1973-04-25 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketVILLAGE OE MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA April 25, 1973 8:00 P.M. A. Approval of Minutes -- April 2, 1973 Meeting B. 1973 Development -- Progress C. Recreation -- Lundeen/Quist D. Budget Review E. Trail Projects -- Meierotto E. Next Meeting. VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS mEmo April 23, 1.9'73 Tu Parks and Recreation Cnmm:iss.i.on EROm: Paul quilt, Administrative Intern These activities could be considered specialized enough for an area --wide program to be planned for them. Limited numbers of participants, limited area for operation and other factors dictate, a comprohensive program to be planned if these nctivit:i.es are to be considered in a summer recreation program, ao Sunday Village or roads,' Satt.�rday "rides" Possibly starting around at the Village Hall parking lot, a particular park, nr one of the shopping centers, "Ri.des" would vary in length from five to possibly Fifty miles, different lengths each week if numbers were great enough, a rider classification system could be implemented with two or three separate rides on a day. b, Neededpersonnel,. Ride" leader --- pus sibie volunteer, --_ Has planned ou: a mute through "good" areas, using li.mited-traffic roads to an optimum, co Either alternative is to have "non-or.ganizad" ride, with traffic controlled over limited amount of roadway, Bicyclists would come and go as they please, ime�, Minneapolis Park Systems. emo 2- April 23, 1973 2. Archery. a. Mr. John Larson Has at services For setting up on archery target range, helping organize a league or program and a F F e r a d help with obtaining instructors. b. Needs. 1.) Open field, clear oP trees and level, with suitable backstop. 2.) Financial -- excelsior bails hail supports c. Possible sites with access, parking, etc., l.) South of Marie on high school property. 24) Interstate Par.k? Other? 3. Hiking, nature trail, campinq (use of passive parks). a. General "use" of UiI.lage's undeveloped open space. Could i hpleirlent the "planned activities" mentioned in park development proposal,. --- pilot Knob, Illentworth, Rogers Lake (limited basis), IL.Jendly marsh. Possihle volunteer utork in "improving" undeveloped park e (,Pc i.f interest is there. Instruction in campiru and guides Per nature 'trail would be on a community volunteer basis. Again, questions of enough interest. b, Needed; l..) Personnel - coordinai;ing director to help schedule and keep programs organized„ -- II)ha't, are construction plans for summer? Non --developed areas in above -mentioned parks won''t have grading and cone'tr.uction work being done, program could be•implemented around construction work. IYlemo —:3— Apr.i1 23, 1973 4. "Young Olympics" -- a one or two day (weekend event held 'at one of the parks or school grounds. Includes an age classification in eventsy with competition in t.r.acl< (dis'tance, sprints, intermediate runs and field (brood jump; modified shot—put, high jump; etc. events. e. Personnel ---- to be run smoo'thly9 a moderate amount of "offi.c-ials" wi11 have to be in attendance° --- Starters (1� -- 7rar,k Officials�Timers (4--5) -- I-ie1d event officials (3-5� h. Possibly getting professional organizations to co --sponsor ovsnts and act as officials. 1J Sr�irar'ni RIo oo i j(c e ,u v( 1t, out oi' o) A(k o"I 1) Bicyclla.yl' Good txiic? hoc ,T) pro pr°Dmu lfhe:r„ r e; f "or° C nnj (; : (Uee 1 C (,t (, ( o t i. ;)o i_b 11 i t.e13 [I 3r) Gf'I si I s cx)ui T"-F:� i .HOB/? C1'I,i "'i r cite P`.y bIP(r, °: I'i f.`> lra C;on v ?7O' ;i"ri o 1 r`11.111 rl7 r)I,E Cor,+t.S? G1`I'7 ?'b{). n. ! 1 ,I ;d` n,�_6ef ,c,i, Ox`� d)U'6 °EGO iOi .(;r13 ' I,(Ct S)1814Sa J'OI Ally 1 rl i,ol I if w(I pP,' )P. Pij-, (rar,1., eed e;au(,1(.�c,v: S11'e"I =;7 c r t'r (,t °' tVll�� cc rxa�rt„ 8) L3ipp, hope, .I^A1hlt 4F� t� I , 'L<]4`'e U_S 1iry po sib1, -f:,^ Poo IP7 ;t'i"1,1 C;L1(71"!. `? J� ;,H. ;71,C .� Iaij,flr) .i.d}ir )_,�)Y� .