1972-05-01 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPresent Ridder Meierotto Losleben Murphy Johnson Stefani Levine Starr A, CIVIC CENTER MINUTES Parks and Recreation Commission May 1, 1972 Lawler Howe 7:30 P,M, , q, /ezls%/70Z Mrs, Meierotto indicated that, based on the current concept o£ the Civic Center, it is probable that the operation of hauling in fill should cease now' Stefani made a motion to send a letter to the Council requesting that filling be stopped until the final plans for the site are developed, during which time the Park Commission be consulted for input toward the conceptual and final planning phases® Seconded by Losleben® Passed unanimously, Bo ROGER®S LAKE HOUSE Stefani briefly reported that the Council has asked Orvil Johnson to study the disposition further in that razing or moving the house would result in a cost of filling the hole and in that Council seems to recall passing a motion to allow the Fire Department to raze the house, C, ROGER°S LAKE WATER QUALITY Jim Losleben reported that MoP,C,A. has re -affirmed that it will test the water gratis in June® D, TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT - HIGHWAY 35E & 110 Members of the Ridgewood Park/Somerest Hills Civic Assn, appeared to acquire the Park Commission views on this subject, specifically the impact on the park land and the land acquisition plans, After some discussion, Losleben made the motion to encourage M. Parranto to expediate land option acquisition relative to this property and 2) write a letter to the Planning Commission requesting them to provide an Environmental Impact Study on the effects of the development as related to: a) water run-off containment and routing, b) wildlife, and c) automobile traffic, and d) pedistrian traffic, Motion seconded by Mrs, Meierotto and passed unanimously, �FA i l� RAFT rl%am in PARK CONCEPT PaOPOSAL V I LLAGE OF MEEK to HEIC4ffS 1073 PAPK DEVELOPMENT , ENT p ; :SRAM ist rt, E t1t er; Eo Bopmsfort, srrd MgMNAMonts Eh 3 uvor• sore perk alto do s�stod to tda Vage M P ?r^s in con,lunction with tho construction of the ivy mills towr, hoes se Dwvaopment programs in 1971 and 072 produced thr* following ipprov .,. rats &t an alaprsxirrota cost of t Eittlo Poseur? fttd grad b�olsstop iiocP«y nrea and warmInj house Tenle R Vo E)ooas B r�snt Ccrra�g t E"irrrsa�o�i ipro��...rats �t ri�rths E°srE la�e�iud�^ t�nrg6s Brad rad�d prar°PIng fscliltitsm SOcause of the nature of existing site taci l hies, additional 18nd rust be acquired to accommodate thssn proposed f cliftles4 ° l�roposrad trip vrrnts ..i'73 ���=truct6on ��>�san iia� friirira sEi«PfB� trraa�?� . sa#� sro p p�rsod for tac,e°tP4 pork r uri I p7 Ch6'A sc# i v M es are cont mgent upon the su cOs ful acougsitRon of additional Wd on the eastern Eoundary of this park, The ostim ted crest- of these ilmprave- nts, exclusive of lewd oasts Is S23*40:0x ass and purkErtn 00 cars) i'�;cs t4�nn l s, ora€arts Fvergroen plantings CRAFT t ix RSTATE P K MC P P SAL ILLACE OF MUx"MA---iF?rbrS � 197 PARK Dt'MOOPME T NWRAIAN MSTOryo zr8sti r Sc ss sd t? rr� nt;s A�r�sa6sitira€s �# trat� �"..