2020-10-13 Park and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2020 The October meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. 1. Call to Order – Chair Steve Goldade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Steve Goldade, Commissioners: Pat Hinderscheid, Bob Klepperich, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Sherer and Amy Smith; Absent: Patrick Cotter. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence, Assistant City Administrator, Cheryl Jacobson and Public Works Director, Ryan Ruzek. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 4. Approval of Agenda Motion Klepperich/second Meyer, to approve the agenda AYES 6: NAYS 0 5.a Approval of Minutes from September 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Motion Hinderscheid/second Klepperich to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. AYES 6: NAYS 0 6. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda) None. 7. Acknowledgement of Reports Chair Goldade read the titles of the three updates (Par 3, Recreation, and Park Improvement Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions. 7.a Par 3 Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence briefly reviewed the 2020 August Financial Report. She reported that the course will remain open as long as it can, dependent upon weather. She stated that the crews have done a great job maintaining the course throughout the season and are preparing for the end of the season. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that it is known that there is an increase in play due to COVID-19 and asked if there has been thought put into how those new customers could be maintained in the future. Ms. Lawrence stated that golf courses nationwide have done well in 2020 according to trends. She stated that staff will continue to think about how those repeat customers could be gained. She stated that they have tried to improve the experience and focus on safety this year and will attempt additional marketing. She believed that many of the new golf customers would continue to play in 2021. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if there are any loyalty programs. Ms. Lawrence provided details on the punch card that is available. She stated that staff is also looking at the potential to provide a monthly golf news update via email. She noted that the price for golf at the course is pretty reasonable. She stated that this year staff were shifted from other departments to cover the golf course duties and their time was coded to their appropriate department. She explained that the clubhouse salaries would return as an expenditure in 2021. 7.b Recreation Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the superhero masquerade is not going to occur this year and instead a rec pack option is being offered. She stated that staff have begun planning for warming houses and skate season, noting that they are looking for the appropriate staffing for those elements. 7.c Parks Improvement Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence reported that an unofficial noise test was performed, and notification was provided for the proposed pickleball courts at Friendly Hills. She stated that the notification asked that residents concerned express those concerns to staff prior to tonight’s meeting or at the meeting. She stated that if there are no objections, she would like a recommendation from the Commission on going forward with the project. It was confirmed that there have been no comments related to the proposed improvement. Motion Klepperich/second Meyer to recommend moving forward on the improvement of the hockey rinks at Friendly Hills Park to create pickleball courts. Further discussion: Mary Melzarek, 717 Navajo Lane, commented that she is not against the improvement but does have some questions on the plan to make this area suitable for pickleball and the related improvements, such as tree removal. She referenced another improvement that occurred at the park and believed that there are additional trees that need to be planted in replacement of trees that were removed. She asked the potential for night play and whether the flood lights would be on year-round. Ms. Lawrence stated that the Marie Park hockey rink was painted with an epoxy covering to create a good surface, which will be the same process for Friendly Hills. She stated that the City currently does not utilize lighting for tennis or pickleball courts and she does not plan to utilize lighting to allow playing longer than sunset. Ms. Melzarek asked if any other sites were reviewed for the pickleball courts. Ms. Lawrence replied that the City has studied pickleball for the past three years and has reviewed several sites and options. She stated that Friendly Hills was chosen because of its location and the ability to provide another recreation option to residents at a lower cost because of the existing infrastructure. Commissioner Smith commented that there was an attempt to choose a site further from Marie Park, in order to offer pickleball to more residents. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he is not aware of outstanding tree planting that is scheduled for Marie Park. He noted that there are trees that cam be planted this fall and can recommend the location suggested by the resident. Commissioner Smith commented that she believes that some of those trees were replanted on the other side of the hockey rink when the replanting occurred. Chair Goldade explained that this option was also selected by the Commission because of the cost efficiency. He explained that there is a much higher cost to construct new pickleball courts compared to this resurfacing which will still provide a new recreation option in another area of the city. AYES 6: NAYS 0 8. New Business 8.a Park Bench Donation Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek provided details on the park bench donation program. Mendota Heights received a bench donation for 2020 from David Miller in memory of Pauline Dueber Wiesner. Mr. Miller has requested to place the bench at