2019-01-11 Friday NewsImprovements to Wentworth Park Pond to Begin The City has contracted with BKJ Excavating for improvements to the Wentworth Park Pond. Improvements will consist of sediment removal and outlet structure replacement. This work is proposed to begin in the next week or two depending on weather. If you have any questions or concerns on this project, please contact the city engineering department at 651 -452-1850. Public Meeting Announcements A City Council Work Session is scheduled for 4:30 pm on January 15 to conduct Parks & Recreation Commission applicant interviews. A City Council Work Session is scheduled for 4:30 pm on February 5 to conduct Planning Commission applicant interviews. 15 JAN January 11, 2019 from the City of Mendota Heights Upcoming Public Meeting Dates Jan 15 City Council Work Session | 4:30 pm Parks & Rec Commission Applicant Interviews City Council Meeting | 7:00 pm Jan 16 Airport Relations Comm Mtg | 7:00 pm Jan 21 City Hall Closed (Public Works Open) - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan 22 Planning Comm Mtg | 7:00 pm Continuation of Public Hearing on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Feb 5 City Council Work Session | 4:30 pm Planning Commission Applicant Interviews City Council Meeting | 7:00 pm Mendota Heights City Hall 1101 Victoria Curve www.mendota-heights.com 651.452.1850 Hours: 8:00 am—4:30 pm Stay Connected: Facebook.com/ MendotaHeightsMN Facebook.com/ MHParksandRec Facebook.com/ MendotaHeightsPD Twitter.com/ @mendota_heights Twitter.com/ @mheightsPD FRIDAY NEWS Disposing of Holiday Evergreens—EHS Prevention The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is encouraging residents who purchased wreaths, swags, boughs, and other evergreen decorations at several retailers to burn items, or bag and throw them away to stop the spread of the invasive insect elongate hemlock scale (EHS). Learn more: https:// www.mda.state.mn.us/mda-encourages-residents-burn-or-bag-evergreen-decorations-bought-several- minnesota-retailers. Please review Mendota Heights City Code: Title 7, Chapter 2-7: Recreational Fires prior to burning. Home Improvement Loans in Dakota County No Interest – No Monthly Payment Does your home need repairs that you can’t afford to make? The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) may be able to help! The CDA’s Home Improvement Loan is an interest free loan program for low and moderate income homeowners in Dakota County. The Loan is repayable when your home is sold or you no longer live there – there are no monthly payments! Loans range from $15,000 to $25,000. The Loan is commonly used for replacing roofs, siding, windows, furnaces, doors, and driveways. The CDA will inspect your home and work with you to determine the scope of the project. You will get bids and a cost reasonable estimate will be selected. After loan papers are signed, the contractor can begin work. Payments will be made directly to the contractor once the work has been completed and approved by you and the CDA. To qualify, you must be a homeowner, have sufficient equity, a satisfactory credit history and a gross annual income under the limits in the following table: *Income limits are as of June 2018 and are subject to change. Household Size Maximum Income 1 $50,350 2 $57,550 3 $64,750 4 $71,900 5 $77,700 6 $83,450 7 $89,200 8 $94,950 5 FEB You can apply for a Home Improvement Loan by returning a completed application to the CDA. Applications can be downloaded from the CDA’s website at http://www.dakotacda.org/wp-content/ uploads/2015/12/CED_Home_Loan_App.pdf or request an application be mailed to you by calling 651-675-4465. Already have a raingarden, native pollinator garden, or shoreline planting? Free maintenance workshop March 6 | 6-7:30pm | MH City Hall The Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District is offering a free garden maintenance workshop! This workshop is designed for people who have and maintain a raingarden, native pollinator garden, or shoreline planting. Learn what to do in every season to keep your garden healthy and looking its best, through presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities. Discuss common challenges gardeners face, from rabbits to weeds, and troubleshoot solutions with experts and your fellow participants. In this 90-minute class, you’ll get all your garden questions answered, and learn how to keep your garden beautiful, functional, and sustainable, from spring to winter! Information/registration: http://www.dakotaswcd.org/ cleanwater_form.html There’s Still Time for Holiday Lights Recycling Recycle your holiday lights, electrical, appliance and phone cords through the end of January courtesy of Pro Act. Lights attached to wreaths, holly or trees must be removed first. Bring string lights and cords to City Hall and look for the collection bin in the front lobby. Holiday lights are also accepted year round at The Recycling Zone in Eagan. Cord adapters, battery packs, plastic rope lights and CFL lights are not accepted. For more information visit www.dakotacounty.us search Recyling Zone. