensive Plan at a cost of approximately $1,400,000.
2. Additional development of Rogers Lake Park at an approximately cost of $150,000,
We further recommend that the Council approve a budget of $15,000 to $20,000 to
secure the necessary professional services to plan and estimate the total cost of such
a bond issue. No recommendation is made at this time as to the timing for this bond
issue, but it is estimated it will take approximately 1 year to prepare for such an issue.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30.
Gary Gustafson, Acting Secretary