1988-01-12 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketPLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARKS COMMISSION AGENDA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1� 1988 = 7:15 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of December 8 Minutes. 4. Election of Vice -Chair to Replace Marsha Knittig. 5. Recreation Study. (See Attached letter from Professor John Schultz), 6. Mend -Eagan Operation of Summer T-ball Program - Bill Owens. 7. Parks Bond Issue. (City Council will join the Commission at 8:00 P.M. for this discussion). S. Any other Business. 9. Adjourn. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, JANUARY 12, 1988 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 12, 1988 in the City Council Chambers. Members present: Stein, Damberg, Lachenmayer, Leffert, and Katz. Commissioner Owens was excused. Also present was City Administrator Frazell. REMOVAL OF Mr. Lyle Odland, 1821 Twin Circle, DEAD TREES appeared before the Commission to request removal of approximately 23 unsightly, dead trees at the Lexington/Marie Pond at the expense of the public works department. After discussion, it was decided that Administrator Frazell would direct City staff to remove the trees. VICE -CHAIR Commissioner Lachenmayer was unanimously ELECTION elected Vice -Chair of the Commission for a one-year term. PARKS NEEDS City Administrator Frazell shared a SURVEY letter from Professor Schultz at the U of M, who will be designing a survey and program analysis for Mendota Heights' recreational needs. Frazell will send Schultz a copy of a previously conducted survey. There was discussion over the kinds of programs the community needs. ADJOURN There being no further business this portion of the meeting was adjourned and turned over to Mayor Mertensotto for a joint City Council/Park and Recreation Commission meeting regarding discussion of the athletic complex. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Katz Recording Secretary CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, JANUARY 12, 1988 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 12, 1988 in the City Council Chambers. Members present: Stein, wasbexcused. Also epresent was city Administrator Commissioner AdministratorFrazell. REMOVAL OF Mr. Lyle Odland, 1821 Twin Circle, DEAD TREES appeared before the Commission to request removal of approximately 23 unsightly, dead trees at the Lexington/Marie Pond at the expense of the public works department. After discussion, it was decided t ll would direct Citystaff nto remove Fthe etrees* VICE -CHAIR Commissioner Lachenmayer was unanimously ELECTION elected Vice -Chair of the Commission for a one-year term. PARKS NEEDS City Administrator Frazell shared a SURVEY letter from Professor Schultz at the U of M, who will be designing a survey and program analysis for Mendota Heights' recreational needs. Frazell will send Schultz a copy of a Vreviously conducted surveys sdiscussion v kinds of programsthecommunityneeds. ADJOURN There being no further business this portion of the meeting was adjourned and turned over to Mayor Mertensotto for a joint City Council/Park and Recreation Commission meeting regarding discussion of the athletic complex. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Katz Recording Secretary PARK DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATED COSTS AND TAX IMPACTS Athletic Complex, Land $ 750,000 Improvements 866,731 Trails - $702,972 (186) 773 269 Parks 1100000 TOTAL $2,500,000 Straight 20 Year Issue @ 8% Mills $ 254,630 Annual Cost 1.81 Opr. Est, 75,000 Annual Cost .54 Old Park. Issue 52,000 (to 1992) .37 TOTAL $ 381,630 Mill Rate based on 1991 est. value $140 million 3.19 mills 2.72 Increase over existing mill rate 2.82 mills 2.35 ESTIMATED TAX EFFECT _ fiOMESTEADS 1987/88 Formula Sale Price $80,000 $12.5,000 $150,000 $200,000 Assessor's Mkt. Value @ 80% 64,000 100,000 120,000 160,000 Taxable Ass'd Value '87 Form 10,880 20,200 25,600 36,400 1988 Tax @ 93.48 Mills 1,017 1,888 2,393 3402 ❑omestead