1976-06-16 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Park and Recreation Commission Minutes June 16, 1976 Present Absent Finn Howe Johnson Shipman Selander Lundeen Mills Franzmeier Witt Murphy 1. Minutes of May 13, 1976 approved. 2. Curley -Rogers Lake Pedway -- Witt moved, Shipman seconded to have a cost survey made of the proposed pedway. Franzmeier will grade and sand a temporary pedway for this summer. 3. Park -A -Rama -- Witt reported that costs are up and finances are tight again this year. A complete report will be submitted at the July meeting. 4. Rogers Lake Swimmers Itch -- Selander reported that the beach has been sprayed and this seems to help somewhat. Nothing can be done about the parasites in the water as the cost is prohibitive. The situation should clear up within a week. Menawhile, signs have been posted warning of possible swimmers itch. 5. Friendly Hills Pedway -- The Friendly Hills Association F18a Market was very successful. Franzmeier will proceed with the pedway as soon as he can. 6. Summer Recreation -- Selander reported that all activities are in full swing. There is an excellent soccer turnout for the boys, but only 10 girls signed up. 7. Tennis Regulations -- The new regulations signs are being made and will be put up soon. Rogers Lake and Ivy Falls courts are ready and the nets will be placed within a few days. Mendota heights residents should have preferential use of the courts such use is difficult if not impossible to police. An Ivy Falls resident inquired as to the feasibility of having a pay box to meter electrical use. The Commission advised that permission would have to be obtained from nearby residents and that a lighted court might draw many people to the park courts. All City courts must remain available for all Mendota Heights residents. B. Park and Recreation Survey -- Mills presented copies of Shorewood's survey to commission members. The survey will be discussed at the July meeting as to what Mendota Heights should include. 9. Playground equipment -- Ivy Falls Park. Shipman reviewed Mr. Paper's proposal for purchasing playground equipment for Ivy Falls Park. He prefers a galvanized steel slide, swing set and climber and would like to see it in use this summer. The Commission declared that they would like to see all park equipment innovative and creative -- as in Rogers Lake Park. If Mr. Paper wishes to donate $1,000 for equipment, it must be compatible with Rogers Lake equipment. Shipman and Murphy will present the Commission view to Mr. Paper on Thursday, June 17.