1975-10-22 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes, October 22, 1975
Present Absent
Finn Selander Murphy
Mills Shipman Howe
Witt Lundeen Johnson
1. Approval of Minutes
--Minutes of September 24, 1975 approved.
2. Ski Trails
-- Greenberg and McClorey reported on Ski Trail developments.
-- Rauenhorst promised that the club would be able to ski on his
-- Request that funding be the same as last year.
Motion -- The Park Board recommended to the Council that the Council
submit a request to D.N.A. for grant-in-aid to continue the
development and improvement of ski trails in Mendota
Heights. Moved by Witt, Mills seconded.
3. Winter Recreation
-- Selander reported that rinks are ready to be flooded.
-- The use of Sibley hockey rink was discussed. It was the opinion
that we should let Sibley know we are evaluating our needs and
budget to see if we should supervise the rink and a decision will
be forthcoming.
4. Community Education Advisory Council
-- Shipman reported on a meeting of the Council which discussed the
feasibility of the various communities of West St. Paul, Eagan,
Mendota Heights and School District 197 getting together to
coordinate activities.
5. Tennis Courts
-- McGough property title not yet cleared, so work on both courts