Credit (1989)* 528 576 576 ,576 Net Tax 489 1,312 1,817 2,826 City Share 171 $83.13 223.00 309.00 480.00 Est. Inc. 1991 ($140 million taxable value) 2.82 mills I ncluding operating 12.30 net 47.47 60.16 85.54 % of Total Tax Payable 2.5% 3.6% 3.3% 3.0% % of City Tax 14.8% 21.3% 19.5% 17.8% 1987 Mill Rates 1988 Mill Rates Change County 23.79 24.28 +51 City 16.80 16.1 School 48.87 49.0 +2.3% Metro 4.12 4_0 +1.9% 93.58 93.48 * Ilomestead Credit changes to 52% on first $68,000 market value effective 1989 ICES . madlr 1-27-88 * By issuing bonds in 2 series (1988 & 1999) the annual cost can be reduced to about $225,000 or.2 mills. Barton-Ascl►nian Associates, Inc. 1610 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454 MEMOIWOUM TO: city of Mendota Heights FRU4: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. WE: January 29, 1988 (Revised February 2, 1988) SURJECF: Mendota Heights Recreation Area (Riley Site) - Revised Site Plan and Cost Estimate b IL-JJL-V4G� Barton-Aschman has revised the Tandem Developrnent Corporation concept for the Etondota Heights Recreation Area (Riley site) based upon comments received on January 23, 1988, from the Citizens Advisory Group. ibis memorandum describes the concept revisions and factors pertaining to he cost esthiote. As tion ea has been requested, the development program for the recreaar reduced to include two softball fields, a baseball field, and two soccer fields. Each of the five fields include lighting and irrigation. The soft]),ill fields have been designed for 275-foot outfields with fence enclosure. `Ihe baseball field has 325-foot lines to the outfield with a center field dimension of 345 feet. Fencing and enclosed dugouts have been Provided as a part of this facility. Sodding has been limited to the softlall and baseball infields while all outfields and the soccer facilities would be seeded. The athletic field comfort building encloses 2,000 square feet to provide information, concession, rest room and storage facilities. A small "warming house," 12-feet by 20-feet, has been provided near the free skating area. F'arl:iira has been reduced to 120 hard surface spaces with curb and gutter. In addition, 80 overflow spaces are provided on an adjacent grassed surface and the entrance road. Parking capacity was based upon the following. A peal: operating event may involve the two softball fields and single baseball field operating at once. Based on this assumption, up to 24 players may be involved on each of the three fields. Parking for the players would be provided on a basis of one occupant per car or 72 parking spaces. In addition, we have provided for approximately 190 spectators with an oonrf>iut-to-vehicle ratio of 1.5:1. Any additional parking requirements such as those posed during a weekend softball tournament or similar multi - game event would have to be accommodated on adjacent streets. 0 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. other facilities provided by the concept include eight -foot bituminous trails for comnmity access to the recreation area, a small picnic shelter, a small play structure apparatus, moderate landscaping/signage and portable bleachers* abe concept was revised to cluster the two softball fields, basebll field and parking area in a cloverleaf layout. Soccer fields would be located immediately west of this cloverleaf. Where possible, lighting was accommodated on multiple fixture shared -use poles, thereby minimizing overall lighting costs. The revised concept provides the most efficient layout possible given the site's rigid design constraints. These constraints include I-494 right-of- way, abutting property edges, the combination pipeline/power line easement, site topography, site vegetation and proposed adjacent roadway. Minor revisions were made to the proposed adjacent roadway alignment to acccmmcdate the baseball field within the cloverleaf cluster. The attached table summarizes anticipated costs on a line -item by line -item basis with a 10 percent contingency. In addition, a