1984-01-24 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL/PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION JOINT MEETING, JANUARY 24, 1984 7:30 O'clock P.M., Engineering Conference Room 1. Roll Call. 2. Adopt Agenda. 3. Introductory remarks by Sim Stein, Park Commission Chairman regarding development of bike trail system. 4. Staff presentation of proposal - Director of Public Works Jim Danielson. a. Proposed 1984 trail development project. b. Relationship to City and County long-range plan. c. Cost estimates. d. Potential funding sources and cost sharing - Mn/DOT grant, County Trail Program, City Parks Improvement Fund. 5. Council/Commission discussion of park development priorities. 6. Consideration of Council action to: a. Authorize grant application to Mn/DOT. b. Request Dakota County endorsement and cost participation. c. Authorization for feasibility study of Lexington Avenue section. 7. Adjourn.