1986-04-08 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA APRIL 8, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes, March 11, 1986. 4. Spring Recreation Report - Selander. 5. Report of Council/Staff/Commission Teambuilding Workshop - Doffing. 6. Discussion with Tandem Corporation of Neighborhood Park Needs for Copperfield Phase II Development.* 7. Further Discussion of the Park Study. 8. Status of Wachtler Property. 9. Council Representative. 10. Old Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjourn. * In preparation for this item, please read Barton-Aschman memo of January 17, 1986, on subject: Southeast Area Park Needs Analysis. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: 454-8100 April 1 984 Vol. 7 No. 1 THE LONE OAK TREE._THESVMROL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY CITY COUNCIL SETS PARKS BOND REFERENDUM A special election for a parks bond refer- endum has been set for May 22 by the Eagan City Council. This action was taken by the Council after much input from residents and many public meet- ings and hearings. On March 22, after reviewing the specific recommenda- tions of the Advisory Parks and Recrea- tionCommission and of a special Citizens Task Force, the Councll set the bond referendum amount and date. In recommending the two part bond ref- erendum, the Task Force and Commis- sion's report stated that Eagan parks are "inadequate". The Task Force cited the continuing growth of the community and overcrowding of existing park facilities, the need to provide play facilities for the City's youth, and that development of City parks is long overdue: Part I of the two part bond referendum question would provide basic develop- ment for neighborhood and community parks to meet 1984/1985 need levels. Part II of the referendum question would provide additional funding to secure and meet future park needs. Additional in- formation regarding the bond referen- dum is contained in this special news- letter edition. Every Eagan resident is urged to study the park bond referendum proposal and to vote on May 22. Voting precincts and locations remain the same as in the last election. If you have questions regarding where to vote or how to register, call the Eagan Municipal Center at 454-8100. INSIDE Referendum Planning Process .... 2 Sample Ballot ...................... 3 Cost to the Taxpayer .............. 3 What You Should Know............ 4 Park MaP.......................... 5 Questions and Answers ........... 6 This special issue of the Eagan City Newsletter is authorized by the Eagan City Council and prepared through the office of the City Administrator in order to supply residents of Eagan with information regarding the up- coming park bond referendum. INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS TO BE HELD The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission is hosting a series of public informational meetings regard- ing the proposed bond issue. These meetings will be held at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. Saturday, May 5, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 9, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 10, 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions or if an organization or group would like in- formation about the proposed parks bond referendum, please attend an informational meeting or contact the Eagan Parks and Recreation Depart- ment at the Municipal Center - 454- 8100. YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Yesterday: The Eagan Park System began years ago when Eagan was. still just a township. In 1971 a successful referendum made it possible to acquire and develop several park sites. With the adoption by the CityCouncil of a dedica- tionordinance in 1974, the City required residential developers to provide land for future development as a park. Today: The park system has grown to 33 park sites. Unfortunately the majority of these sites remain undeveloped. With the growth of the community, the demand for park facilities has grown dramatically overthe past several years. A decision on how to meet today's needs and the future of the parks system is now being con- sidered. Parks are an important part of a well - planned city. The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission undertook an extensive study of the park system. The study included many neighborhood meet- ings and public hearings. Serious short- comings inproviding developed parksas well as athletic facilities were pointed out. Tomorrow: The proposed parks bond referendum will provide funding to de- velopneighborhood and community park facilities which cannot be completed by any other means. Development of exist- ing sites for neighborhood use, athletic groups and family usage was deter- mined to be important by the systems plan study. Eagan now has the op- portunity to develop a park system for present and future usage by the resi- dents of Eagan. 