1974-02-27 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Wednesday, February 27, 1974
A. Approval of Minutes -- January 24, 1974 meeting.
B. Selection of Officers -- 1. Chairperson
2. Vice Chairperson
3. Secretary
C. Reports.
1. Trails Committee -- a). Input to Marie Avenue Construction.
b). Other
2. Recreation -- a) Winter Recreation
b) Summer Recreation
3. Budget -- a) 1973 final report
b) 1974 report - to date
4. Maintenance -- Lawn mower acquisition
D. Park usage -- Rules and regulations thereof
(traffic, parties, camp -outs, etc.)
E. Park opening ceremonies.
F. Next meeting.
ORV: Here is a copy of a request for the Mend -Eagan Athletic Assoc. to use the baseball
fields for the summer. If this schedule meets the Village's approval, the Park Commission
should respond so that the Association can have a record of their okay.
2088 Theresa Avenue
Mendota Heights, Minnesota
January 24, 1974
Mr. Kevin Howe
1763 Lansford Lane
St. Paul, Minnesota 55118
Dear Kevin:
I am writing to you requesting the use of the below listed Mendota Heights
baseball fields for 1974 as we discussed on the phone January 21, 1974.
Field Days Hours
Lexington - 110 M,T,W,Th 6-8 p.m.
Ivy Falls M,T,W,Th 6-8 p.m.
Wentworth M,T,W,Th 6-8 p.m.
Friendly Hills M,T,W,Th 6-8 p.m.
We would begin using the fields on May 20 for practice with the season
starting June 3 and ending July 31. If the fields are oonVleted at Marie
and Interstate Valley, I would suggest they be made available for girls'
Please confirm my request at your convenience.
James D. Henderson, DVM
1974 Baseball Commissioner