1983-01-11 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1983 7:30 O'clock P.M. 1. Call to Order and Roll Call. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes. 3. Maintenance Report - Literski. 4. Recreation Report - Selander. 5. Valley Park Beaver Problem - Bayless. 6. Park -Related Ordinance Review - Stein. 7. Establishment of Trails Committee - Bayless. 8. Establishment of Commission Calendar - Bayless. 9. Other Old Business. 10. New Business. 11. Adjourn. Administrative Offices CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS January 6, 1983 Dear Fellow Commissioners: As your Chairman, I have become increasingly concerned over the past several months about a growing lack of interest and activity by all members of the Park and Recreation Commission. I suspect some of it is apathy due to a lack of issues, no large on -going projects, no new frontiers to cross, etc., and I am just as guilty as the rest of you from that standpoint. I feel that as a group we can overcome the apathy problem, but I'm concerned that the problem is deeper than that. Each of us is a volunteer, I realize, but when we volunteered, we accepted an obligation and I think we all need to take that obligation more seriously and honor it. One aspect of that obligation is to attend and participate in the monthly meetings of the Commission. I realize that sometimes illness, business, or family obligations do take precedence and those absences are certainly excusable. However, this year, on a number of occasions, I was unable to get a quoroum and the excuse most frequently heard was "I've got something else scheduled". In the majority of the cases, the "something else" (parties, political meetings, ballgames, etc.) were not things which I feel should have taken precedence over the meeting obligation. I feel that a similar thing is true concerning attendance at City Council meetings. That attendance is a very important communication path to the Council and has improved our rapport with both the Council and City staff tremendously. Again, that's an action which you volunteered for which becomes an obligation. Finally, when you accept one of the Commission's executive posts or other voluntary appointments, you again are accepting an obligation. The functions performed by the Chairman, Vice -Chairman, and Secretary are vital to our oper- ation. We need to have those duties carried out properly. We are about to begin a new year and I'd like to urge each one of you to mark each of the meeting dates on your appointment calendar to preclude schedul- ing other things on those nights. When you volunteer to attend Council meetings, mark them up as well and then be sure you attend. Finally, if you accept one of the Commission's executive posts, fulfill those attendant obligations as well. We have an opportunity to start afresh and do the best job we can for the City. 2 hope each one of you will give this some thought, rededicate yourselves, and be ready to launch into a new year. However, if you cannot in good conscience accept the obligation of the position, then I would ask that you turn in your resignation to Mayor Lockwood. 750 South Plaza Drive • Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 • 4524850 Fellow Commission Members January 6, 1983 Page Two Thank -you for the opportunity to express my feelings and 2 hope that I will see all of you at the meeting Tuesday night. Sincerely, Tom Bayless, Chairman Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission TB:madlr CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA OCTOBER 12, 1982 7:30 O'clock P.M. 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call, 3. Approval of Minutes, August 10, 1982. 4. Maintenance Report - Literski. 5. Recreation Report - Selander. 6. Parks Ordinance Review - Stein. 7. Beaver Damage in Valley Park - Bayless. 8. NSP Brushing in Valley Park - Bayless. 9. Birch Agreement - Bayless. 10. Trails Committee - Doffing. 11. Clean -Up Day - Bayless. 12. Flooding of Hockey Rinks - Bayless. 13. November Meeting. 14. Council Meeting Coverage. 15. Adjourn.