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update The Comprehensive Plan is an official and formal document adopted by the City every 10 years, and contains the City’s goals and policies as they relate to land use, housing, parks and open space, transportation, utilities, and other issues. The Comprehensive Plan provides a general future plan or guide for the community from 2020 to 2040. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan update is now underway. To learn more visit: https:// www.mendota-heights.com/index.asp? SEC=320D5DB8-C925-4819-9DF2- BE3231E48499 Upcoming Meetings: January 22 | Planning Comm Mtg | 7pm (Continuation of Public Hearing) If you have any questions on the proposed comprehensive plan update or meetings, please call Community Development Director Tim Benetti at 651.255.1142 or email timb@mendota-heights.com. Free Youth Event - Play Hockey with the MHPD! Blade with the Blue | Feb. 2 Join the Mendota Heights Police Department and Parks/Recreation for a fun day of recreational hockey skills and games. Participants will enjoy friendly challenges in: fastest skater, passing, shooting accuracy, and longest goal. After the challenges, team up with police officers for 3-on-3 hockey games. Children must provide their own equipment. Friendly Hills Outdoor Skating Rink 1:00-2:30 pm 6-9 year olds 2:30-4:00 pm 10-13 year olds Register at: www.mendotaheights.revtrak.net or in person at City Hall. Registration Open! Royal Ball | Feb. 10 | 3-5 pm Register today for the 4th Annual Royal Ball! There will be crafts, games, meet-and-greet with real princes and princesses, a DJ, refreshments, and dancing. Space fills quickly for this popular event! Cost: $20 per child Ages: 10 (4th grade) and under Concord Exchange Building, South Saint Paul Register at: www.mendotaheights.revtrak.net or in person at City Free Family Event Picture Perfect Movie Night | Feb. 9 | 6:30-8:30 pm Vote for Finding Dory, Incredibles 2, or The Lion King! The City of Mendota Heights and TriDistrict Community Education proudly present Picture Perfect - Family Movie Night! Bring some snacks and a blanket and get ready to enjoy a family-friendly movie on the big screen. All children under the age of 15 years old must be accompanied by an adult. This is a FREE event. Preregistration is not required, but greatly appreciated. Location: Henry Sibley High School Auditorium Register Online: www.tridistrict.ce.eleyo.com Vote for the movie at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1Fa- niNtk_OjLVNari_lut8R_otEVSTyPhdAZW5v5-e0tjw/viewform Voting open until 1/18! Recreation Fee Assistance A Recreation Fee Assistance Program is available to eligible Mendota Heights residents for participation in recreation programs. Qualification details, eligible program information, and an application can be found at: https://www.mendota-heights.com/index.asp? SEC=ECAB3993-A0AD-4170-A8F1- 1313C2A313F2&DE=28868A1A-7D42-4300- B16D-79C045392395. For more information contact Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence: meredithl@mendota- heights.com | 651.255.1354 * * WINTER REGISTRATION IS OPEN * * Registration & additional info: www.mendotaheights.revtrak.net or register in person at City Hall Parks & Recreation Warming House Information Check Rink Conditions/Warming House Hours Hotline: 651.255.1174 Outdoor Skating Rinks (Each includes one hockey rink and one pleasure rink) Friendly Hills, 2360 Pueblo Lane Marie Park, 1780 Lilac Lane Wentworth Park, 739 Wentworth Ave. Warming House Hours M-F | 4:00 pm-9:00 pm Sat | 10:00 am-9:00 pm Sun | 12:00 pm-6:00 pm Non-school days | 12:00 pm-9:00 pm Winter Parking Restrictions in Effect Nightime parking is prohibited on any public street, from 2:00 am to 6:00 am, between November 1 and March 31. Parking is prohibited during any snowfall, of 2 inches or more, until the street is plowed curb to curb. Please remind your young drivers and any overnight guests and avoid a citation. Subscribe to Friday News Online If you know of someone interested in Friday News, they may subscribe online at www.mendota-heights.com. Go to Our City/ City Publications/Subscribe to Friday News, or use the following link: https://www.mendota-heights.com/index.asp?SEC=E609C941-AC5B -4515-AEBF-0702A6E5D5C4 For subscription removals or other questions, please email Communications Coordinator Sharon Deziel at sharond@mendota-heights.com. Female Non-Spayed/Male Non-Neutered $15 Female Spayed/Male Neutered $10 Smart Salting for our Surface Waters Keeping our roads, walkways, and other paved surfaces safe for drivers and pedestrians during times of snow and ice are important. However, sometimes more de-icing salt is used than what is necessary. This can be harmful to our surface waters; including lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands, and the fish and wildlife that depend on them. Only ONE teaspoon of salt can permanently pollute FIVE GALLONS of water. You can help to reduce over-salting and protect our surface waters by doing the following:  Do not over-apply! Use only 4 lbs. per 1,000 square feet.  