05-14-2019 ARC Meeting Packet
Joint Meeting
Airport Relations Commissions
Cities of Eagan and Mendota Heights
May 14, 2019
7:00-8:30 PM.
Oaks Banquet Room
Eagan Community Center (1501 Central Parkway)
1. Welcome
2. Introductions
a. Eagan ARC
b. Mendota Heights ARC
3. Presentation---State of the Airport
a. Brian Ryks, MAC Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
4. Updates on Current Efforts by the Commissions
a. Eagan:
i. Mobile Noise Monitoring Effort
ii. Runway 17 Departure Study Report (NOC effort)
iii. Monitoring of Impact of Converging Runway Operations (CRO)
b. Mendota Heights
i. 12L Departure Noise Abatement Proposal
ii. Turbo Prop Noise Impact
5. Visitors to be Heard
6. Other Business
7. Adjourn