2004-02-10 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
FEBRUARY 105 2004
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer and Commissioners
Larry Craighead, Paul Portz, Stan Linnell, Dave Libra, Missie Hickey, and Raymond
Morris. City Staff present were Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander and
Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Recreation Programmer Teresa Gangelhoff
was excused from the meeting due to illness. Mr. Hollister took the minutes.
Commissioner Libra moved to approve the January 13, 2004 minutes as written.
Commissioner Portz seconded the motion.
AYES: '7
Mr. Hollister and Mr. Kullander presented the Recreation Programmer's Update on
behalf of Recreation Programmer Teresa Gangelhoff, who was excused from the meeting
due to illness.
Chair Spicer commended Ms. Gangelhoff on an excellent start to 2004.
Mr. Kullander informed the Commission that Mr. Clifford Timm had requested that the
City adopt an ordinance prohibiting the feeding of geese, particularly Canadian Geese,
within City limits.
Commissioner Morris agreed that residents of Mendota Heights should not be feeding
Commissioner Libra asked if the City should take an incremental approach by First
banning the feeding of geese only on City -owned land, as opposed to all property.
Chair Spicer said that he liked Commissioner Libra idea.
Commissioner Moms said that the City of Rochester, Minnesota is experiencing a big
problem with geese and that it would be interesting to learn how Rochester is handling
the problem.
Commissioner Libra said that the same might be true for Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
Commissioner Linnell suggested that rather than begin with an ordinance, it might be
better to start with an educational effort, perhaps with signage and encouragement to
create vegetated buffers around bodies of water.
Commissioner Portz said that he was in favor of regulations against the feeding of geese.
Mr. Kullander said that the greatest concentrations of geese within the City are probably
at Rogers Lake and the golf courses.
Commissioner Morris said that Canadian Geese, despite being viewed as a nuisance, are
actually federally protected specie and that while people should not feed them, the City
would need to check with state and federal officials before undertaking any efforts to
more aggressively remove or eliminate them.
Commissioner Libra moved to request that Mr. Kullander conduct more research on this
Commissioner Morris seconded the motion.
Mr. Hollister informed the Commission that the Council, at their regular meeting on
February 3, scheduled a joint workshop with the Parks and Recreation Commission for
Tuesday, March 9 from 6-7pm in the Large Conference Room. Mr. Hollister said that the
regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting would begin at 7pm in
the Council Chambers the same evening. Mr. Hollister said that Staff would prepare an
agenda in advance of the workshop. Mr. Hollister added that in response to the questions
from the Commission, the Council asked the Commission to provide some specific
examples of park facilities or trails that they would like to see expanded for the
workshop. Mr. Hollister asked the Commission to provide Staff with input as to what the
Commission would like to discuss with the Council at the joint workshop.
Chair Spicer asked each Commission to say what they would like to discuss with the
Council at the workshop.
Commissioner Craighead said that he thought that the workshop shop focus on the "big
picture" rather than the "details", because one hour is not enough time to discuss the
Chair Spicer said that he would like to as the Council what they think the Parks and
Recreation Commission's role should be. Chair Spicer added that he thought that the
Parks and Recreation program at the City should be expanded to a full department, with
more of Mr. Kullander's time allocated to parks and with a full-time Recreation
Programmer. Chair Spicer added that with development slowing down in the City, the
Special Parks Fund needed some sort of yearly stipend to sustain it.
Commissioner Portz said that he would like to ask the Council about long range plans and
how much park land the City should own.
Commissioner Morris said that he would like to discuss the role/purpose/mission of the
Parks and Recreation Commission with the Council. Commissioner Morris said that the
City should take a strategic approach to parks and recreation development.
Commissioner Morris said that the Council should host a public meeting to solicit input
from stakeholders, businesses, and members of the public as to what they would like to
see in terms of City parks and recreation. Commissioner Morris said that the City should
work with other cities around it to avoid duplication. Commissioner Morris said that the
Parks Commission has been adrift and that they needed to start over and look at the
purpose of the parks. Commissioner Morris added that he would not be available for the
workshop because he will be out-of-state.
Commissioner Hickey said that she agreed with Commissioner Morris, and that public
input is important. Commissioner Hickey said that she would like to review the Barton -
Ashman study on green space and the Parks and Recreation Commission's mission
Commissioner Linnell said that the population demographics of Mendota Heights and the
surrounding area are changing and that the population is aging. Commissioner Linnell
said that he would like to talk about parkland acquisition and trail expansion.
Commissioner Libra said that he thought that Mendota Heights' residents should be
educated more about the park facilities available in Mendota Heights. Commissioner
Libra added that while it was probably not a topic for the workshop, the Parks and
Recreation Commission could promote a park clean-up in the spring, perhaps with
various organizations "sponsoring" various parks.
Chair Spicer asked Staff to prepare a draft agenda based upon the comments from the
Commissioners and to distribute the agenda to the Commissioners in time for any
comments before finalizing the agenda.
Mr. Hollister said that Staff would prepare an agenda and provide it to the
Commissioners by the end of the week. Mr. Hollister asked that if the Commissioners
had suggestions for either revisions to the agenda or additional background information to
be provided, they let Staff know by February 20. Mr. Hollister said that the
Commissioners may comment either by e-mail or by phone. Mr. Hollister said that Staff
would be placing this agenda with any suggested revisions on the March 1 City Council
agenda for their acknowledgement. Mr. Hollister said that Staff would then distribute the
final form of the agenda packet for the workshop to all participants by March 5.
Staff provided updates on the following items:
• Par 3
• Garron/Acacia
Mr. Hollister added that there was no Police Report this month because there were no
incidents in the parks in January 2004,
Mr. Kullander said that the aerator at Rogers Lake had stopped working temporarily
because a muskrat had been caught in it. Mr. Kullander said that the muskrat had been
removed and that the aerator was working again.
Commissioner Craighead said that he was interested in extending the trail from Valley
Park to Par 3,
Mr. Kullander said that he could add that link to the trail plan.
Commissioner Portz said that when he was in Texas recently he met someone who had
spent time in Minnesota and complimented the state on its trail system. Commissioner
Portz said that Minnesota is famous for its trail system.
Commissioner Morris said that the Twin Cities were recently rated as the number one fun
place in the country.
Commissioner Linnell asked Mr. Kullander about the status of Dakota County's North
Urban Regional Trail.
Mr. Kullander said that the County was still working on it and that it was still planned to
go through Valley Park.
Motion made to adjourn by Morris and seconded by Portz.
The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.