1 (� /Q 1 j .� `��'4��"n�...'�.�/t1/K✓ "'sal i 1,w .,", _,-.44 "Shall the City of West Saint Paul be authorized to issue its fully registered general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $895,000 to defray the expense of the acquisition and betterment of parks and recreational facilities within the City?" IIIv WARD I YES NO TOTCAjL� %VOTER TURN -OUT Precinct 1 r _�� ,in Precinct 2ell�V Precinct 3 \ TOTAL WARD II Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 well .mow j TOTAL � u r se Y lee Ile r7 D O / 7 Lt � t93 �r PREPARATION SCHEDULE WLPITWORTH/OAKDALE PLAYFIELD BOND ISSUE 2u I=I<3rch CITY COUNCIL ,'iEE'PING 1 « Approve Spe,:ial Flec t.ion Date 26 Approve Bond Issue Amount 3. Authorize Negotiation for Property Purchase 4. Authorize Preparation of Topographic Map of Purchase Property 5. Authorize Second Phase LAWCON/LCMR Grant Application f4��7�rriz2, li�r;�rJ t�r,>r( ATGrrriz,� 11 A�oril PARK COPLIITTEE t•1i�"PIi7G 1, Final :.pproval of Bond Issue Package: Park Development Concept, Preliminary Grading Plan, Park Cost Data, Bonding Data, and Land Appraisal 2. Approve Brochure Final Draft 13 April BOND ISSUE PUBLIC II"isTIPdG 1D April PARI. CO;L"7STTEE I�PING 1, 3rieficz� on Group Presenta-;ions ?_, A_ pro re PaNsyap>_r Ad Final Draft 19 April thru GROUP Ft.ESENTt'.TIOiIS by Park Coaesit'tee and Volunteers 18 ilay Tay PAItf CO?NI'i";?EE TiEDPING Review of Pro,^notion ay tb�u "rT^iST.'dP;. 'tDS vz Loc�:c ii:.,rspaper:: 11 May BROCHURE PiAILING ?_ i & 22 Tray ^lELEPdOtE CA?9PAIGNS L'y Park Cc:;:mitte= and Volunteers 22 Y•i� SPECIAL EI,�TION 3-21-34 EJA: Crouch Consultants 5-21-34 Approved by 4!ect St. Paul .°ark and RPcreatior� Advi:o�-,y Cor•mittee let WEST SAI NT PAU L MUNICIPAL CENTER ■ 1616 HUMBOLDT AVE, ■ WEST SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55118 PHONE: 455.9671 EMERGENCY: 455-9681 The City of West St. Paul Parks and P.ecreation Advisory Committee will host a public meeting to discuss the proposed development and upcoming bond issue .for the proposed Oakdale/ Wentworth Sports complex on Wednesday, April 18th at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. All citizens are encouraged to attend and offer their input. "WEST SAINT PAUL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMUNITY" April 14, 1984 Letter To Editor I am writing this letter to commend and offer m to the West St. Paul City Council in their planning Oakdale/Wentworth Sports Complex. It is my opinion time resident of West St. Paul this facility is very for the advancement of youth and adult athletics. T has set Tuesday, May 22nd as a special election date y support of the new as a long needed much he City Council allow to the voters a say in the decision to acquire the necessary property each and every resident to go to your polling place and vote yes to see this plan become reality. Sincerely, /f6Ut Ray H 11, Park Board Chairman 1207 S. Smith TV. St. Paul, MN 55118 Quality Programs Exist with Quality Facilities To The Editor: Being directly involved with our adult softball and youth baseball programs in W. St. Paul, I have a real strong feeling for the new sports complex that is being proposed in this town. We have worked very hard to upgrade our programs in the last 15 years. Without the help of our park crew, we would have no chance of becoming a class program at all. Athletics at any age level are a chain reaction of events that produce the standards by which we grade our programs. It all starts with good fields. Good fields lead to good playing conditions. Good playing conditions lead to good execution. Good execution leads to good feelings. Good feelings lead to good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship leads to good participation. Good participation leads to good crowds. Good crowds lead to fun for all. Now isn't that what we would all like to have in our town? One weak link in the chain can cause everything we have to turn sour. Our park crew does wonders with what they have, but they can only do so much. Please give everyone the chance to achieve quality programs in W. St. Paul. Vote yes on May 22, for our new sports complex. Sincerely, Howie Corty WEST SAINT PAU L MUNICIPAL