1981-12-04 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO T0: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Orvil J. Johnson City Administrator SUBJECT: Trails Plan December 4, 1981 At the City Council meeting held December lst, 1981, the Council spent a considerable amount of time discussing the Capital Improvements Program. This is a listing of all the various capital improvements and other capital expenditures that are expected to be financed over the next five years. The listing, of course, incudes such things as future thoroughfare streets, various fire department equip- ment and buildings, major sewer and water extensions and, not the least of which is park acquisition and development. Liz Witt expressed concern over some of the recreational plans. As you will note from the attached sheet, a number of rather expensive items were listed on the 5 year plan. This plan was prepared by staff, then presented to the Council for discussion and approval. After a considerable amount of discussion, the Council did approve the entire plan for all expenditures, which of course, included the attached items. This may lead you to believe that the Council would indeed plan to acquire the ISD �i197 took the site time in 1982. or effort Frankly, I to change on that think this is the intent, however, no one timetable. As part of the discussion, the matter of a trail system was discussed. As noted, staff indicated that this was an unresolved matter. In order to help the resolution of trails, the Council concurred with Liz Witt when she recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission update the 1974 t /-paw. plan. The City Council directed that you receive a copy of the old plan, asking you to review it and hopefully report back with an updated plan and one that will coordinate with both the County plans and City capabilities. If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact Liz or myself. enclosures C' Llv: LOWERV AA,KOTA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ".IIK'E i`'YGAARP Supervisor SCfI 111 u7 i r'e;; to r December 3, 1981 8500 1271h. Street East Fla stings, Minnesota 55033 612-437-6608 Mr. Ory Johnson, Administrator City of Mendota Heights 750 South Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Dear Orv, ; iVRRY (:ACHENDUR'' Rand r I am enclosing 20 copies each of the 1981-82 Winter Trail Maps for Lebanon Hills and Spring Lake Parks. These brochures show the cross country ski trails, snowmobile trails and other winter activity areas in the Dakota County Park System. They are available to the public at the bulletin boards in each park. You may wish to review the trail maps with your park committee for informational purposes. If you would like to have additional copies for any purpose, please let me know and I'll be happy to provide them. Sincerely yours, Barb Schmidt Assistant Director Dakota County Parks Department 00/D y 0rkVe e The City of Mendota Heights wishes to contract with an Urban Planning firm to support the City's Park and Recreation Commission in the planning of two (2) park areas. The first of these areas is the park contribution portion of the proposed Bream Lakeridge Addition PUD, hereinafter referred to as Lakeridge Park. The second area is the Minnesota Department of Transportation site north and east of the intersection of TH 110 and TH 149, which is the right-of-way for future re-routing of TH 149. This site will hereinafter be referred to as the TH 149 site. The City has specific plans to locate two (2) adult size softball fields with appropriate parking and other necessary facilities on the Lakeridge Park site. The TH 149 site would be made available to the City for use as parkland until TH 149 is re-routed, which now appears to be about 20 years hence. The City would like to make use of that site for athletic fields, namely adult size softball fields and/or soccer fields. As a side benefit, the City anticipates that the development of the TH 149 site will result in some beautification of the site, making it a credit to the City of Mendota Heights, rather than the eyesore which currently exists. The City of Mendota Heights, hereinafter referred to as the City, requests that interested firms submit a cost and technical proposal to accomplish the tasks delineated in Section A, the Statement of Work. The cost proposal shall contain a firm cost estimate for each statement of work item while the technical proposal shall describe how the work will be accomplished. Section B contains the guidelines for preparation of the requested proposals, evaluation and award criteria, and other terms and conditions of the resulting contract. In order to be considered, the proposals must be received by the City at the City Offices, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120, on or before the close of business (4:00 P.M.) on , 1981. SECTION A - STATEMENT OF WORK The following paragraphs delineate the tasks and subtasks which the