1978-12-26 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketAGENDA
Park & Recreation Commission
December 26, 1978
8:00 P.M. - Conference Room
1. Approve November minutes.
2. Comprehensive Plan -Parks and Open Space, Howard Dahlgren.
3. New Signs For All Parks - Dick Ploumen to be present.
4. Memo, Bicycle Safety
5. Adjourn
Minutes of Meeting
Mendota Heights Park & Recreation Commission
Date: November 21, 1978
Present: Witt, Mills, Finn, Williams, Lundeen, Mills, Gustafson, Seleander
Absent: Murphy
1. The Minutes of the October 17th meeting were approved. Since there was not a quorum,
they are not official.
2. Mr. W.S. Collins made a presentation to the Commission regarding "Driving on Ice".
Mr. Collins request was that he be granted permission to use Rogers Lake for conducting
a driving school during the winter months. He had previously made this request of the Mayor
and this issue was referred to the Pork and Recreation Commission. Upon learning that the
neighborhood surrounding Rogers Lake were diametrically opposed to this type of use of Rogers
Lake, Mr. Collins withdrew his request.
3. Comprehensive Plan - Howard Dahlgren, City Planner- reviewed for the Commission, the history
and past planning that has been done regarding open space in the city. Dahlgren stressed that
now is the time to plan and provide for any future open space and major park areas as the
availability of land within the city is diminishing at a very fast pace. Dahlgren had been
instructed to comment and review with the Commission three particular sites that the Commission
had looked at for a major park area that could include several ball fields. These three sites
were - a. _ A site west of Wachtler joining Valley Park containing approximately 50 acres.
b. A site just north of the Para golf course containing approximately 17 acres. c. A portion of
the school property at the southern extremity of Mendota Heights containing approximately 40 acres
Dahlgren recommended that we consider parcels of approximately 40 acres each on the south side
of the city and on the north side. He felt that this kind of park system would, along with the
smaller neighborhood parks that will be developed as residential subdivisions are developed,
be adequate for the projected 15,000 population of the city. He recommended that acquisitions
should be our number one priority at this time with the trail system to be developed at a later date.
Based on these discussion, the following policy was adapted on the part of the Commission on a
motion made by Finn and seconded by Williams.
1 . There is a need for larger open recreation areas within the city.
2. They type of land necessary would be parcels approximately 40 acres with a relatively
flat terrain, wherein ball fields could be developed.
3. That there should be parcels acquired of this nature both on the north and south sides
of Highway 110.
4. Due to the scarcity of land and the density of the population, the northerly site would
be the number one priority.
5. The preliminary recommendation for a site north of 110 is the Wachtler site as it is relative
flat, accessable, contigous to Valley Park and is relatively centrally located and it is
though to be available.
6. The most desirable.site south of Highway 110 is the easterly portion (1/2) of the 80 acres
owned by the School District 197, because of the terrain and it is accessibility to a
major thoroughfare.
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7. City Planner Dahlgren is to proceed with a comprehensive plan based on this policy.
4. As a result of recommendations from several citizens, the following motion was made by Finn,
seconded by Williams and adapted by the Commission. "The parks are to be closed at
10:00 p.m. and the public works must so post the parks with signs that will compliment the
existing signs in the park.
5. Recreation Director Selander then reported on the winter programs as follows:
The fall volleyball program was moderately successful with the men's program being the most
successful. The second session is to begin in January and will be advertised in the Dispatch,
the Sun and through the School Newsletters. The Hockey schedule has been finalized and
Seleander is in the process of securing the rink attendonce. He has had some response
from senior citizens for that position which was a request of the Commission after last years
There being no further- business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gary C. Gustafson
December 11, 1978
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Orvil J. Johnson, City Administrator
SUBJECT: Bicycle Safety
The attached letter from the Bicycle Safety Committee Chairman is
somewhat self-explanatory. Here is a chance to use our imagination.
Any suggestions or serious applications will be given help by City
Hall personnel.
Good luck!
Transportation Building
November 24, 1978
ATTENTION: Mayor/City Council/Chief of Police
c/o City Clerk
DEC 04 1978.
This notification comes to you from the Minnesota Bicycle Safety Committee
and the State Department of Public Safety.
The State Bicycle Safety Committee was established to provide a broad base
of local and state level input on the subject of bicycle safety. It makes
recommendations to the legislature and to state agencies with statutory
responsibilities in the areas of bicycle safety.
The Department of Public Safety is the state agency authorized by statute
to administer highway and traffic safety programs under the Federal Highway
Safety Act of 1966, as amended. This act provides limited federal funding
for bicycle safety programs. The Bicycle Safety Committee is responsible
for reviewing proposals and recommending approvals and funding levels for
community bicycle safety projects.
The Bicycle Safety Committee is authorized to select the several community
proposals which, in its opinion, would provide the greatest effectiveness
for the limited funding available. That funding totals $50,000 for the
period October 1, 1978, through September 30, 1979. The Committee is,
therefore, soliciting proposals for bicycle safety projects from Minnesota
The proposals should consider the specific criteria listed below:
1. Must be submitted in writing to Office of Traffic Safety, 207 Trans-
portation Building, St. Paul, MN 55155, and received no later than
January 2, 1979.
2. Must include a concise statement of problem(s) goal(s), and/or
objective(s), proposed actions planned to resolve problem(s), and
method(s) of evaluating effectiveness.
3. Must include a complete budget indicating a) total cost of project,
b) federal funds requested and local funds (if any) included, c) types
of expenses for which federal funds will be used (i.e. salaries, equip-
ment and supplies, indirect costs, etc.). A statement of support or
approval from the Mayor and City Council must also be included in the
proposal, and similar statements from the Chief of Police and appropriate
judicial and school district personnel would be helpful.
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4. Should reflect consideration of a) information and education (both
school and community), b) enforcement, and c) adjudication in a total
community bike safety program.
5. Because of the limited funding available, preferential consideration
will be given to proposals of $5,000 or less.
6. Preferential consideration will be given to proposals which offer a
community investment of matching funds -- either hard or soft.
7. All grants resulting from submitted proposals terminate with the
federal fiscal year 1979 (September 30, 1979). A new solicitation
maybe made on or about that date for F.Y. 1980 proposals. No com-
munity may receive bicycle safety funding for more than two consecutive
grant periods.
Applicants will be notified of action taken on their proposals on or about
February 1, 1979.
If you have questions about this program, contact Rex Morriss, Secretary,
State Bicycle Safety Committee, c/o Minnesota Safety Council, 146 Hamm
Building, St. Paul, MN 55102, phone (612) 291-9150.
Phil Voxland
Chairman, State Bicycle Safety Committee