2020-07-14 Joint Council-Parks Meeting PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
July 14, 2020 - 5:30 pm
Training Room—Mendota Heights Fire Station
2121 Dodd Road
1) Tour of Fire Station Addition/Remodeled area (5:30 PM)
2) Joint Meeting Call to Order—Mayor Neil Garlock (5:50 PM)
3) Roll Call
a. City Council
b. Parks and Recreation Commission
4) Two Year Project Discussion
a) Financing
b) Proposed Projects
i) Wentworth Park Grant Projects
(1) Warming House
(2) Parking Lot
ii) Wentworth Tennis Courts Replacement
iii) Pickle Ball Location
iv) Hagstrom King Basketball court expansion
v) Mendakota Dugouts
vi) Marie Park Playground Replacement
vii) Future of Dog Park
viii) Future of Skate Park
5) Other Topics
6) Adjourn
DATE: July 14, 2020
TO: Mayor and City Council
Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Mark McNeill, City Administrator
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting Specifics
A joint meeting of the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission will be held Tuesday, July 14th
at the Mendota Heights Fire Station, 2121 Dodd Road.
Starting Time: The agenda states a 5:30 PM start; however, the first twenty minutes or so will be a tour
of the nearly completed fire station addition, and the remodeling of the 1985 building. Therefore, if you
are pressed for time and can only be present for the Parks discussion, you should be in the Fire Training
Room (located in the new addition) by 5:50 PM.
Parking: Please park on Mendakota Drive. A fire fighter will be in the fire station parking lot to direct
you to the building’s entrance door.
Tour Safety Provisions: Those interested in going on a tour of the building will be divided into two
groups. Because the tour will cause people to occasionally be in proximity to others in spaces of less than
6 feet, the wearing of face masks is recommended. We will have disposable ones if you don’t have one of
your own.
Meeting COVID Protocols: Participant seating will be at 6 feet spacing or greater. Again, the wearing of
facemasks is optional, but always encouraged. There will not be a remote participation option. Hand
sanitizer will be available.
If you have questions, please contact me, or Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson.
Mark McNeill
City Administrator
cc: Cheryl Jacobson
Dave Dreelan
Meredith Lawrence
Ryan Ruzek
DATE: July 14, 2020
TO: Mayor and City Council
Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Cheryl Jacobson, Assistant City Administrator
Mark McNeill, City Administrator
SUBJECT: Discussion Topics for Joint Meeting
At its workshop to be held July 14th, the City Council and members of the Parks and Recreation
Commission will be asked to work to a consensus for projects to be pursued over the next two years,
relating to Parks improvements.
Both the Council and the Commission have discussed a number of parks improvements in the past. In
February, the City Council heard information relating to improvements at Wentworth Park, for which the
City received a $180,000 grant in 2019. It was reminded that the City must complete a number of
improvements in Wentworth by the end of 2021 in order to qualify for that grant.
The Council gave feedback to staff, and directed that a joint meeting be scheduled with the Commission to
further discuss improvements. However, an organizational shutdown took place because of COVID issues
before the joint meeting could be scheduled. This July 14th joint meeting will be the first time that the two
groups will have an opportunity to discuss needs and funding in a live session since then.
Funding for longer term parks improvements has been an unresolved issue, and uncertainties will continue.
It is widely anticipated that there will be a reduction in the rate of property tax collections beginning at the
end of this year as a result of more widespread economic concerns. The City will need to be prepared to
alter, perhaps significantly, its existing operations in order to keep existing services intact. It is unlikely
that there will be much tax levy available for new capital improvements in 2021.
The much-anticipated payoff of Par 3 bonds will be in 2023, with the final year of the property tax levy of
approximately $250,000 in 2022. It will be up to that Council as to whether that levy amount is directed to
other general levy expenditures in order to keep property taxes down; eliminate that levy in its entirety, or
keep the levy, and redirect it to other expenditures, such as dedicated park improvements.
As for now, the amount that the City has at its disposal in the Special Parks Fund is approximately $626,000.
In addition, the City is anticipated to close on the sale of the Village lots for development into a 48 unit
apartment building, with a restaurant, which will add some $192,000. This will mean a total of $818,000
in the Special Parks Fund for available for spending in the foreseeable future.
Two Year Project Proposals:
The Council and Commission should discuss the following items as possible expenditures over the next
two year. Some of these had been recommended by the Commission, prior to the shutdown:
1. Wentworth Grant Requirements:
Warming House Replacement approx $169,000 (doesn’t incl utilities or concrete)
Parking Lot Replacement 90,000
(Note: the requirement to Replace Playground was completed in 2019—cost $153,000)
2. Wentworth Tennis Court Replacement 80,000 (Possible USTA grant; 2021 project)
3. Replace tennis w/pickle ball @Valley Park 80,000 OR
Construct new pickle ball 120,000 (at Skate Park, H-King, or Mendakota
4. Basketball court expansion at Hagstrom King 16,000
5. Mendakota Dugouts 96,000
6. Playground Replacement @ Marie 160,000 (2021)
7. Determine future of Dog Park Interim use designation of 5 years
expires in Fall, 2020)
8. Determine Future of Skate Park $10,000 budgeted in 2020 on hold;
long-term solution needed.
If all proposed projects are completed over the next two years, the balance of the Special Parks Fund at the
end of 2021 would be would be either $307,000 or $347,000, depending on the pickle ball issue in #3 above.
It also anticipates income from development of the Village lots in 2020, and the full receipt of the $180,000
Wentworth grant. It does not include a USTA grant (in #2 above); those are typically awarded for $20,000.
Action Required:
The Council and Commission should discuss these projects, and determine the preferred course of action
for the remainder of 2020, and 2021.
Cheryl Jacobson Mark McNeill
Assistant City Administrator City Administrator