City deems necessary to be accomplished to support the Park and Recreation Commissions planning process. If there are other tasks or subtasks which the bidder feels are necessary as part of that support, he should bid them as options to his basic bid and provide supporting rationale for those options in his technical proposal. Task I - Lakeridge Park Site Plan Basedupon site surveys, the developer's latest plat and a topographic plan of the site in question, the contractors shall prepare a site plan for the Lakeridge Park. The plan shall incorporate two (2) adult size softball fields, off-street parking, and rest room facilities. Planned parking shall not include the proposed Fire Station parking area, but the proposed Fire Station may be considered for rest room facilities. The overall plan should make the most efficient use of the space available, but should be aesthetically pleasing and should allow development at minimum cost to the City. Tradeoff studies should be done wherever feasible to be sure that maximum value for the City's dollar will be received. - 2 - A minimum of one alternative plan should be prepared by the contractor. Both the preferred and alternate plans shall be submitted to the City for selection of a site plan. The City will respond in thirty (30) days or less afterreceiptwith an approved selection so that the contractor may continue with the remaining tasks. The Citywill provide the necessary plat and topographic documents at the start of the contract. Sixteen copies of each site plan shall be submitted. Task II - Grading Plan for the Lakeridge Park Site Using the approved site plan developed under Task I, the contractor shall prepare a grading plan for preparation of the site. Two. copies and one reproducible copy of the grading plan shall be submitted. The grading shall insure a smooth, well drained surface for theballfields and shall provide for adequate drainage of the entire site. Drainage shall be into the ponding area and /or into the storm sewers of the development or onto TH 149. Care must be taken to insure that the proposed drainage scheme not infringe upon the Lakeridge development or the proposed fire station, nor cause any flood hazard thereto. Task III - Drainage Study for the Lakeridge Park Site In conjunction with the grading plan developed under Task II, the contractor shall perform and document a drainage study which delineates the runoff patterns, statistics covering runoff during normal and abnormal precipitation, and the impact on the ponding area during both wet and dry years. Two copies of the study and one reproducible copy shall be provided. Task IV - Development Plan for the Lakeridge Park Site The contractor shall prepare a development plan for the Lakeridge Park site. It shall detail all necessary steps which would be required to develop the park site. It shall include the scheduling of each activity, a description of each activity, the materials required for development (e.g., blacktop, crushed limerock, backstop, etc.), landscaping and all drawings and plans required to carry out the development. Two copies and one reproducible of this document shall be delivered. Task V - TH 149 Park Site Based upon site surveys and a topographic plan of the site, the contractor shall prepare a site plan for the TH 149 site. The contractor shall make his rec- ommendations as to the most efficient utilization of the site in accordance with the City's desires. Special attention should be paid to the potential hazard or interference of high tension lines crossing the site. The plan should allow development of the site at minimum cost to the City. Emphasis should be placed on the aesthetics of the site, especially where it abutts TH 110. A minimum of one alternative plan should be prepared by the contractor. Both the preferred and alternate plans shall be submitted to the City for selection of site plan. The City will respond within thirty (30) days after receipt with an approved selection so tht the contractor may continue with the remaining tasks. The City will provide the necessary topographic documents at the start of the contract. Sixteen copies of each site plan shall be submitted. 3 - Task VI - Grading Plan for the TH 149 Site Using the approved site plan, the contractor shall prepare a grading plan for preparation of the site. The grading shall insure a smooth, well drained surface for the approved usage of the site. Care must be taken to insure that the proposed drainage scheme does not infringe upon the surrounding privately owned land. Two copies and one reproducible copy of the grading plan shall be submitted. Task VII - Drainage Study for the TH 149 Site In conjunction with the grading plan developed under Task II, the contractor shall perform and document a drainage study which delineates the runoff patterns, statistics covering runoff during normal and abnormal precipitation, and the impact on surrounding property including the TH 110 