Victoria Highlands Park near the playground and Mr. Ruzek read the proposed language for the plaque. Motion Klepperich/second Smith to recommend that the City Council accept the bench donation from Mr. David Miller to be placed at Victoria Highlands Park. Further discussion: Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if the donation amount is still consistent with the actual cost. Mr. Ruzek replied that each site is different depending upon the earthwork but the purchase of the bench results in a 50/50 split between the City and resident donation. AYES 6: NAYS 0 8.b Valley Park Improvements Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that as part of the Marie Avenue rehabilitation, the Valley Park parking lot and basketball court went through the replacement process. A new sidewalk to the park was also installed. He provided an update on the status of the different improvements. He asked the Commission for input on the type of striping they would like to add. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if the four square and other striping is being used. Mr. Ruzek replied that he is unaware if that striping is used but noted that some children use those elements at schools. Commissioner Smith commented that type of striping was added at Friendly Hills, therefore it must still be used. Mr. Ruzek provided details on the dimensions of the court, noting that all the additional striping wou ld occur between the bridge and bollards. He also provided details on parking lot striping. He described the resurfacing process that occurred. Motion Meyer/second Smith to direct staff to complete basketball striping, hopscotch, and four square with staff choosing the best location for the basketball hoop. Further discussion: Commissioner Sherer asked if the markings would be completed this fall or in the spring. Mr. Ruzek replied that it would be done in the spring. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Mr. Ruzek provided additional details on the components of the Marie Avenue project. 9. New Business 9.a Field and Facility Use Policy Review Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence provided an overview of the Field and Facility Use Policy and its application during the 2020 season, including the impact of COVID-19 and preparation for 2021. Chair Goldade commented that it was his understanding that the issue of fees is the decision of the Council and not this group, therefore that should not be a part of tonight’s discussion. Ms. Lawrence said they could provide feedback or a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Smith referenced SALVO Soccer and their priority rating. She commented that MHAA higher does not provide a traveling soccer opportunity for Mendota Heights children and believes that those organizations should have at least the same priority ranking. Ms. Lawrence stated that prior to her employment with the City full-time, the users worked out the field use on their own and the City did not permit the use. She explained that the policy was then adopted, and the priority list was developed through a process that used criteria to determine the ranking. She stated that she could bring that request to the Council to review. She provided additional explanation on the priority ranking and the criteria for those priority groups. She commented that the criteria have not changed much since the 2018 plan. Commissioner Smith asked for details on the concession stand fee. Ms. Lawrence explained that the Council sets all of the different department fees and provided additional clarification. Commissioner Sherer asked if the fees are the same for the for different user groups. Ms. Lawrence provided clarification on the different fees for the different user groups. Commissioner Sherer recognized that this has been a different year with COVID-19. He commented that the parks and trails were heavily used this year as were fields once it was determined those facilities could be used. He provided examples of different user groups he noticed at the parks and facilities this year which were unique and placed higher demand on the City facilities. He stated that it is not always clear when a field is reserved or permitted and noted that it would be helpful to have a calendar on the website that shows permitted reservations. He also asked if there is a way to make the permit process easier, acknowledging that there are many user groups and moving pieces to manage. He asked if there could be flexibility on the three permitting deadlines, noting that registrations often run into May, so it is difficult to have the information prepared by the February deadline. Commissioner Meyer asked if the City Council has asked or considered reviewing this policy against the policies of neighboring communities. She asked if this process is more complicated than other cities. Ms. Lawrence stated that the decision for three seasons has been helpful for the user groups, but she would be open to changing the deadline or process. She stated that she is in contact with other cities and provided details on the policies, or lack thereof, in other neighboring communities. She stated that the Council reviewed the policies of other cities in 2018 and advised that she is part of the state association which discusses field use policies regularly and acknowledged that there is not a perfect policy. She stated that although she would like to share the calendar, the problem would be blanket permitting which provide residents with inaccurate data. She agreed that the priority should be given to users from Mendota Heights. Commissioner Sherer stated that blanket permitting can be helpful as there are game nights and practice nights, while some coaches choose not to hold practices. He suggested that for those practice nights, perhaps there is a caveat that if no one is on the field five minutes past the start time, the field is open for public use. Commissioner Smith asked how the user groups have been with providing schedules after reserving the field. Ms. Lawrence explained that communication ebbs and flows with the different user groups. She stated that there are times when she receives great communication and times when she does not receive communication. She stated that the City does not receive accurate game schedules. She stated that she would rather continue to reserve the fields on practice nights to prevent situations where multiple groups are trying to claim facilities unpermitted at one time. Chair Goldade suggested that this discussion continue the next month and between now and then each of the Commissioners should put more thought into the topic and provide suggestions next month as to how this could be improved. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that could be done. She commented that staff is also working to schedule a worksession related to parks and recreation activities with the City Council. 9.b Marie Park Playground RFP Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission established a playground work group that met with staff in order to develop criteria for the Marie Park Playground Remodel RFP. The majority of the current playground at Marie Park was built in 2005, although some pieces are existing and were not replaced in 2005. The cost of the playground remodel was $38,532. A standard for playgrounds has been 15 to 20 years of service. Commissioner Meyer referenced the features requested and believed the RFP should just say swings as she would not want to limit swing configurations. She stated that she would also want to say at least three slides and would not want to limit that to three as there are currently six slides at the park. She confirmed that there was a lot of discussion related to the shape of the container and would like to hear the input from staff on the grading and container shape. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek felt that the red line would be too close to the pond. He stated that he is unsure that map would be included in the RFP and would instead highlight a larger area where the playground could be without interfering with other uses and the pond. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that he spoke with a user of the park today that would really like to see monkey bars and perhaps that would be a nice feature. Commissioner Meyer commented that monkey bars are a good idea, but they did not want to include that as a feature that could limit the design. She noted that there are currently monkey bars at two parks in close proximity and therefore they did not want to limit the possible features as monkey bars use a lot of space. Commissioner Sherer referenced the installation date and suggested that read 2021. He commented that May 7th may be a little aggressive depending upon when frost leaves the ground. He stated that this is a very robust RFP, which is impressive. He stated that perhaps it should include a page limit. Motion Meyer/second Hinderscheid to recommend to the City Council the action to issue the RFP in order to advertise for bids for the replacement of the Marie Park Playground, with the changes discussed by the Commission. AYES 6: NAYS 0 9.c Skate Park Work Group Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence provided a list of members involved in the work group. She also commented that the group has met four times and is making great progress. Commissioner Klepperich stated that this has been an interesting experience and lesson in citizen involvement. He commented that he has been impressed with the make up of the group, the enthusiasm and what has been accomplished. He provided background information on the skate park. He believed that the work group meetings have been beneficial and noted that all members of the group equally participate, including the youth members. He stated that the biggest accomplishment thus far has been to develop expectations of users that can be shared via signage that will be presented to the Commission at the next meeting. He stated that they are currently reviewing other potential locations or whether improvements should be made to the current location. Commissioner Smith commented that she has also been impressed with the members of and input from the work group and the process is going well. Ms. Lawrence thanked Commissioners Smith and Klepperich for their participation in the work group. 10. Staff Announcements Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements: • Warming house and skating staff will be needed for the winter season, applicants can find the information on the City website or at City Hall • The golf course will remain open as long as it can based on the weather • Other events can be found on the city’s website 11. Student Representative Update None. 12. Commission Comments and Park Updates Commissioner Smith • The Friendly Hills soccer field and basketball hoop are well used. • Market Square Park is heavily used for outdoor eating. Commissioner Meyer • Marie Park is heavily used for pickleball • Victoria Highlands Park is in good shape Chair Goldade • A Mendota Heights Police Officer was recently playing basketball with children at Marie Park, which was a great example of proactive policing • Skating will occur at Wentworth Park, weather permitting • Movie night was a huge success at Mendakota Park Commissioner Hinderscheid • The donated park bench at the dog park is a great feature that was added, and the trees planted will eventually provide great shade • Users of the dog park are very complimentary of the park Commissioner Klepperich • Visited Mendakota Park and was impressed with the condition of the fields and the cleanliness of the park Commissioner Sherer • The parks continue to get great use with the warmer weather • Kensington Park is being well used and looks great • Hagstrom King was heavily used • Concern was expressed as to how low the hoops can be lowered and damage that could possibly occur 13. Adjourn Motion Klepperich/Second Meyer to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 PM AYES 6: NAYS 0 Minutes drafted by: Amanda Staple TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.