consultant fee of approximately eight percent is required to provide design, engineering and periodic construction observation. This approach assumes that resident construction observation will be conducted by the City of Mendota }{eights engineering staffe flIW: l�o E I.1131DULA HUMPS I2F:CIZSATION AREA LAIDGET MST ESTIMATE (1/29/88,REV. 2/1/88;ASSOMFS 1989 CONSTRUCTION) BY: BARIiON-ASCBMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. UNIT I'TF19 ( UNIT QUANTITY PRICE COST CLEAR 7\111) GRUB 1/2 OF SITE AC. 16 31009VU 59200aOO M,V. 11 EXCAVATION C.Y. 40000 2.00 80000600 FINE GRADING, FERT, & SEEDING AC. 12 1500.00 18000.00 FINE GRADING, FERI', & SODDING 2 SOCCUVFOOTBALL FIELDS S.Y. 18000 2.00 36000.00 2 SOFFBAL,L, FIELDS S.Y. 14400 2.00 28800.00 1 BASEBALL FIELD S.Y. 11600 2.00 23200oOO 4" AG-1.,114E INFIEID 2 SOrFBALL FIELDS S.Y. 1300 3.50 4550.00 1 BASEBALL FIELD S.Y. 1000 3.50 3500mOO PARKING LOT & DRIVES'1AY I' SELECT GRANULAR BORROW C.Y. 2300 5.00 11500oOO 6" AGGREGATE BASE TON 1900 8.50 16150.00 WEAR COURSE MIXTURE (211) TON 600 15.00 9000000 BIT I4AT'L FOR WEAR,COURSE TON 36 240.00 8640.00 CURB & GUITER L.F. 1750 7.00 12250m00 12" RC PIPE SEWER CL 5 L.F. 8 20.00 160.00 15" RC PIPE SEWER CL 5 L.F. 80 22.50 1800000 CNPUl BASIN & CASTING EA. 2 1300oOO 2600.00 15" RC PIPE APRON EA. 1 275.00 275.00 Us 3 RIP -RAP COY, 2.9 50.00 145.00 CI, 3 GRANULAR F'IL`PER C.Y. 1.4 30.00 42.00 I1AVYI.101F MARKINGS L.S. 1 400.00 400.00 SOCCER FIELDS DIMNAGE 12" RC PIPE SEWER CL 5 L.F. 180 20.00 3600600 15" RC PIPE SEWER CL 5 L.F. 180 22.50 4050.00 cNiul BASIN & CASTING EA. 2 1300.00 2600900 UTILITIES TO BUILDING 2" COPPER WATER ISNE L.F. 300 10.00 3000900 4" PVC SANITARY LINE L.F. 300 10.00 3000.00 8' BII"4111OUS TRAIL L.F. 2200 7.00 15400.00 DOU I I14F171' SOF FBAI iL BACYSPOP EA. 2 2100.00 4200.00 IASEBAI JL BACK.S'1lOP EA. 1 2600 o OO 2600 o OO FDUjtlWJI /SOCCFR GOALLOSTS EA. 4 1600900 6400mOO N,SORIFD BrIMIES EA. 10 500.00 5000oOO BA.SERM I, DUGOUTS EA. 2 3000.00 6000.00 CHAIN-1.II1K MICE (4' AIG11) AROUND I ly6ERAIL FIELD L.F. 1300 5.00 6500wOO AROUND 2 SOFFBALL FIELDS L.F. 2200 5.00 11000000 GAFFS EA. 6 100.00 600.00 LIGIf1'ING SOPIIIAIJh/BASF.BA11 COMPLEX L.S. 1 110000000 110000000 SOCCER FIELD - 2 FIELDS L.S. 1 80000000 80000600 PARI:ING LOT L.S. 1 7500oOO 7500aOO FREE SFA'I'ING AREA L.S. 1 13000.00 13000600 WIMIXF 14JIIDING S.F. 2000 45.00 90000.00 VW14111G HOUSE S.F. 240 25.00 6000.00 PICIIIC SIIEUFER EA. 1 15000.00 15000w00 PLAYGROUt1D AREA EA. 1 15000m00 15000oOO BLEAUIFTL_) (500 CAPACITY) L.S. 1 16500.00 16500oOO LANLY,CAF'It1G/SIUlAGE L.S. 1 3000OoOO 30000.00 FIELD IKRIGIPI'lON (ALL FIELDS) L.S. 1 40000.00 40000.00 SUBIOTAL 813162.00 10% CONTINGENCIES 81316.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 894478.00 R?-. I7P;RIC112 TtIG AND CONSTRICTION OBSERVATION COSTS _71558.00_ `TOTAL COST 966036.00 I i i I III I i a a a w 9 u e z IR m f 1;� Barton-Aschtnan Associates, Inc. 1610 Sm1li Sixth Slreel Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454 Febn�ary 2, 19II8 Mr. Kevin 1'razel l City of t4erlota heights 750 South Plaza Drive city Ball mmdota Ileights, 1414 55120 pear Kevin: This letter summarizes a variety of items in refererJce to the upcomilxl park bond issue. T}{ 110/T71 149 Trail Crossing We have conducted a cursory analysis of pedestrian bridge or tunnel crossirrls of '111 149 and 'Ii{ 110. Four alternatives were reviewed which include a diagomil bridge crossing at the trunk highways intersection, a diag(Alat Unmel at the trunk highway's intersection, individual bridge crosC;h is at `ltl 149 and fill 110, and individual tunnel crossings at 111 149 and '111 lio. 'lbe following ecmmients are offered on these alternatives. A. A diaggnalt�ridge crossing the trunk highways intersection would most likely be prohibited due to the visibility problems which the bridge's structure would cause for the intersection's traffic signals. Amore in-depth analysis would be appropriate to determine oncoming traffic visibility of the traffic signals and any inherent safety problems. 