right-of-way. Two copies and one reproducible of the study shall be submitted. Task VIII - Development Plan for the TH 149 Site The contractor shall prepare a development plan for the TH 149 site. It shall detail all necessary steps which would be required to develop the park site. It shall include the scheduling of each activity, a description of each activity, materials required for development (e.g., blacktop, crushed lime rock, backstop, soccer goals, etc.) landscaping, and all drawings and plans required to carry out the development. Two copies and one reproducible of this document shall be delivered. SECTION B - BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS I. Proposal Preparation Interested planning firms will be judged through an evaluation of their technical and cost proposals. This evaluation is delineated in paragraph 2 of Section B. This paragraph covers instructions for bidders preparation of their proposal. Section 1 of the Proposal shall encompass a description of the firm, its manage- ment, financial condition, credentials, and experience in the area of park planning. Section 2 of the Proposal shall cover the resources of the firm which can be brought to bear on this project. This section should include previous experience, documentation, and human resources. Section 3 of the Proposal shall contain a description of how the contractor intends to carry out the tasks delineated in the Statement of Work. Section 4 of the Proposal shall contain the schedule which the contractor proposes to perform to. Section 5 shall contain any optional tasks which the contractor wishes to propose and the supporting rationale justifying their need. Section 6 shall contain the contractor's firm price for each task delineated in the Statement of Work and for each option proposed in Section 5. Each task shall be priced separately. Rationale should be provided for each price detailing the reasoning behind the estimate. - 4 - II. Evaluation Criteria The Park and Recreation Commission of the City shall recommend a contractor to the City Council based upon an evaluation of the contractors proposals. Weighing of the evaluation shall be as follows: Section I 5� Section II 10% Section III 350 Section IV 10% Section V 5% Section VI 350 The members of the Commission shall rate each section of each proposal. That rating shall then be multiplied by the weighing factor. The sum of the weighted ratings for each proposal by each commission will be averaged. The proposal with the highest average score shall be recommended to the Council. III. Terms and Conditions July 28, 1981 nnennTnmTnnr PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION OPERATING STATEMENT AS OF 6-30-81 APPROPRIATION EXPENDITURE UNENCUMBERED Yr. to date BALANCE Salaries - regular $55,240.00 $27,437.72 $27,802.28 - overtime 300.00 95.26 204.74 - temporary 16,210000 7,159.50 91050,50 Rentals & Leases 1,100.00 1,194.41 -94.41 Telephone 1/500000 682.21 817.79 Electric Service 2,100.00 1,353.13 746.87 Gas Service 61300.00 2,924.51 31375.49 Professional Fees 600.00 -- 600.00 Labor Negotiations 300.00 50.00 250.00 Hospitalization Insurance 1,440.00 825.21 614.79 Disability & Life Ins. 400.00 209.49 190.51 Other Insurance -- -- -- Rubbish Service 200.00 51.34 148.66 Office Supplies 100.00 30.33 69.67 Operating Supplies 51300.00 21172,76 31127.24 Postage -- -- -- Gasoline & Oil 21200.00 1/681052 518.48 Equipment Repair 2,200.00 11170.70 11029.30 Building Maintenance 400.00 590.68 -190.68 Conferences & Schools 100.00 -- 100.00 Membership Dues 10.00 -- 10.00 Pera 3,560.00 11106.54 2,453.46 Fica 4,300.00 11638,51 2,661.49 Mileage & Auto Allowance 380.00 150.00 230.00 Street Maint. Material -- 454.27 -454.27 Water Readings 710.00 553.89 156.11 Recreation Programs -- -- -- Sundry 350.00 135.57 214.43 Tree Removal 41000,00 3.64 3,996.36 Reforestation 1,000.00 -- 11000.00 Total 110,300.00 51,671.19 58,625.81 8414 May 4, 1984 1. 80 L.F. 18 RCP @ 25 = $2,000 2. 2 EA 18" Aprons @ 250 = 500 3. 1 EA Catch Basis @ 800 = 800 4. 273 L_F. 8 Ft. Bituminous Path @ 6 = 11620 5. 1 Lump Sum Site Grading @ 1,000 = 11000 6. 29500 S.Y. Seed & Mulch @ 0.30 = 750 7. 200 C.Y. Topsoil Borrow @ 6.00 = 1,200 Be 20 EA 4 ft. spruce or whatever @50.00 = 1,000 9. 