1977-07-13 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPark & Recreation Commission Minutes July 13,1977 Present Absent an Murphy Mills Gustafson Howe Lundeen Selander Vitt Johnson Liturski 1. N[inutes approved with one notation - The comprehensive plan will be ongoing for 12 to 2 years not begin in two years. 2, Dick Dwinrrel, Hovrard Dahlgren's associates presented :.the proposed Dodd Road Pedway, He stated there are problem areas with drainage, mail boxes jutting out, the narrow 66, right of way,etc® Two applications will be subbmitted for FAD funding: Dodd Road North of 110 and Dodd Road South of 110 with an overhead bridge to connect to Sibley High School. Dwinnel felt that the Northern application might be difficult to approve because of right of way acquisition. The commission recommended that they proceed with the two applications , Mr. Dwinnel will return to the commission in a few months time to work with us on parks,trails and land use for the comprehensive plan. 3. Recreation program and 19`77®70 budget. - Devrey Selander stated the recreation budget will remain about the same, He expressed the need for administrative help and postage monies on a permanent basis. Dewey and Mary Mills suggested the city office could register recreation participants during a 30 day perio4. Dewey said he has had a hard time hiring coaches..... The soccer program will be continued in the Fall and Kevin Howe suggested we work with the Mend -Eagan soccer program. If the recreation program is to expand perhaps we should be looking at hiring a full or three -fourths time director or hire an assistant for Fall-Wixter duty. The commission moved to buy cloth nets and store metal nets. If we have vandalism problems the metal nets can go back up. Several complaints had been received about the difficulty in raising the metal nets to the correct height and Rudy noted that the posts were coming loose in the concrete and might be costly to repair and maintain, 4° Administrator Ory Johnson presented to the commission, the four plats which had recently come before the Planning commission, It was recommended by the commission, to acquire the park land as indicated on the Kopp Plat, subject to a better access plan to the park and to acquisition of an equal parcel adjacent in the south plat, 1"de recommended cash settlement plus easement for a trail on the NE qu.adranf, of the 35E-TH 110 Plat, We endorsed the congept of park continuity in the friendly Hills area plat,