1972-12-18 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesPARKS AND RECREATION COmmISSION VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MINUTES December 18, 1972 Present Meierotto Stefani Murphy Howe Lawler Absent Finn A. Rpproval of Minutes —® November 2_7, 1972 motion made by meierotto, seconded by Murphy to approve minutes as amended as follows: Sect. D., paragraph 2 Sect. F., paragraph 2 Approved unanimouslye BB Winter Recreation add 11and official map" change 14 to 4 (park sites) Johnson reportod that aJl ice is in good condition. Flooding s being done on a 3—times--a--week basis. A policy should be set on the street hockey problem. Johnson will discuss with Sclaure. Ca Resignation Memo of resignation, dated December 2, 1972, from Jim Losleben read. motion made by Lawler and seconded by Howe to accept Jim's resignation with regret. Motion passed unanimously. D. Shoreline and Wetland Ordinance Joan Meierotto presented our proposed changes to the Planning Commission. She reports the Commission received them favorably with the exception that they felt that wetlands should be a part of the zoning ordinance, whereas slopes and erosion should relate to subdivision ordinance. The Planning Commission's consultant was directed to in- corporate our changes as well as follow through on the development of subdivision ordinance changes necessary to accomplish our requests. : - m < COI : a, y « w: :c i"emho. Oc, Lobez z2a20 zwxm ;g 6IG mom§ «::» w PARKS - LABOR COSTS July August September October 1,482.00 1,692.00 2,271.00 1,085.00 Thru June 5,455.00 July - Nov. 8,233.00 TOTAL $13,688.00 Date: llecenuber 8, 1972 By: 11 IQovember Total 1,703.00 8,233.00 J / /2Z / W� z HouRs 1. oPeN -- 4:Do P.m. to 1a:oD P.m. mDNDAY - FRIDAY 12:D0 P.M. to 10:00 P.m. SAT., SUN., CHRISTMAS VACATION 2. WARMING HOUSES WILL BE CLOSED DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER, I.E., HEAVY SNOWSTORM, EXTREME COLD WEATHER (-15), OR IF IT IS T00 WARM RND THE ICE IS STARTING TO MELT RND GET SLUSHY. 3. ANY GROUPS WISHING TO RESERVE ICE TIME FOR BROOmBALL, ETC., PLEASE CALL* SANDY SCLAURE RECREATION COORDINATOR at 454=3730 after 6:00 P.M. 10: SKATING RINK SUPERVISORS FROM: SANDY SCLAURE RE: JOB DUTIES RFC WFrD DEC 2 71972 1. The warming houses are to be swept each night by the supervisor who is responsible for closing; also, pick up any broken hockey equipment, trash, etc. that might be lying the area of the skating rinks. 2. Clear the rinks of debris etc. on Sun. -Wed. -Fri. if you close so they are ready to be flooded by the volunteer coaches. 3. There is to be no "street hockey", i.e., those with their boots on and hockey equipment, played on the free skating or hockey rinks at any time. 4. Wear the 'rink supervisor' arm band while on duty at the warming houses. S. To those supervisors who work on Saturday afternoons at either the Wentzrorth or Marie Avenue Skating Rink - Encourage the children who come for skating lessons to change into their skates at one end of the warming house and those who come down for hockey to change at the other end and ask if they could put their boots, etc. under the benches. This will eliminate some of the confusion on Saturday afternoon when there are quite a few people in the warming house either getting ready for skating lessons or for a hockey game. 6. A Revised Hockey and Skating Schedule has been made-up and will be posted in the Warming Houses this week. cc: Mlle Johnson Z / /-- C6,11 7 O ._~✓ice:'%% °�'r�" • ;'�� `�' -� -sue f n VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO December 7, 1972 T0: Ed Stringer, Chairman and Planning Commission Members FROM: Joe Stefani Chairman, Park and Recreation Commission SUBJECT: Mendota Heights Project -- Dayton—Hudson/Rauenhorst/Lilly Attached is a copy of the Park and Recreation Commission "Analysis and Recreation and Open Space Policy Recommendation." It reldtes our expressions, positions and policies pertaining to such project. In the mood of constructive cooperation, we have submitted this document to the Village Council for their study. In the same mood, we respectfully offer this to the Planning Commission for your review and support and as an important tool in future decisions. /f/7 Z - RULES 1. NO HOCKEY STICKS, PUCKS, OR EgUIPMENT OR PLAYING ALLOWED ON FREE SKATING RINKS, ONLY ON HOCKEY RINK. 2. NO BROOMBALL. 