2001-07-10 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
July 10, 2001
6:30 p.m. -Large Conference Room
Call to Order
3. June 12, 2001 Minutes
4. Mendota Elementary School Playground Equipment
5. Updates
• June Recreation Report (Available Tuesday)
• Hagstrom-King Tennis Court
• Police Report
6. Adjourn
Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available upon request at least 120 hours
in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights.
will make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not, however, be possible on short
notice. Please contact City Administration at (651) 452-1850 with requests.
JUNE 12, 2001
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer and Commissioners
Stan Linnell, Dave Libra, Larry Craighead, and Paul Portz. Commissioners Raymond
Morris and Jar Liberacki were excused from the meeting. City Staff present were
Recreation Programmer Mary Hapka, Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander and
Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Also present were resident Sten Gerfast of
1802 Valley Curve and Councilmember Jack Vitelli. Mr. Hollister took the minutes.
Mr. Sten Gerfast of 1802 Valley Curve asked Chair Spicer for permission to address the
Parks and Recreation Commission before Consultant Carolyn Krall arrived.
Chair Spicer granted Mr. Gerfast permission to address the Commission.
Mr. Gerfast identified himself as the co-chair of Mendota Heights Neighbors. Mr.
Gerfast presented the results of a survey taken of residents of Mendota Heights, Mr.
Gerfast said that the majority of the residents surveyed felt that the proposed Town
Center was too dense, and generated too much traffic. Mr. Gerfast added that he had read
the Parks and Recreation Commission's nine suggestions for the Town Center project
from their April 10, 2001 meeting and that the Parks Commission's thinking was very
much in line with his own. Mr. Gerfast said that in particular he agreed with the concept
of removing the center retail building and replacing it with a park. Mr. Gerfast also said
that the snow from the Town Center project could not be plowed and would actually have
to be removed, and that this would have to be paid for by a special assessment. Mr.
Gerfast also said that there was no provision for a playground for the children living in
this development, no adequate green space, and no provision for ambulance access.
Chair Spicer thanked Mr. Gerfast for his comments and suggested that other items on the
agenda be addressed before Carolyn Krall arrived to discuss the Town Center project.
• All nark signage, historical interpretive signage, etc. should be made of a material
more durable than wood such as stone. Nls. Krall said that the signage would be
made of stone or some equally durable material. Ms. Krall said that she was
currently planning for four "historical" markers and four "natural" markers. but
that this concept could change as the plans become more refined.
Keep the Gazebo shown in the plan with appropriate seating for concerts or other
events. Ideally the gazebo should be moved from its current planned location near
Highway 110 to the new center green area created by removing the center retail
building. Ms. Krall said that the gazebo could either stay at its current location or
be moved to a different location.
All four corners of the Dodd Road/I Iighwav 110 intersection should have
appropriate "landing pads" or pedestrian[bike waiting areas for people waiting for
the light to change. Ms. Kral] said that she had spoken with MnDOT on this issue
and that MnDOT agrees with this idea. Ms. Krall said that MnDOT may even
have funds available to help pay for this safety improvement.
Grants should be sought from Federal, State, County, and/or Metropolitan sources
to pay for amenities such as the tunnel and bridge recommended below, such as
"T-21 "/"ISTEA" money. Ms. Krall said that she is pursuing all possible avenues
for grants for all aspects of this project. Ms. Krall said that "T-21" grants are
intended for connections between trails, and that the tunnel under Dodd Road
would probably be a stronger candidate for a T-21 grant than the bridge over
Highway 110, although she would pursue T-21 grants for both.
• There should be a
bridge over Highway 110
linking the Town Center
to Mendota Plaza.
Ms. Krall
said that this possibility was under study.
• There should be a tunnel underneath Dodd Road linking the trails in Town Center
to the Valley at trail system. Ms. Krall said that this possibility was tinder
• The Town Center should provide good linkages to the City's bike and pedestrian
trail system and Qood trail access within the development itself. Ms. Krall said
that the Town Center would have both bike trail connections and extensive
sidewalks. Ms. Krall added that although not a part of the Town Center project, it
would be nice if ultimately a trail on the east side of Dodd Road could be
extended north to Marie Avenue.
