2004-07-13 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
JULY 13, 2004
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, July 13, 2004 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer and Commissioners
Raymond Morris, Dave Libra, Larry Craighead, Paul Portz, Missie Hickey.
Commissioner Stan Linnell arrived late. City Staff present were Parks Project Manager
Guy Kullander, Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister, and Recreation
Programmer Teresa Gangelhoff. Mr. Hollister took the minutes.
Commissioner Libra moved approval of the June 8, 2004 Parks and Recreation
Commission Minutes.
Commissioner Hickey seconded the motion.
Ms. Gangelhoff provided an update of planned events for the Fishing Derby scheduled
for Wednesday, July 14, 2004, Safety Camp, and other recreation activities planned for
Fall 2004,
Chair Spicer commended Ms. Gangelhoff on a successful summer and fall recreation
The following residents were present for this discussion
John Wallace
Highway 110
Bonnie Wallace
Highway 110
Susan Verduza
West Saint
Justin Herzog
Highway 110
Sue Herzog
Highway 110
Maureen Boland
Joe Henry
Kevin Boehmer
Evelyn Nohlers
Julie Shade
John Bukownski
Larry Mrozinski
Sue Mrozinski
Andrea Glewwe
Matt Glewwe
673 Highway I10
657 Highway 110
639 Highway 110
641 Highway I10
649 Highway 110
663 Highway 110
595 Highway 110
595 Highway 110
591 Highway 110
591 Highway 110
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights
Councilmember Ultan Duggan was also present.
Chair Spicer welcomed the representatives of Dakota County who were in attendance to
present information about the NURT trail.
Ms. Mary Jackson of the Dakota County Office of Planning presented an overview of the
NURT trail. Ms. Jackson said that the County is currently doing preliminary engineering
studies on Phase II. Ms. Jackson said that the County had already done extensive
planning and route selection in 1994/1995. Ms. Jackson said that the original goals of the
NURT trail were to connect regional trails in northern Dakota County and to link to local
activity generators.
Chair Spicer said that he would like to focus on the issue that the audience was most
interested in, whether the trail would be on the south side or the north side of the frontage
road. Chair Spicer asked Ms. Jackson why the County believed that the trail would be
safer on the north side of the frontage road than on the south side.
Ms. Jackson acknowledged that the south side of the frontage road as originally presented
to MnDOT was the preferred route on the 1996 trail plan. Ms. Jackson said that MnDOT
is concerned about a real or perceived hazard from placing pedestrians and bicyclists so
close to Highway 110 traffic. Ms. Jackson said that MnDOT is also concerned about
storm water issues if the trail is on the south side of the frontage road.
Chair Spicer said that if the trail were on the south side it would have a clear
unencumbered route. Chair Spicer said that if the trail were on the north side it would
encounter old trees, driveways, shrubs, and the possibility of a car backing up. Chair
Spicer said that he would argue that the north side of the frontage road would pose more
safety concerns than the south side of the frontage road. Chair Spicer added that it
appears from the maps provided to the Commission by Dakota County that if even the
Mendota Heights portion of the trail were placed south of the frontage road, it would still
be further from the highway than the new trail under construction in West Saint Paul.
Mr. Michael Fischer with Dakota County said that the County had met with MnDOT
about the issue and that MnDOT had raised the concerns about safety and drainage. Mr.
Fischer added that he and Ms. Jackson had met with residents living along the frontage
road on June 22 and that the neighbors had expressed a clear preference for the trail to be
on the south side of the frontage road. Mr. Fischer added that the neighbors also
expressed concerns about strangers, the safety of children, litter, dog residue and loss of
mature elm trees.
Mr. Fischer presented three scenarios for the alignment of the trail. The first option
showed the trail between the frontage road and the highway. The second option showed
the trail north of the frontage road. Mr. Fischer described the third option as a hybrid of
the two, with the trail partly north of the frontage road and partly south of the frontage
Chair Spicer then asked for comments from individual Commissioners.
Commissioner Craighead said that his biggest concern was safety.
Commissioner Portz agreed that the biggest concern is safety.
Commissioner Morris asked if the trail would be bituminous.
Mr. Fischer responded that it would be and eight foot wide bituminous pathway.
Commissioner Morris asked what the funding mechanism would be for long-term
Ms. Jackson said that she would have to check on that but that she believed that the City
would do routine maintenance of the trail and that the County would perform any
reconstruction or overlay when necessary.
Commissioner Morris asked how thick the trail would be.
Mr. Fischer said that it would be two inches thick on a six-inch gravel base.
Commissioner Morris echoed previous comments that safety is the biggest concern.
Commission Morris said that in his experience with the National Park Service, he has
observed that trails generally increase the value of residential property. Commissioner
Morris said that if he were a homeowner along the north side of Highway 110 he would
actually prefer putting the trail on the north side of the frontage road rather than having to
look at a guardrail. Commissioner Morris said that he could go with either Option 1 or
Option 2.
Commissioner Hickey asked who has responsibility for patrolling the trail.
Ms. Jackson said that the Dakota County Parks Patrol would patrol the trail.
Commissioner Libra said that he did not like Option 3, because bikers may choose not to
cross when the trail switches sides and that this could lead to safety concerns.