130 S.Y. Sod @ 1.00 = 130 $9,000 + 40% Eng. Cont. 3,600 $12,600 NAME CHAIRPERSON Elizabeth Witt Mike Williams Jerry Murphy Gerald Finn W. Gerald Lundeen Mary Mills Gary Gustafson madlr 12/27/78 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS ADDRESS APPOINTED EXPIRES 605 W. Marie 2/20/75 1/31/80 Home: 454-2657 2357 Rogers Avenue 12/20/77 1/31/79 Home: 454-2528 1416 Dodd Road 2/l/75 1/31/81 Home: 457-1583 1012 James Court 2/1/75 1/31/81 Home: 771-2774 2349 Apache 2/1/76 1/31/79 Home: 454-4179 1711 Lilac Lane 2/4/75 1/31/79 Home: 454-4026 1423 Cherry Hill Rd. 2/l/77 1/31/80 Home: 457-6594 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO T0: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: James E. Danielson Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Curley's Addition Bike Trail DISCUSSION May 4, 1984 After the City Council adopted Resolution No. 84-22 (attached) on April 17th, providing for the extension of the Mn/DOT bike trail through to the Curley Addition, I sent copies of that resolution and the proposed site plan to the abutting homeowners. Those homeowners were in support of the bike trail extension, but opposed the selling of the lot. They attended the May 1st Council meeting to try to convince the Council not to sell the lot. The Council explained that the sale was to finance the construction of the trail and also to relieve a maintenance headache for the Parks Department. The homeowners argued that they "deserved" a park in their neighborhood, even if it was only this small lot and that if the City would grade the lot smooth, they would mow and maintain it. The northerly homeowner, Mrs. Maple, also wanted the trail located in the center of the lot, so that it would be further away from her bedroom windows. Staff was ordered to prepare a new plan following the neighbors request and submit both plans (City staff s and neighbor's) to the Park and Recreation Commission for review. Plans and cost estimates are attached for your infor- mation. attachments JED:madlr cc: Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Maple Mr. Jankowski CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTION N0. 84-LZ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRAIL CONSTRUCTION AND SALE OF CITY PROPERTY WHEREAS, residents of the Curley'a Valley View Addition have requested that bicycle trail construction be completed through City -owned property known as Lot 10, Curley's Valley View Addition; and WHEREAS, Lot 10 was acquired by the City in 1975 with the intent that part of the property would ultimately be used to provide trail access to Roger's Lake Park; and WHEREAS, Lot 10 is a maintenance problem for the City and its present level of maintenance is not characteristic of the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be in the best interest of the City to retain that part of Lot 10 on which the trail would be located and to dispose of the balance of the property; and WHEREAS, that portion of Lot 10 which would remain after the trail right-of- way area is divided from the property would still meet City requirements for side and rear yard setbacks and the 45-foot front yard setback requirement established in the neighborhood; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that City staff be authorized to: 1. Prepare documents for completing the Mn/DOT construction of a bicycle trail through Lot 10, Curley's Valley View Addition; 2. Prepare the documents necessary to divide from Lot 10 a trail right-of-way to be retained by the City, and to file that document with Dakota County; 3. Deposit monies generated by the sale of the remaining portion of Lot 10 in the Special Park Fund ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, subsequent to completion of construction, Lot 10 will be offered for sale. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this .Seventeenth day of April, 1984. ATTEST: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS NAME ADDRESS APPOINTED (.nvLrrr.a ✓: Thomas Bayless 738 Navajo Lane 1-15-80 EXPIRES 1-31-82 454-5210 Gary Gustafson 1423 Cherry Hill Rd. 2-1-80 1-31-83 457-6594 Mike Williams 2357 Rogers Ave. 2-1-79 1-31-82 454-2528 Dorothy MCMonigal 703 - 2nd Avenue 2-1-80 1-31-83 457-1703 James Stein 1752 James Rd. 2-01-81 1-31-84 452-4113 n s�� Richard Abraham 2121 Delaware 2-1-81 1-31-84 454-3101 Mary Jeanne Schneeman 792 Upper Colonial Dr. 2-1-81 1-31-84 457-4337 RECREATION DIRECTOR: Dewey Selander 1280 Ottawa Avenue West St Paul 455-7112 2-19-81 madlr CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS NAME ADDRESS APPOINTED EXPIRES CHAIRPERSON: Mary Mills 1711 Lilac Lane 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-4026 James Stein 1752 James Road 2-1-80 1-31-81 Home: 452-4113 Thomas Bayless 738 Navajo Lane 2-1-80 1-31-82 Home: 454-5210 Mike Williams 2357 Rogers Avenue 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-2528 Gerald Finn 1012 James Court 2-1-78 1-31-81 Home: 771-2774 Gary Gustafson 1423 Cherry Hill Road 2-1-80 1-31-83 Home: 457-6594 Dorothy McMonigal 703 - 2nd Avenue 2-1-80 1-31-83 Home: 457-1703 madlr 2-20-80 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS NAME ADDRESS APPOINTED EXPIRES CHAIRPERSON Mary Mills 1711 Lilac Lane 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-4026 Gerald Lundeen 2349 Apache 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-4179 Mike Williams 2357 Rogers Avenue 2-1-79 1-31-82 Home: 454-2528 Jerry Murphy 1416 Dodd Road 2-1-78 1-31-81 Home: 457-1583 Gerald Finn 1012 James Court 2-1-78 1-31-81 Home: 771-2774 Gary Gustafson 1423 Cherry Hill Road 2-1-77 1-31-80 Home: 457-6594 Dorothy McMonigal 703 - 2nd Avenue 2-6-79 1-31-80 Home: 457-1703 madlr 12-6-79