• Remove roads from the project where they are not necessary to provide access to
the buildings. (The Commission felt that several of the buildings do not need
road access on all four sides as currently planned. Removing roads would provide
more green space.) Ms. Krall said that most of the buildings would need road
Commissioner Linnell seconded the motion.
Mr. Kullander reported that the Ivy Park Tennis Court was in bad need of repair, and
would cost about $30,000 to fix. Mr. Kullander said that the budget process was
beginning for 2002 and asked if the Parks Commission wanted to make a
recommendation to the Council that they fund the repair out of the General Fund for
The Commission felt that the sport of tennis was on the decline, that few people ever use
the City's tennis courts, and that $30,000 may not be a justifiable expenditure to repair a
facility that does not receive much use. The Commission asked Mr. Kullander to put a
sign on the fence of the tennis court asking anyone to call him if they want the tennis
court fixed and report back to the Commission in sixty days on the results.
Mr. Kullander asked if the Commission would be willing to expend $150 from the
Special Parks Fund to pay for the poles to mount the police department's crime watch
signs in the city parks.
Commissioner Libra moved to make this expenditure of $150 from the Specia] Parks
Fund for the sign poles.
Commissioner Linnell seconded the motion.
Commissioner Linnell asked for an update from Chair Spicer, Commissioner Craighead.
and Commissioner Portz on the Hockey Arena Task Force.
Chair Spicer said that the Task Force was strongly in favor of the hockey arena, but that
Saint Thomas Academy was only willing to contribute the land for the arena, and was not
willing to share in the expense of operating the arena.
Commissioner Craighead said that the Task Force had received very informative and
sobering testimony from the Eagan Athletic Director, who gave a realistic assessment of
July 6, 2001
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Mendota Elementary School Playground Equipment
At the Parks and Recreation Cormission meeting on May 8, 2001, Mr. Lenny Axelrod,
Mendota Elementary parent, Mr. Steve Goldade, Mendota Elementary Principal, and Mr.
Richard Gray of TKDA continued their discussion with the Commission regarding the
condition of playground equipment at Mendota Elementary School. Mr. Axelrod told the
Commission that Mendota Elementary had very old playground equipment and that he
was searching for various sources of funding to upgrade the equipment and create a
"learning center". Mr. Axelrod also told the Commission that he was also searching for
revenue sources among the school district, the state, and the parent PTA school
committee, as well as individual teachers and parents.
Chair Spicer told Mr. Axelrod that the City's own playground needs had to take priority
over assisting the school district with school playgrounds but that in concept he was not
adverse to providing assistance to Mendota Elementary for this playground equipment.
Chair Spicer added that in order to receive his support the equipment would need to meet
ADA standards, the City would have to be released from any potential liability, and the
City would not contribute more than one third of the cost of the equipment. Chair Spicer
also advised Mr. Axelrod that he could not speak for the Council and that the Council
would have to authorize any contribution to this effort. Chair Spicer asked Mr. Axelrod
to return to a future Commission meeting when he had a formal commitment from the
school district to contribute to the cost of the equipment.
Mr. Axelrod has submitted the attached update on his efforts for discussion with the
Parks Commission. Mr. Axelrod wishes to give a brief presentation to the Commission
and then answer questions.
Action Required
Discuss the attached letter with Mr. Axelrod. If the Commission wishes to recommend to
the Cotmcil that the City contribute to this project, they should keep in mind that any
contribution from the Special Parks Fund towards this project may displace or postpone
one of the City's own projects already scheduled on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
` L ,„ „a,K „rte
Mendota Heights Parks Commission
Mendota Heights City Hall
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55118
7uly 2, 2001
Dear Park Commissioners:
PHONE NO, : 6516886699
1979 Summit T ane • Mcndura f lcights, Minnu+ota • 5511 R • (651) 4052451
E-MAII.: oldade+(Nisd197.k12.mn.,i!. FAX, 651405 2891
Steven Gol lode, Principal
This ►otter updates you on the playground improvement.~ taking place at Mendota Elementary
School. Thank you for reviewing this letter and considering a contribution to our project.