�rs� €isa�r �i;z �s �c�rait,sh�d urg e d the late i 60' oj with HUD pen Space Land Program ssIstance, and village sewage: Intorce tor riihtgoff way gc U IS 4t`Ion fhra i rcz c�rr rt d l g rt €thIn rtrar°stmVl tanrP. #hco arrow's natural character and are € n e ended to overmoqa ttie current Imacc ssbb & ty of tNe site. Proposed McMgos �i58 provide access, Rark6ri"`ys (bl;°Li ri,ty fa3w. r$Yckistes¢ and P'4ogd la's`{ w.3=rpa't#`t63f'f"i les, m Pr��s� Qr�tsra�r�.rt� .e�'7.s tcrr�stru�t €tt �rrs�n �4t� �ti�stti�� ttst€� ��lr�rr r�r"a Errr'r�atd tsar 6rst�rst�t� Y'�r'k during 1173o €€eir j�tl ta� s4 01 arr-roxirr a4v d062 not teclude expecdIturas for sand acquisition needed 4or some of the proposed factilties, ��oss grad �rkanrt 05 twftr°s3 t ry€ 1OPM tla ir! field and backstop rInIkinq paths -*nd h1king ir" lf% FT VOLLAG OF ',lFMwMA HEMNTS .. 073 PARK, r.'rVELOMIENT PiArCVANI. �i;.f� �tz�n any L�rrd i�r°c�f;ra�ttr ���i�t�nc� �,�> vrsr� tcv i'tic cgvine the Marla Avenue site In 1907 In MI site, Improve,, Hems were mad6 to support hockoy and €re6 skatlnq in this perk. r:rr��es i fr�;e��zrrt G�r��i`t t realize Its Int nded nalghborhood rvgrk: fund n. T+neeq, Wd incWdra current skatIng activitles and facll tivn for tnnn6v, lenI kin a and field qmmogb n��nd ta��r-�v��r-nfi� .• Mf�73 ;�anta���s�#P�ss� �v�>a;s:� arle Avonuo Part* durinq 11173, Moir ust6* t d cost 1s r0 4 YO..rt.T m T TOMS courts ='tew trees i tray{net field tAAFT r t 0 QQr �E. 1t ;afro tax i'" ca bf96 3r 5 t c frem, the HUD ,.vr rpace L r,d Pro ram, slam 1� rc� ,,:�ts asStlrvj, aup rox3matt) Iy S woro carrlyd out during MI end i, 2 rnmu4 t inq In the foilowEng facf i 6ttps; 1cr:sc r'"f r..§ this park a mr€, mpt�mto q@1gMrADrhix.A rocroAttlon mr=gin» Thay IncIudP playqrpriun4. ojartAng. %nd t nmis fnct f It€o5* 1MjlC ?M f;eMw ",AM. MOM Of :?ser fs TPCc 41tSfll VvSBt amquiro A, axpondIturo of appr«ximmtely V ml`a Tt,;s sStImsto rowq not InCIU40 tho cast of ar9=3tt enal land aodod for thz proposad $` nnIs courts, 1�,rk1s'fc 5I" cars) iwo $'onnis rourts RAFT lrrrWMT 4 PAIR: r.MC EPT P MP SAL v 3 LLAGE OF i40-41 TA &lE E r`RR iTS _ 1973 PARK CU M, M P OR" P3istcry, Lxlst6ng D vet opmenI. &nu lraiarov pt 14 irc l$8 i 7 Wd, .,FFi f;��,.$8 Pace 4.Gr4a� r�MJIWN ftsSi5t"aYcep this nlna�acre site recaived Improveownts In 37700 9976, one IF72, These d(welopmant a Svitles taus wnt F,agt nstruc tIon expenditures of ra iarraxitmt ly S and Bncludw "�rea.;t€sr anr.n end a€�rM6raKa r�cra rye slot4 s area itttlea loaqua field and back%'tap i}icnic �rov* Pt".r�rssr�• �'a,v�irsa*��-r:t €-�1:*S�R� fear` s��.nf»; rtg� l'�`�:`i, nrr� 3€fardr<:d `C5 mako th#% Site a fwm cnmpiato ra61^rr2Mrs`^rod rerrcm lemj@ fadlity cad Include across and drrirarrr a� r�vnrVMst� and rev parking, teinIg. and tr%ll rocMfls39, l r a9g osed € Wmr oveftmt g ! d%73 Cnnetructlon Soo om 7hg followlr ran iflc lft,pmv;w nr n :LL4rc nroposed for'f-ntw)rtts ?^ark; dur as i 97 i at ran *riar€ xlmat� rrzt of � , Ml ia4n� tomils cmurts felklnrj path% and trill ra I nnma catch bas I n% and r t pev