2002-01-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2002 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 8, 2002, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer, Commissioners Stan Linnell, Larry Craighead, Paul Portz, Raymond Morris, and Dave Libra. City Staff present were Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander, Recreation Programmer Teresa Gangelhoff and Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Mr. Hollister took the minutes. IVY PARK TENNIS COURTS DRAFT ARTICLE REVIEW Mr. Hollister reminded the Commission that the Council wished the Commission to hold a public meeting on the removal or resurfacing of the Ivy Park tennis courts early in 2002. Mr. Hollister suggested the March 2002 meeting because the timing of the meeting would work well with the issuance of the City Newsletter. Mr. Hollister presented the Commission with draft language that staff intended to publish in the next Heights Hilites newsletter by the end of January. The Commission reviewed the draft Hilites article and made suggestions for language revisions. Mr. Hollister said that he would incorporate them by the end of January. VALLEY PARK BRIDGE Mr. Kullander reported that the cost of the Valley Park Bridge project was almost double the original estimate and he was informed by the City Treasurer that an additional $20,000 must come from the Special Parks Fund. Chair Spicer said that it is difficult for the Parks Commission to budget for the Capital Improvement Plan if unanticipated withdrawals are suddenly made from the Special Parks Fund without prior knowledge of the Parks Commission. Chair Spicer said that the Council originally agreed that $18,750 was to come from the special park fund and the remainder from the Storm Utility Fund. Commissioner Craighead moved to request that no more than $25,000 be taken from the Special Parks Fund for the Valley Park Bridge project, and that the remainder come from other sources. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 REQUEST FOR CONTINUING CELL/PCS ANTENNAE REVENUE Commissioner Morris moved to request that the Council extend its policy of dedicating the cellular/pcs antennae revenue into the Special Parks Fund due to the burdens placed upon the Special Parks Fund such as the Valley Park cost overrun and the possible resurfacing of Ivy Park Tennis Court, Commissioner Libra seconded the motion. AYES: NAYS: HOCKEY ARENA FEASABILITY STUDY Chair Spicer said that he had received a call from Councilmember Mary -Jeanne Schneeman asking for a motion of support from the Commission for the Hockey Arena Feasibility Study. Commissioner Craighead said that if the Council read the report from the Hockey Arena Task Force that he chaired, they would know what the costs and revenues are for the hockey arena. Commissioner Craighead said that the Task Force had determined what the costs and the revenues would be for a hockey arena. Commissioner Craighead said that to spend $25,000 on a feasibility study without commitment from both the University of Saint Thomas and Saint Thomas academy would be premature. Commissioner Craighead said that the City should have letters of interest and involvement in the feasibility study from both Saint Thomas Academy and the University of Saint Thomas before spending a single dime on the Feasibility Study. Commissioner Craighead said that at this point all he had was a videotape of Frank Lang saying that the two schools are interested. Commissioner Craighead moved to recommend that the Council offer to fund a feasibility study for a hockey arena with Saint Thomas Academy and the University of Saint Thomas for an amount not to exceed either $12,500 or 50% of the cost of the study, whichever is less, on the following conditions: 1. That the City receive letters of interest and involvement in the feasibility study from both Saint Thomas Academy and the University of Saint Thomas. 2. That the City's contribution to the feasibility study be paid for out of the General Fund, not the Special Parks Fund. Commissioner Libra seconded the motion. AYES: 5 NAYS: 1 (Linnell) Commissioner Linnell explained his negative vote by saying that he did not think that City involvement is needed in the construction of a hockey arena. Commissioner Portz offered a second motion to amend the recommendation to say that the City should only contribute one third of the cost of the study, with Saint Thomas Academy and the University of Saint Thomas each also contributing one third. The motion died for lack of a second. The Commission asked Mr. Hollister to convey this recommendation to the Council at their joint workshop on Thursday evening. WELCOME TO RECREATION PROGRAMMER TERESA GANGELHOFF Mr. Hollister introduced Teresa Gangelhoff, the new Recreation Programmer for the City of Mendota Heights, Mr. Hollister said that Teresa's appointment was made official by the City Council on December 18, 2001. Mr. Hollister said that Teresa has extensive experience in the Parks and Recreation field both with the Saint Paul public school system and the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Hollister added that Teresa has experience with a wide range of program administration and recreational activities. Mr. Hollister said that Teresa began work on December 26, and has already been busy with hiring rink attendants and scheduling the use of the City's fields for 2002. The Commission welcomed Teresa Gangelhoff to the City of Mendota Heights. MINUTES Commissioner Morris moved to approve the November 13, 2001 minutes with revisions. Commissioner Libra seconded the motion. AYES: NAYS: KIDDER PROPERTY SUBDIVISION APPLICATION UPDATE Mr. Hollister reminded the Commission that the Planning Commission's public hearing on the Kidder property subdivision had been continued to the January 22, 2002 meeting of the Planning Commission and that those Parks Commissioners who were interested in this topic were welcome to come to the meeting. Commissioner Linnen said that he had found a copy of the City's 1990 Comprehensive Plan and a map from the 1985 Barton -Ashman parks study for the City that had a letter " P" with a circle around it on the Superblock, indicating that a park was envisioned for somewhere on the Superblock. Commissioner Linnell said that the City's revised Comprehensive Plan did not refer to a park for the Superblock area, although he did not recall any discussion about abandoning the park idea. Commissioner Morris said that a piece of property this valuable and large should not be subdivided without a dedication of park land. Commissioner Morris said that if the City chose to take the park dedication in the form of cash, the dollar amount would be insignificant compared to the value of a park dedication in land. Commissioner Libra recalled that upon resigning from the Parks Commission, Commissioner Liberacki had remarked that he did not feel that the homeowners in this development should have to suffer the intrusion of the general public into their neighborhood to visit a park that had no particular function or value at this particular location. Commissioner Liberacki said that if the City receives a dedication in the form of land, it would be better to have a small park at the perimeter of the development. Chair Spicer said that he agreed with former Commissioner Liberacki. Commissioner Craighead said that it would be a shame not to require a land dedication from this development. Commissioner Libra said that he was more interested in the possibility of a trail connection from this development north through the Superblock than an actual park within the development. Commissioner Libra also commented that in many cases where the city vacates streets or alleys, a trail easement should be reserved for future trail connections. MHAA PROJECT REQUEST LIST FOR INCLUSION INTO THE PARKS 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Kullander presented a list of park improvements that Scott Miller of MHAA would like the Parks Commission to consider. The Parks Commission discussed prioritizing Mr. Miner's list and decided to continue the discussion to their February meeting. UPDATES Staff provided updates on the following items: • 2002 Parks Department Budget • Recreation Programmer's Update • New Commissioner Recruitment • Town Center • Park Bench Donation Program • Replacement Play Equipment for Friendly Hills and Valley Parks • DNR and Federal Park Grant Applications • Police Report ADJOURN Motion made to adjourn by Libra and seconded by Portz. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.