The Mcndout Elementary Outdoor l..earning Center Task Force chose to purchase equipment
from EFA with sales assistance from Bill Bach and Tom Snook. We look forward to
incorporating some of our current playground structure with the new equipment and modifying
other existing pieces of equipment. The Mendota playground will be safe, modem, and fun.
Installation is scheduled for August of 2001.
In addition to the Mendota PTA, Independent School District 197 will be providing funds to
improve the playground. The School District will be spending a total of $8,000.00 to remove the
old equipment, provide more safety material (pea gravel) and resurface the blacktop adjacent to
the playground. These specific projects are important to die completion of the total playground.
Agpin, thank you for considering a wntributinn to the Mendota Elementary playground project if
there are any questions, plcayse contact us at 651-681 .2300I
Steven Got de
Principal, Mendota Elementary School
Ce: 7ohn L.ongtilt, Superintendent of Schools
Mark Fortnuw
S.D. 197 Director of Buildings and Grounds
DistrictOlficcs:1897i�c1awareAveuue MendotaHeiglns,MN 5,118 MzinSwitch6oanl.(GS1)G81-2300
FAX: (h5 Q 681.9102
Serving Eagan 9 Inver Grove IIeights • L;Iyd:dc • Meuduti • lv1cuduta Heights • Sunfish LAv • Wcst St. Paul
Jtlendota Heights
Park & Recreation Commission
June 18, 2001
Memo to: Park &Recreation Commission
From: Guy Kullander, Parks Project Manager
Subject: Request for Tennis Courts at Hagstrom-King Park
Today, I had a conversation with Ms Sara Pavek, 2471 Pond Circle East
(452-781 8) regarding the status of constructing tennis courts in Hagstrom-King
I informed her that the commission had presented a Five Year 2001-2005
Capital Improvement Plan to the City Council last fall and that construction of new
tennis courts was not included.
I further informed her that the commission had received no requests for
tennis courts in this park in a number of years. I suggested she write to the
commission or attend one of the regular monthly meetings.
Action Required:
None. This memo is for information only.
CN: 01001790 OFFENSE/INCIDENT: Info To Department
DATE: 06/07/2001 10:05:0 OFFICER: Convery, B 2230
LOCATION: Veterans Park
The Mayor of Mendota called to report a newer red Chevy Blazer was speeding up and down 2nd St. on the evening of the 4th or
5th of June. He also stated the vehicle drove through Veterans Park, damaging the grass and the sand area near the volleyball
net. He did not get a plate off the vehicle, however, later he saw a vehicle parked in the area that looked similar to the suspect
vehicle bearing MN he. EXB-034. He is unsure if this was the supect vehicle.
Nothing further at this time.
CN: 01001817 OFFENSE/INCIDENT: Theft
DATE: 06/07/2001 20:13:0 OFFICER: Flandrich, L 2229
LOCATION: Scenic Overlook
Vehicle window broken out. Personal property stolen.
...a: 01001819 OFFENSEIINCIDENT: Thefr
DATE: 06/07/2001 22:25:0 OFFICER: Flandrich, L 2229
LOCATION: Scenic Overlook
Vehicle window pried open with screwdriver. Purse taken.
DATE: 06/08/2001 15:41:0 OFFICER: Rosse, T 2237
LOCATION: Rogers Lake Park
On 06-08-2001 at 1541 hrs, I responded to the above location concerning kids hitting golf balls in the lake. On scene I spoke with
the parties regarding the complaint. Parties advised to go to range instead. Parties agreed and left scene.
CN: 01001827 OFFENSE/INCIDENT: Does at large
DATE: 06/09/2001 16:32:0 OFFICER: Rosse, T 2237
LOCATION: Rogers Lake Park
�n 06-09-2001 at 1632hrs, 1 responded to the above location concerning dogs at large. On scene I observed a party training [wo
dogs with a tennis ball in the lake. Dogs were extremely well behaved and were in no violation of the law.