3. NO SMOKING. 4. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. 5. PLEASE THROW LITTER IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED. 6. IF THERE IS ANY MISCONDUCT ON THE SKATING RINK OR IN THE WARMING HOUSE, THE RINK SUPERVISOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ASK THE PERSON OR PERSONS TO LEAVE. RECREATION COORDINATOR SANDY SCLAURE 454-3730 (After 6:00 P.M.) VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS mE HU December 1, 1972 T0: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Joe Stefani Chairman Our next meeting is December 18, 1972 at 7:30 P.m. A few days prior to that you will receive the agenda. Along with that will be your copy of the minutes of the last meeting. I ask that you review the minutes and bring your comments so that a minimum amount of time will be spent in improving them. At our last meeting I mentioned that Ron Smith had contacted the MPCA on the water quality of Rogers Lake. I have discussed this with Jim Losleben since then and, as it turned out, Ron's main concern is not the swimming beach but the future condition or the life of the entire lake itself. Incidentally, in referring to the "dredging" that we are planning to do, I think we should relate this to the term "shoreline improvement" rather than to any prospective swimming facility. � ,-0 g4C� Genital l;verlue, fVfinnea�ofis, It?i�i�nesoYa 65��i RECEf VEC7 � Add.- ��i ly In +,. _� �[� ) � �t ! <.x;.,,�' S Ins � ,! Wcsa C f 1 R g ��'}y (� yy (7 ( ;; � 7515 U - ry A S t U � li 1 J � 972 l v � :� , Ati �n�. F oI s, Atii�n� soi , 55414 7 �. n Phano: Sss"1�5425 �., ,. A cu Coda 611 Dec..:nbel: 7, 197L I•ir. Jee L. Stefani., Park Board Cita9.rman 1Sg0 Valley Cuwe. Rd. St. Paul, Mitimesata. SSlld Subjects ?:aer h��ke 2•finnesota iallc!ti.on Control. Agency Test ktesul.ts llea.r Joe: On Tuesday, IIaveinber 5, ].97'L, I attended a meet:ia�g at the Ptinnesoi:a Pollut.ian Control Agency uff.ices at the University of l4innesota. NL-. Ron Smith made himself- available to help, give the people at the agency the historical back- ground an the lake. lde met with I4r. George Peterson and Mr. Martin McCleery. Ac you Is.. tl:e C4innesota Pntlutian Control Agency came out to Po^er Laiccs in June of this year. They tools ahaut 15 water samples thaau^shout the latce ana took them back to their offices for testing. At that tinee, we sere pramised a report on the results of their tests. Because of. no pramised datefor khis repart and it appeared ghat it was being put off each time we called, we decided that sae would visit erith them directly. It was a very revealing conversation and I will try to sun+mar.ize in this letter the comec;ats from that meeting. The tests show that the water quality is in fairly good condition. It is in good enough condition that the Public Health Department would probably okay it for siaimminp, purposes on the basis of the bacteria count. The problem exists with the turbidity (thick or opaque with roi.Ied sedement) o£ the water. In layman's Cerrois, the above two statements mean that the water is fairly clean from a bacteria standpoint, bu.t the water has a very bad appearance. It is from that standpoint that not' very many people wouJ.d be interested in swimming in the muddy lake water. The. lake is presently 80 or 90 acres and has approximately 540 acre canter shed. The Department of Natural P.esaurces considers a salvageable lake as something that is 15 feet or more deep. There are a number of spots in this lake which are approximately 70 feet deep. So from this standpoint, the lake is definitely a marginal lake. But since. it is our only lake, rose will be forced to work a little harder and faster to save it from becoming a dead lake. