1973-02-26 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda Packet.. + 1 - j. PARKS AND RECREATION CDmmISSIDN _� - AGENDA �- February 26, 1973 B:00 P.m. A. Approval of minutes 1. December 18, 1972 meeting 2. January 22, 1973 meeting Counu�/%7ibt� B. Appointments and re —appointments to Park Commission' Qn. /� — 1. Re —appointment -- Kevin Howe .3 yrs ����-3 fiD ��31/TG 2. Appointment -- Madelyn Shipman / y� ?���73 fo i�.7��75L Feb � � %/i�73 fo �s/�76 3. Rppointment -- W. Gerald Lundeen 3y.�s — C. Electicn of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary I far 1973 D. Recreation 1. Winter: Duration on -ice supervisien -- discussicn 2.. Summer; Preliminary discussion re: plans for E. Beckman, Yoder and Beay Contract --Council action and recommendation F. Land Acquisition 1. North Park Parcel 2. Wachtler Parcels 13 and 14 3. Lilydale Road Parcel G. 1973 Development I. Progress to date (Starr 2. Marie Avenue Park Neighborhood meeting (Finn 3. Othe r H. Trail System -- preliminary discussion re: plans and funding I. Next meeting r