1989-03-15 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
The Parks and Recreation Commission meeting began at 7:05
P.M. on Wednesday March 15, 1989 in the Conference Room at City
Hall. The blizzard on Tuesday evening forced the meeting to be
held on Wednesday.
The following members were present: Damberg, Huber,
Leffert, Owens and Stein. Also present: Councilmember Blesener,
City Administrator Frazell and Administrative Assistant
Batchelder. Guests present were: Ken Dallman of U.S. West and
Norm Gellerman.
MINUTES The minutes of the February meeting were approved
after changes were made to indicate that no
additional funding was needed for this years T-
ball program because costs for T-ball can be kept
U.S. WEST City Administrator Frazell gave a background
report on the application process of the U.S. West
plan to provide fiber optics to the Kensington
area. Frazell explained the siting of the
building on park land with a storage area and rest
rooms for park activities. He stated that the
City Council has granted a Conditional Use Permit
and has referred the request to the Parks
Commission to determine which alternative is best.
Ken Dallman, of U.S. West, outlined the fiber
optics to the home test project that U.S. West
wishes to install in the Kensington area. He
explained how their portion of the proposed 18 ft.
by 32 ft. building would be used. Mr. Dallman
explained the three alternatives of siting and
buildings. The Commission and Mr. Dallman
discussed the parking, maintenance, liability and
use of the facility. Mr. Dallman stated that U.S.
West would only need to get one small service
truck into the site at a time and the impact on
parking would be minor. He stated that U.S. West
would maintain the roof and the City would
maintain the exterior of the building, there would
be no sign or burglar alarms, and that there is no
danger from the electronic technology.
Councilmember Blesener described the Citizens
Parks Review Committee's work on this park site.
She recommended to accept a storage room,
bathrooms, and an overhang with a window cut in
the side and that the facility be located to
maximize the parking lot with provision for at
least sixty (60) spaces and that the parking lot
have a drive through capability. She stated this
was the Ballfields sub -committee's preference.
Commissioner Leffert stated he had concerns that
once again the Parks Commission received a
proposal or issue so late in the process that
their input was minimized and that a quick
decision was necessary on a critical issue.
Mr. Dallman explained the process his proposal has
one through and what the city options are on
easements and buildings.
Commissioner Owens made a motion to accommodate
U.S. West with option one for the east end site
with a 3 foot overhanging roof, enabling a 60 car
drive through parking lot The motion is subject
to planning staff and City Council review.
Commissioner leffert seconded and the motion was
approved 5-0.
ICE ARENA Norm Gellerman appeared on his and John Schwab's
account to present a preliminary proposal to build
an ice arena and indoor soccer facility. The
arena would have two indoor ice sheets and two
indoor soccer fields for use by the Minnesota
Indoor Soccer League. The ice sheets would be
used by local high schools, Mend -Eagan and others
with verbal commitments to 3,000 hours of use. It
would be a 4,000 seat arena with weight rooms and
concession facilities. One ice sheet would have a
smaller arena. Year round use for training,
meeting and storage. A 21 - acre facility that is
privately owned and would operate on a fee for
service basis.
The Commission queried Mr. Gellerman about
parking, users, revenue projections, and traffic
impact statements. The Commission expressed
thanks for sharing the idea and stated this was an
exciting idea and that they wished to be kept
CIVIC CENTER City Administrator Frazell explained the cost
SOFTBALL projections and that the field's primary use would
be for youth baseball. He explained the deduct
items in the proposal and stated that it was
simple to bring this project in under the $40,000
allotted by the Commission.
Commissioner Leffert made a motion to approve the
design with a $40,000 limit and the coordination
of deduct items with Chuck Mastel of Mend -Eagan.
Special thanks were extended to Chuck Mastel and
Bill Owens for their work and efforts. Carol
Damberg seconded and the motion was approved 5-0.
IVY FALLS City Administrator Frazell explained how the
BRIDGE neighbors, in a public hearing, had suggested a
foot bridge to connect the school with the
surrounding neighborhoods.
Commissioner Damberg questioned the $40,000 price
tag. Chairman Stein suggested that this bridge
went beyond a parks issue and should be included
with a roads and bridge budget.
Frazell stated the idea of the bridge had the
endorsement of the trails sub -committee but not
necessarily the price tag. It is part of a stub of
the trails system and does provide good access for
the area.
Chairman Stein stated that the need for the bridge
was a valid public safety issue and that this was
in essence a sidewalk. Therefore, he felt it was
a city issue and not a valid parks expenditure.
Councilmember Blesener stated that the bridge was
a good link to access schools as part of a trail
system, however, the $40,000 price is too high.
Commissioner Leffert made a motion to reject the
bid for a W ,000 bridge at Ivy Falls and to
informally ask the engineering staff to develop a
cheaper plan. Commissioner Huber seconded and the
motion was approved 5-0.
OTHER BUSINESS The work on the referendum by the Citizens Parks
Review Committee was reviewed and there was
discussion of the referendum process. The Parks
Board will meet the 20th of April to look at the
package the Council will consider on the 21st of
Councilmember Blesener presented the Citizens
Parks Review Committee request for endorsement by
the Parks and Recreation Commission for the plans
put forward on the referendum. She presented an
outline of the Ballfields recommendations, the
possible Mendakota acquisition, and the Sibley
proposal to the School District. Commissioner
Huber presented the Trails recommendations and
Commissioner Damberg presented the New and
Existing Neighborhood Parks recommendations.
Chairman Stein stated that he was impressed by the
effort of the referendum committee and that they
should be commended. He stated this was the best
way to build consensus and it was obvious that
they have incorporated all the necessary elements.
He expressed a desire to see a resolution that is
a public statement strongly endorsing the proposal
as it reflects the community's input through a
comprehensive process. He congratulated the
committee for their work and the City Council for
providing the process. He recommended a motion to
this effect that strongly recommends Council
Commissioner Leffert made a motion to move the
Citizens Parks Review Committee's proposal to
Council with a strong endorsement of approval, by
resolution. Commissioner Owens seconded and the
motion was approved 5-0.
ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Kevin Batchelder
Administrative Assistant
February 14, 1989
To: Ballfiel�%d S/u�c�om�mtittee
From: Kevin Ef ✓ y Administrator
Re: Materials for January 20th Meeting
Please be reminded that the Ballfields subcommittee will meet
this coming Monday evening, February 20th, at 7:00 p.m. to
continue discussions regarding athletic facility needs.
Enclosed you will find the following information to help
prepare you for that meeting:
1. Minutes of the January 23rd meeting, as corrected at
the February 6th meeting.
2. Minutes of the February 6th meeting.
3. A synopsis of the subcommittee's recommendations for
addition and upgrading of facilities.
4. A matrix of the estimated costs for acquiring and
developing each of the ten sites identified by the
subcommittee as potential locations for playfields.*
5. A site plan for each of the ten locations showing how
fields might be accommodated.
A city map locating the ten parcels. It is hoped that
each subcommittee member will have an opportunity to
drive by and observe the sites prior to the meeting.
As requested by the committee, these are staff produced
"ballpark" estimates for acquisition and development.
Land values have been calculated as follows:
Low density residential $22,000 per acre
Medium Density residential 33,000 per acre
High Density residential 39,000 per acre
and Business/Industrial
There are complicating factors in some of the locations
that might render these "rules of thumb" invalid; an
actual appraisal would be needed to determine true costs.
The Centex and School Property parcels show no acquisition
costs, as in the former case the developer is willing to
dedicate the land, and in the later, a cooperative
arrangement with School District 197 would be pursued.