Commissioner Libra said that he preferred Option 1. Commissioner Libra said that a
guardrail is better than a fence. Commissioner Libra said that he preferred the trail on the
south side of the frontage road and that he would like it to be 10 feet wide instead of eight
feet wide in areas where there is more right-of-way.
The consultant said that MnDOT requires afour-foot gap from the edge of frontage road
bituminous to the start of a trail.
Commissioner Craighead asked what the guardrail would look like.
Mr. Fischer said that it would consist of 6" x 6" posts every 20 feet with metal guardrail
typically found along metro highways.
[Commissioner Linnell arrived at this point.]
Chair Spicer asked for a show of hands from the audience as to which side of the frontage
road they wanted the trail on.
The audience indicated unanimously that they preferred the trail on the south side of the
frontage road.
Chair Spicer asked for a motion of recommendation to the Council.
Commissioner Morris moved to recommend that the Council choose Alternative 1 to
place the trail between the frontage road and Highway 110, and that the trail should be
eight feet wide with a four foot gravel shoulder and a guardrail.
Commissioner Libra seconded the motion.
NAYS: I (Linnell)
Mr. Hollister informed the Commission that Ms. Olson had expressed her regrets that she
would not be able to appear this evening and that she planned to attend the August Parks
and Recreation Commission meeting.
Chair Spicer asked if anyone on the Commission had any questions about this item.
Commissioner Linnell asked about the removal of garlic mustard.
Mr. Kullander said that the only place in the City where garlic mustard has been recorded
is in Valley Park, and that the City does not have sufficient staff to actively search for
other areas where garlic mustard may be present.
Commissioner Linnell said that it would be good to remove the garlic mustard from the
sidelines of the Valley Park trail.
Chair Spicer complemented Mr. Kullander on the plan.
Mr. Kullander said that the plan contained a minor error, and that he would be changing
the request in next year's budget from $40,000 to $45,000 as the Commission requested
in June.
Mr. Kullander explained that at least half of the elements of park playground facilities
needed to be handicapped accessible for ADA compliance purposes.
Chair Spicer commented that the costs are lower than the estimates from Mr. Kullander
several months ago.
Commissioner Morris said that he might be changing the subject slightly, but that he
wanted to comment on now frequently the skateboard park is being used. Commissioner
Morris said that every time he visits the skateboard park there are at least three kids using
it. Commissioner Morris suggested that the Parks Commission look into adding one or
two more elements to the skate park. Commissioner Morris said that by contrast he
usually only sees one child using the play equipment.
Mr. Kullander said that if the Commission wished to add an element to the skate park, the
logical next piece would be a "half -pipe", which would cost $12,000 to $15,000. Mr.
Kullander said that he would include this item in next years Parks Capital Improvement
Plan to facilitate discussion and add this to the draft 2005 City Budget request.
Commissioner Portz suggested that the Commission take a tour of the playground
equipment of one of the parks so that Mr. Kullander could explain to them some of the
maintenance issues that require rehabilitation or replacement of the playground
Chair Spicer recommended that the Commission meet at a playground immediately
before convening the regular August 10 Commission meeting at City Hall,
Commissioner Craighead said that when he has looked at the playground equipment, he
has not seen any problem with the timbers and questioned the need to spend $55,000 to
upgrade one playground. Commissioner Craighead said that he feels that a mile of new
trail costs $90,000 and that it would get more use than playground equipment.
Commissioner Craighead said that trails are a better use of money.
Mr. Kullander said that the only altemative to replacing the playground equipment is to
remove them entirely when they no longer meet safety standards. Mr. Kullander
acknowledged that replacing the equipment is expensive, but said that it is necessary.
Mr. Kullander said that residents would complain if the play equipment were removed.
Commissioner Craighead said that that
the new
playground equipment
at Harriet
Island is
set directly into the concrete and that it
that it would last more
than 7-15
Chair Spicer asked Mr. Kullander which park he would suggest the Parks Commission
meet at before the August 10 Commission meeting.
Mr. Kullander suggested meeting at Wentworth Park at 6:00 before the August 10
Chair Spicer announced that the Parks Commission would convene fora "workshop" at
6:00 on August 10 at Wentworth Park to look at playground equipment, weather
permitting, and that the regular Parks and Recreation Commission meeting would begin
at 6:30 the same evening in the Council Chambers at City Hall,
Commissioner Libra said that he thought this was a good idea, although he would not be
able to attend.
Mr. Kullander said that this was an informational item only. Mr. Kullander said that the
Le Cordon Bleu school was approved by Council on the condition that the school help
pay for a trail between the school and the main campus after the new facility is in
operation if the Council determines it necessary for safety purposes.
Mr. Kullander reminded the Park Commission that they had asked the Council at the
Joint Workshop to find an alternative source to replenish the Special Parks Fund. Mr.
Kullander said that he needed input from the Parks Commission on what type of projects
they wanted in a new 2005-2009 Parks Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Kullander asked
the Commissioners to either fax or e-mail CIP suggestions to him so he could put a draft
CIP together for the next meeting.
Staff provided an update on the following item:
• Police Report
Commissioner Portz moved to adjourn to the August 10 workshop at 6:00 pm at
Wentworth Park, to be followed by the regularly scheduled meeting at 6:30 pm in the
Council Chambers.
Commissioner Hickey seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.