2019-04-11 Planning Comm Agenda Packet CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - WORKSHOP APRIL 11, 2019 6:00 PM - Mendota Heights City Hall 1101 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights MN 55118 [Please note this meeting will not be a public hearing and will not be televised] 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Discuss Updates to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan a. Ch. 10: Implementation b. All Other Chapters & Mapping Edits (as needed): i. Ch. 1: Introduction and Background ii. Ch. 2: Land Use iii. Ch. 3: Transportation iv. Ch. 4: Parks and Trails v. Ch. 5: Housing vi. Ch. 6: Economic Development vii. Ch. 7: Natural Resources viii. Ch. 8: Resilience ix. Ch. 9: Critical Area x. Appendices - and other related information ALL CHAPTERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ON THE CITY’S WEBSITE AT: https://www.mendota-heights.com/index.asp?SEC=320D5DB8-C925-4819-9DF2- BE3231E48499 3. Adjourn Workshop Meeting Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available upon request at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this may not be possible on short notice. Please contact City Hall at 651.452.1850 with requests.