CENTER ■ 1616 HUMBOLDT AVE. ■ WEST SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55118 ADMINISTRATION PHONE: 455-9677 EMERGENCY: 455-9681 D4ay 10, 1984 T0: Softball Team Managers FROM: Director of Parks and Recreation The City of West St. Paul and myself need your help and support. We are planning the construction of a new 20 acre sports complex at Oakdale and Wentworth Ave. Within the complex we propose to build three lighted softball fields and two full size soccer fields as well as a horseshoe court complex, bathroom, picnic area, playground and a 200 car parking lot. To be able to build this facility we need money, the only way to obtain these needed funds is through a bond issue election. The City Council has approved holding this special election Tuesday, May 22nd, 1984 in the amount of $895,000.00. This is where you come in, we need you to help promote this election in a positive manner by contacting members of your ballteam as well as friends and family and encourage them to vote yes on May 22nd. This new complex will certainly enhance, enlarge and improve softball in West St. Paul. Attached you will find supporting information to answer questions pertaining to the bond issue and construction. Please feel free to call me if you have any additional auestions. Remember this can only be successful with you and your team-mates support by voting yes. Thank you for your consideration and help. Sincerely, � ezvle� a Bill Kleineck, Recreation Director City of W. St. Paul 'WEST SAINT PAUL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMUNITY" WENTWORTH/OAKDALE RECREATION AREA Group Presentation Outline Corresponding Presentation Board # 1 & 2 I. Park Plan A. Location: Wentworth Av., Oakdale Av., & Lafayette Freeway Be Project: 1. Purchase 8 additional acres; Total 20 acre site 2. Develop with listed facilities 3. Lights - fields, parking, and horseshoe courts 4. Fencing around ballfields 5. Irrigation system C. Users: 1. Organized sports a. Youth baseball, soccer, and football programs b. Girls softball program c. Adult slow and fast pitch softball programs d. Adult soccer league e. Men's and Senior Citizen's horseshoe leagues 2. Family uses a. Picnic area b. Trails c. Pleasure skating in winter D. Anticipated maintenance program 1. Maintained by parkkeepers on a daily basis 2. Staffed by part time personnel during scheduled use 3. Re,gular policing by police �� j II. Bac3cground A. Present Park Sys+,em 1. 11 Parks 2. 118 Acres 3. Use of public & private school facilities 4. Recreation programs for every age group Be Need for Parks 1. 1969 Park Bond Issue developed most of present parks 2. Recently,. City's recreation programs have mushroomed. a. Since 1969, park development has been minimal b. Increasing pressure on existing park facilities 3. Park & Recreation Advisory Committee and City Staff agree: NOW IS THE TIME TO EXPAND OUR PARX SYSTEM C. Comparison: West St. Paul & other Twin Cities suburbs 1. Cities similar in size, age, & location near central city 2. West St. Paul is on the low end in park acreage & facilities Group Presentation Outline - page 2 Corresponding Presentation Board i4 4 III. on Issue A. Special Election May 22 - at your regular polling place Be Question Reads: Shall the City of West St. Paul be authorized to issue its fully registered general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed t 695,000 to defray the expense of the acquisition and betterment of parks and recreational facilities within the City? c. cost: $ eg5,000 1. Money used primarily for acquisition and development of Wentworth/Oakdale Recreation Area 2. Minimal impact to each homeowner a. Examples shown of tax increases for homeowners b. Assessed value is around 85% of selling price of each home C. Rates for senior citizens are calculated on a different scale d. THESE ARE EXAMPLES. ONLY D. Questions: 1. Call West St. Paul Park & Recreation Department - 455-9671 2. Call any member of Park & Recreation Advisory Committee SPECIAL CITY ELECTION City ea St. Paul West 54. Paul, Minnesota Tuesday, May 22, 1989 To vote for the question, put an (X) in the square opposite the word "YES" at the left of the question. To vote against the question, put an (X) in the square opposite the word "NO". SPECIAL BAND REFERENDUM ❑"SHALL THE CITY OF WEST SAINT YES PAUL BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE ITS FULLY REGISTERED GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $895,000 TO DEFRAY THE EX - a PENSE OF THE ACQUISITION AND N 0 ATIONAL BETTERMENT FACILITIESS WITHIN RKS AND E THE CITYF3