11nDur should be consulted to solicit their views on this concept. B. Construction of a diagonal tunnel underneath the trunk highways intersection would be difficult, at best. A variety of utilities currently exist beneath the intersection which would pose constraints for the tunnel. These obstacles include traffic signal footings, electrical cocxluit, traffic signal wiring, the drainage structure for the creek and other public or private utilities. This concept is not viable based upon these factors. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. rebtuany 2, 1908 Page 2 C. 'ihis alternative involves providing a bridge providing east -west ver III 149 at the intersection's south legr ge oriented nortJrsoutlr over 111 110, west of tine intersection. Cost range for the 111 149 bridge would be $85,000 to $90,000 based "poll an a -foot - wide concrete or steel prefabricated structure. '111e 111 110 bridge would cost between $145,000 to $155,000, again based upon 8-fo0t-wide prelabric:ated steel or concrete structure. U. Ilse tunnel altennative assumes providing a 10-foot-high by 10400t-wide advert running east -west below 111 149 and north -south under both lanes of III llo. 'Itne '111 149 twuiel would be approximately 80 linear feet and rmrje l would be hn cost from $90,000 to $100,00 n a 71In 91o1 110 rom $145 000 to approximately 120 linear feet and rang These ury irect pcefal)ricatedconcrete ncosts based are structuremid thecost estimatesdIncludebany roadway repair or traffic diversions necessary for construction. Ihe aixrve costs do not include design and engineering wlllch would be approxincitely eight percent. Additional analysis should be contpleted to determine mre exact costs and engineering feasibility. Drochure Modifications As we discvnssed, it would be most prudent for the City of Mendota lielylits revise the or one of lt's citizen volunteers to provide text, as necessary, to previou,ly prelkired bond' issue brochure. Barton-Asclun<an can provide a yr,ali�ic layout of tine brodwre with type revisions anti graphic revisions for at,llAll nlaymvitely $750. 'lilts amownt includes typeset charges ccmm�ensurate with the city's text revisions, a graphic revision for the alliletic cxmVlex mid coonihvatlon with tine print house. 'Ihe cost for brochure printing will be billed directly to the City of Mendota sleights. Illustrative Graphics il<arton-A,chman can assist the City of Mendota sleights in preparing additional panel graphics which could be used at public meetings or nieiyldxnhood sessions. one rendered graphic would be prepared illustrating the recreation area concept and a second panel illustratjnxj a typical Ile i(Ihix)nhaxl mxl tkark int)rovement. Cost for these two colored remlered yratditc, would be approximately $500o Engineering and construction observation Fees Engineering and construction observation fees for detail design are typically based upon a percent of the total construction cost. Inn general, use con,ultirg fee, as a percent of construction, decreases as tine project's construction cost increases. For exangple, a $700,000 constniction value would have a design fee of 8 percent, a $1 million job would have a 7.5 L3arton AscIIIIta11 Associates, Inc. f'ebtuary 2, 1908 Page 7 t,rx:PAtt fee and a $1.5 million construction value would have a 7.25 percent fee, construction value is defined as tefit�ia Ue t elpfulction �for yout to ich n n the cc,ntt.fIctor is paid, lltese percentages include detail detctminitri anticipated consultant feese lbe percentages design retvices and periodic construction observation. Soil studies and other studies, if required, are over and above this amount. 1'lear,e contact me if you require any additional information regarding the recreation area or other bond issue questions. sitx.ctely yours, IVUZ1Ut1—n';c]Q1Nd A.sSOCIAIES, INC. IsirryS• Warner PrincitVti Associate 11JW: Yso 1 �_ - .,7x�a�c^�s7":TTr.�` �. •c.�rrt.i ..,.�.. c;. ...... __- - •y;n.,. _ +�.-:.��. 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