1979-12-11 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OP' ML•'NDOTA HEW]ITS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA December 11, 1979 7 30 o'clock P.M. Conference Room 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes, October 2.3, 1979. 4. Discussion of Park Bond Issue -- Gene Lange to be present. 5. Park Commission Roster - expiring terms. 6. Adjourn. NOTE This meeting is being held at this particular time because it is a combination of the November and December meetings. Please call Mary Mills (454-4026) if you are unable to attend, so that she may know if a quorum will be present. S EASONS. CREliTINGS PROM THE MENDUTA HEIGHTS STAI'P: r CITY OE' ML'NDO7'A HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS NAME ADDRESS APPOINTED EXPIRES CHAIRPERSON_ Mary Mills 1711 Lilac Lane 2-1-79 i-31.-82 Hume; 454-4026 Gerald Lundeen 2349 Apache 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-4179 Mike Williams A)S>7 P4)';(krs Avenue 2-I-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-2528 Jot ry Murphy 1'I16 D'Od Ru,i<I .1-1-711 E- it -81 Home: 457-15H3 Gerald Finn 1.012 JameS Court 2-1-78 1-31-81 Home: 771-2774 Gary GustaiSon 1123 Cherry .'-1-77 1-31-i30 Home: 457-659.1 Dorothy MCMonigal 703 - 2nd Avenue 2-6-79 1-31-80 Ilome: 457-1703 NOTE EXPIRING 'PERMS OF GUSTAFSON AND MCMONIGAL. madlr 1?-6-79