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MFG. COMPANY Quality Power Apparatus xtee�rarcr.;ncr�t trvan�r,.cct,v�r�nuv Tat i;. Staca.ril.. —7..- - � Drcctr!?er 7, 14'•Z Lxs each developm��t-ee ocr_xx s around the i ::+l.e, i.h rond3.tion of the loaf-^_i- rur,�tinlg into the .lake can beca:nr. t ur�,e cr bcr_f�.c'� d-.penrlinz; cn. th_ t,at�a haxxrllinp; - pri.(»' to goin•^,� info the lake. The P�iir,.-xc.>oL-a Po-_lJ�icn Cot�P�rol 1 ,-rGc;% ;rrdieatc.d ,: ' thai: the v�._er SLs�d >-or t;!izs late is a t�u:11 :at.�_a ::.itd aaf: � d f�tl?1s source of gcrod i,atex- comin; into rite 1 sl e a.re of grew: tralae ?n :•avins; thi> 1 zice. As tee kri, a, the Pr der Le e 1e=vr ii i�l, hrcry'cL it, ?-o tno t:ion rdd x �pt•raat� that 9_ll the very near future a definite outlet a_t Se ue :Level. cr:ill 1- ecorte n � eality. Therefore, the net r_onsideration trill be dater goi.nl; irtto the lake. From developmenC standpoint, they indicated t_hzt at�v si.otnn wa.t.cet: run-off. should go thru spite type of holdixtg tank system whereby the .^.^>uspended parti.cl_es in the run -of` ti•rater. have a chance to settle out into this holclinl; an(1 s(+ttli,,g tank tahi.ch E:hen allow, the relatively clean water to flora icxto the lake. This should be required for all storm r>ater run�cff f;'om private development and also for, water run�rff from highxrays trhere salt, oil and other road contami_ztants rcn be sashed into the I;.ke. Based on fife above comments, a nunber cf. re(•omraendati.ons e��erc: suggested by them. They are as fol..tcn•�s: l.. A l.ett.er to the 7%i.ghrrav Department to i.ni.tiate the imj?act sta.dy of the freeway to consider water runoff into the lake. 2. A letter to the State ftightray Department requesting that their. propierty which noerr abuts the :lake shoreline, be cleaned up of debris (old cars, dead trees and other debris at the shoreline or in the water itself). 3. A letter to the County requesting the same cl.eancxp of shoreline and r•�ater submerged trees on their property. 4, A letter to residents in the area who also have debris which aesthetically detracts from the lake shoreline. 5. Last but not least, the constant monitoring of any development which could cause additional silting into the lake. This caould mainly apply to new development or new road construction. As far as the long term objective, it mainly pertains to relieving the turhi_dity problem that now exists in the lake. They di,d indicate that the dredging of the entire lake would certainly relive that problem, but we know that the nxoneys are not available to do this work at this time. They dial indicate that the turbidity problem might be alleviated to some degree by cleaning up the shorelines. I indicated to them of our intent to consider. all.ocoing a drag line to go out 50 to 75 feet and drag out the rnud which has silted over a period of years along the front of our park property. They indicated that this certainly would be of value and might produce some interesting results. That being the turbidity would definitely be better in those areas since the water movement would not be stirring the silt in that area and adding to the immediate area problem. . �� r, ; ear n5ec. eoeaPkrty -a-- D,=,cen,b�•r 7, �' � 1.: 7;_ c't r 7� Fi xi }1s o i p i lL, i 7 t oazz o � c� grit e�,r t:�: - c >> �td�rzGinz of s}Pndi7 r,e i S 7 yr� z l a t' t' p i rk. �� � _ � '�a )f zl� i � ue t� t, L) <<a zv,ll i:,t t cc=etzn� r foYrs]z*t�e} ,rt i'e11 i cm the Pz r.;svt'� 1'z.L3t�,sn Goltro3. liv�_ucy on Lhes ts:t taB�en in June, but LI c � d;d le ��e t ho dous re•,n fot. haT: rrr ort sl o if d t.e z _.c�a_i.z-t �t fc'x so e Ser+�e o 1. �. i�c 1 tii p'�c�t2.c TL, n v � arer t 7 �.� z� 2) � ,hoiJ 1 La v�zy> iiti�E_z c- Lid z z S b=, cz�c:€.eci �r.Lo the al;. `ny foz ��,d � zc :t<rg �� so�_t�z:_n 1 �; ", 3) � t ahsiald �;e to zt i_r.g the lil.r--.. g i..hat ozi11 give u �,ldibonxl_ cicaa crater into A foe o; xu`oz�mu ion wa. covered in the meeting„ and I'm sure That I hay%c rt-rS�.c3 som of the things, but canuld be happy to discuss the meeting with you in more dctail< JPL/,jh . Very tz-uly your.:, i--;:` , Jar+ ,.