1974-10-23 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPresent Fogelson Shipman Lundeen Howe Finn Park Ordinance CITY OF MEND HEIGHTS Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes October 23, 1974 Absent Murphy Allen Selander Johnson Starr -- Shipman moved and Fogelson seconded motion to adopt Park Ordinance with the following clarifications: a.) Section 6 -- remove word "attire." b.) Section S -- insert instead, "no horses .... allowed in (cultivated) areas of the parks except for specifically designated and/or posted exceptions." Passed. -- Finn moved, Murphy seconded that Marie Park hockey rink be authorized for horse training activities during summer months. Passed. Summer Recreation -- Consideration given to request for a mens' slo-pitch softball league; seeking support and coordination of Park Board for scheduling of fields. Action: Selander to check with Mend -Eagan for schedules. Action: Franzmeier/Selander to inventory available fields. Winter Recreation -- Selander reported he is ready to hire rink attendants. Park Contract -- Finn moved, Fogelson seconded motion to recommend Council authorization of Change Order to park contract providing for $1,342 beyond original contract price. Passed. -- Also, Finn moved, Fogelson seconded motion to recommend Council authorize final payment to contractor, reducing hold -back to $1,000. Passed. Ivy Hills Park -- Presentation by J. MCGough regarding his proposed development and its affect on Ivy Hills Park, including discussion of Butler Avenue vacation and City acquisition of four lots. Park Commission Minutes -2- October 23, 1974. -- After much discussion, it was moved by Finn, seconded by Fogelson that Chairman Howe write a letter to the Council expressing the concerns of Park Board regarding this sub:.9ect, including the suggestion that Midwest Planning should do a study regarding the need for road (since the question of acquisition hinges on vacation of road). Passed. -- Decided that at present there are too many "unknowns" to make specific recommendations. Park -a -Rama -- Howe requested that action be taken to reserve musicians for 1975 Park -a -Rama. Action: Fogelson. Cross -Country Skiing -- Presentation by L. Greenberg regarding proposal for marking and clearing cross country trails in parks, with outside limit of $150 aid in project. -- Finn moved, Murphy seconded motion that cross country ski group may clear trails, with Franzmeier approval, specifically in Valley and Friendly Hills Park. Passed. Rogers Lake -- Franzmeier announced that entrance road to park was being widened and one slough filled in. Budget -- Johnson briefly reviewed budget approved by Council. Next Meeting -- Wednesday, November 20, 1974, 8:00 p.m.