>r�t't Sri ln;'➢ 1`iovl PJ11 t. �)0oT,) .El Piz, r10 •Pro r,) nrnC {,C) % o I d V1 1 rn wine (la s i ` ,pe(> t 1 C,, j)E?,3, i3 e fors ae?u i cs tc e,yingo 'anc y o u 11, �wYe.�)ili o.� frul) v i_dizc,l Gti)>i�ies ❑opt :)i(¢,r�1,�;ti RECEIVED APR 10 1973 April 6, 1973 T0: Joe Stefani1 Director, Mendota Heights Park Board FROM: Sandy Sclaure RE: Tennis Enclosed please find a copy with some information re the Twin City Tennis organization of which Jeff Azen is the .Area Director, and which organization provides tennis instructors for tennis instruction to•the various park boards in the Twin Cities. Mr. Azen said he bad talked with y him to me. �rou anyou referred a I met with Mr. Azen last Saturday, and I was quite impressed about he philosophy of teaching tennis, and I feel that they have good instructors on their staff. I told him that our tennis courts would not be finished until mid or late summer; I talked with Kevin re the status of the tennis court construction. If the Mendota Heights Park Board can obtain the use of either the courts at St. Thomas or at Sibley High School for an early summer instruction program before the outdoor courts are finished or if you are interested in a tennis instruction program for adults and/or youth for the latter part of the summer you can contact him. The charges for tennis lessons are as follows: $6.00 for Youth, $8.00 for Adults, and $10,00 for Teens. This is $1.00 per hour , so this would be broken down into 6 one hour lessons for Youth, 8 one hour lessons for Adults, etc. The organization is fairly new, but to date they are contracted to several of the park boards here in the Twin Cities. Their projection is to have a travelling league possibly next year. I thoughtyou might want to pass this information to the other members of the Park Board at the next meeting. I feel that there are many members of the Mendota Heights community that would be interested in this kind of a program. Ver�y/�itr/uly youFrSl, , San///dyla u e T61IJV Ci I I E S T7NNIS ell Azen m Area Director Phone; 588-7044 Twin Cities Tennis is a new and unique orginization, dedicated to the goal of providing the finest tennis instruction programs to the people of the Twin Cities area. By utilizing experienced supervisors, excellent instruction programs, and the finest instructor training program available, Twin Cities Tennis is able to attain this goal. Twin Cities Tennis makes it possible for recreation departments to provide the surrounding community with the finest, most complete tennis instruction programs in the Twin Cities area. Area Director Jeff Azen has beers active as a tennis player, instructor and tournament director for more than ten years, and is responsible for the planning, supervising, and evaluation of tennis instruction program established in recreation departments. Some of the advantages and services of contracting Twin Cities Tennis to provide tennis instruction programs are listed below: 1. Excellent, progressive, and quality tennis instruction programs, which include detailed lesson plans, student reading materials, and the unique instructor reference notebook for instant error analysis. 2. Twin Cities Tennis trains and certifies the finest tennis instructors in the area using an advanced, complete and effective instructor training program. 3. Twin Cities Tennis will assume all responsibility for the tennis instruction programs, and the certified tennis instructors which it selects, trains, certifies and supervises. 4. Twin Cities Tennis creates job opportunities for young men and women in the community. 5. An efficent tournament management consultant is available to instructors for Twin Cities Tennis. 6. Twin Cities Tennis offers the following services to those recreational departments contracting with Twin Cities Tennis: A. Greater participation through program improvement. B. Tennis program anaylsis and recommendations. C. Future tennis program growth and development.