� �es,!P, Losleben Sa e��Hngineer. �.� Ind, cc: I,endota Heights V%Rage Hall 750 SouttG F1.za Drive PSendota Heights, 1`iimlesota 5517.0 Atteut-ion: Ff'r. On>ille Johnson - Village Admini.strs,tr; M-r. Yonald P, Smi.th 2357 Swan Drive Mendota Heights, 2-Linnesota 55120 za7II , 14re 0 / \ /Ln q \ co / \ � % ) § ) 00 7 2 ® ; U 04 } j 0 ' J, j e � r \ § \� } �rj \ H �] \ & \ / 0 \ M) G d) j / \) z y tt . ma) _ 0 ,4 \ \ \ )� j 0 ` rrrrrrrrrrrrrr ro NNN NNNrri --+r I I I I t I B 1 1 1 i l 1 1 r r 0 0 0 0 W N N N N N N N Z .PrO JPIS rOIONN J 01 ,pN O I I I I B I I I B B I I I B C J J J J J J J J J J J J J J N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y wrrPOr0 W W tno O Ul O1 O Ln OOO 0100 000 • • • • e e H r r r W r r r r r r r NJ10000N rinr�POO :-] . ~ pp W,p OJPO WO r W w W O O Ut O WO V1 0 0 0 Ut 00 0 0 0 @ rt H O rt a r x 0 ,r x K O K N N NwrNNNNr rNNrrr 00 B W rrOOO OO W 000 W W W OO ulOOOOOO 000000 'J G rt @ to i rrrrrrrrrr N N N N N N N r r r I I I I I I I 1 1 1 r r r 0 0 0 0 W N N Ln 1 1 ®I 1 1 1 0 w O J J J J J J J J J J N N N N N N N N N N r r O O100101of J0101 Ol O O W W W O O W i P W 000 000 00 Ln o rrr rrrr rroJio�or®® 000 IPA O �P N 00 r 15 0 0 0 M O O O O O O 0 do 'd 'd Fd 'O '0 10 10 10 rc w r x 0 :r K N N o�rr0rNp 0W,Ww �P 0 0 w r W eP N W rp � O OOOt»OOOOOO r J N r J N ro x rrrrrrrrr N N N N N N r H H I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 0 0 0 0 W N N W 0J0I .PH OHO W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J J J J J J J J J N N N N N N N N N ' lm rrrHrr N N N N N r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 0 0 0 N InOW JrOJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 J J J J J J N N N N N N s r r r r O7 10 0 00 01 J J 0 01 O Qe O Ib o W WWW WrOOW,p W OWLai NOO W 1V. OOOoo oOo In 5 OOONOO I rororororororororo m rorororororo m H H 10 ......... ...... O O Ir-'U1 JmoNO H Fr•�JIr'tD lr-'�O H w n w .................. ............ Owwwwwwwo B O uwwwwow 5 00000000o m k 00O1nOO m r• V10aUh7go"Oh7ro 0 5 h7'00i7i3O O . . . . . . . . G a . . . . v B a 8 0 a 9 a Ift rt i3 g 9 rt o a 0 rt rt rt 0 0 0 \ a � G rt In C V n Ln H H Ul In In 48 40 at go go so rHrrl•rrrrrr 0 0ljFJ�go 46 go to am to so 0 at 00 of rrNl Ow000rwwOH 0 rWOOHOW CIO 000Ln0a0i„ :3: o 0000000 z w N• p � C G rt rt m ru Ul N M E M O R A N D U M November 15, 1972 In the interest of high quality ice and maximum utilization of limited funds, the Mend Eagan Athletic Association and the Village of Mendota Heights have entered into the following joint maintenance agreement for all hockey and free skating rinks located in the Village of Mendota Heights. This program is effective with the 1972-1973 skating season. Mr. Jack Barber will function as the Mend Eagan Athletic Association liason-representative to the Village of Mendota Heights Maintenance and/or Parks Department regarding the maintenance of all hockey and free skating areas. Rink maintenance problems should be directed via the rink maintenance supervisor to: Office Residence 1. Jack Barber 221-5178 452-1233 2. Harvey Frantzmeier 454-4059 454-1065 3. Bruce Levine 454-4059 226-7996 The following persons have volunteered to be rink maintenance supervisors for each of the four Mendota Heights rinks. Friendly Hills - Office Residence Bill Burke 853-7953 454-3464 Bob Beales - 4544338 Ivy Falls - Gordon Prior 373-1513 222-4830 Jerry McGough - 227-4898 Marie Avenue - Lloyd Sigel 378-1970 454-5642 Howard Kuretsky 645-8131 454-2110 Wentworth - Milt Hildebrand 29S-3457 454-17?.6 Joel Bennett 451-1801 222-1091 l 2 Each of the above supervisors is jointly responsible with the Village Parks Department for over-all rink maintenance in accordance with the following guidelines. First, all major rink cleaning will be performed by Village forces. For example, if over two inches of snow accumulate on the rinks they are to be closed by the rink attendant or supervisor employed by the Village until the Village forces have removed all of the snow. Experience has shown that shovelling small portions of a rink damages the ice and makes the ice very difficult to clean and hampers the over-all restoral operations after the snow has been removed. The above mentioned maintenance supervisors and their associates have been granted the freedom to build base and otherwise skim all rinks when deemed necessary. Each rink maintenance supervisor will have a hydrant wrench, adjustable fog nozzle, and keys for warming houses and lights in his possession at all times. The maintenance supervisors generally will be responsible for no cleaning except chip removal along with the rink supervisors prior to flooding. Their sole responsibility will be to assist in the maintenance of high quality ice on both the hockey and free skating areas at all locations. The Village will provide 11� inch fire hoses for initial base building and it is anticipated that base building will continue upon commencement every night, temperature permitting, until sufficient ice has been prepared to allow regular skating. These hoses will be left in the warming houses until they are no longer needed with all other skimming or maintenance flooding during the rest of the season by Mend Eagan personnel accomplished with the one inch hoses provided in each of the warming houses. 3 Each time a fire hydrant is opened at any rink, the maintenance supervisor in charge shall log the opening and closing in his rink hydrant log Uook so that an accurate record is available in accordance with the City of St. Paul Water Department operating procedures. This is to protect against hydrant freezing and endangering property in the event of afire in the vicinity of a potentially frozen hydrant. Periodic checks are made by the Village and the St. Paul Water Department to make sure that all operational procedures are being adhered to. A village employee will be on duty traveling from one rink to another for assistance to Mend Eagan personnel making sure that upon completion of flooding at any or all of the rinks the fire hydrants are properly turned off, purged, and the hoses placed in the warming houses to dry. The floating village employee caill delive-t the hydrant log books to each location so that on completion of flooding the rink maintenance super- visor can make the proper entry each time he floods. The village employee will then pick up the log book from the warming house when he makes his final round. The Village of Mendota Heights has purchased a tractor specifically for park use equipped with a bucket for snow removal and also afour-wheel drive pick up trunk equipped with a plow and power broom for rink cleaning. A full-time park employee has been assigned solely to rink maintenance along with two add- itional temporary employees. Rink cleaning and maintenance is a twenty-four hour operation and every effort will be made to have clean high quality rinks at all times. It is assumed that flooding will go on every night during Uase building until satisfactory ice has been built for both hockey and recreational skating. After completion of base building, a regular Sunday -Wednesday -Friday schedule will be established for skimming, weather permitting, in order to have maximum r, coordination with the Village forces. The Village has prepared a two-sided sign to be appropriately hung in the warming house as notification to the Village assistant that a crew has decided to or not to flood on a scheduled evening because of weather, etc. The maintenance supervisor should so indicate by posting the proper sign, such as, "No Flooding Tonight" to avoid confusion to Village personnel. The Village forces will. be cleaning and/or flooding rinks during normal day hours and the Mend Eagan flooding program is designed to augment village cleaning and flooding activities in the interest of high quality ice and maximum utilization of our park facilities. Thank you for your cooperation and good skating.