Use salt only when it will be affective. More salt does not mean less ice! Typical deicing salt is only affective at 15 degrees Fahrenheit and above.  Shovel! The sooner and more snow you remove, the less ice is formed, and the less salt is needed.  Choose a snow removal service that is certified by the MPCA in Level 1-Snow and Ice Control Best Practices.  Sweep up extra salt and reuse it! For more information on how you can help: Use de-icing salt sparingly to protect Minnesota waters From the Archives Sign-up for a Free Organics Drop-Off Program Dakota County residents can drop off organics like food scraps and soiled paper products at two sites as a free, convenient and easy way to manage organics and reduce the amount of trash sent to the landfill. West St. Paul has a site located at Thompson Park, and there is another one in Eagan. To sign up to use this free service visit Dakota County's website for more information. 1977 — Seven inches of rain caused flooding at Marie Park. It’s Time to Renew Dog Pet Licenses Yearly dog licenses expire on December 31. To renew your license, please complete an application form and return this to City Hall, along with a proof-of-rabies vaccination from your veterinarian. The license year runs from January 1 to December 31. City Hall is open M-F, 8:00 am-4:30 pm, or mail application, copy of proof-of- rabies vaccination, and payment to City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55118. The cost of dog licensing is: 1 The latest from the Mendota Heights Police Department JANUARY 11, 2019 CHIEF Kelly McCarthy CAPTAIN Wayne Wegener SERGEANTS Eric Petersen Tanner Spicer Peyton Fleming POLICE OFFICERS John Larrive Todd Rosse Chad Willson Jeff VonFeldt Philip McCarty Weston Raberge Peter Renteria Cara Hogan Tony Patton Ryan Yauch Tommy Albindia Eric Hagelee INVESTIGATIONS Nick Gorgos SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Steve Hilyar COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER Coming soon! SUPPORT STAFF Kim Richter Trista Miller Shayna Hoechst Becky Pentel RESERVES Jim Knox Jeff Parker CHAPLAINS Butch Millett John Snider Alberto Vargas Lynn Liberman Sue Plucker Joel Detlefsen Mike VerWay Install an Alarm System Alarm systems are one of the best forms of home protection. Home alarm systems immediately inform emergency authorities and warn homeowners of any potential dangers including damaging environmental factors such as floods, broken pipes or fires. Seeing that a home has an alarm system or hearing an alarm go off, will also send burglars running. Light Up Your Home Lighting up with an infrared detector automatically turns on when someone is in a specific zone/ area. No burglar wants to be in easy view while committing a crime. Set timers on interior lights. This goes a long way in deterring burglars, who often look for crimes of opportunity. Don’t allow your house to appear as if no one is home. Protect Your Windows Protect these vulnerable areas with window locks and/or burglar-resistant glass. Installing many small panes of glass instead of one large pane of glass is a good option as well. Don’t Indicate Publicly That You’ll Be Away Do not put anything on your voicemail, answering machine, email autoreply or social media indicating you will be gone. Although it is tempting to post your vacation photos in the moment, your safest bet is to wait until after you return home. Hire Someone to Cut Grass or Remove Snow An untended lawn or unshoveled snow screams no one has been home for days. Before you leave, make arrangements to have these tasks taken care of so your home looks occupied. Suspend Mail and Newspaper Delivery An overflowing mailbox and a pile of newspapers are sure sign that no one is home. You can sign up online to have USPS hold your mail at your local post office for free for 30 days. For trips longer than 30 days, you should set up mail forwarding or arrange for someone else to pick it up for you. Tell Us You Are Going Out of Town If you are a Mendota Heights resident and you are going out of town or on vacation, you can notify MHPD of your outing and we will be more than happy to keep a watchful eye on your home while you are away. The House Check Request online form is available on our website here: https://www.mendota-heights.com/index.asp?SEC=EC2069E9-00AD-4706-97A4-ECA734478ACC 2 POSSESS DANGEROUS WEAPON ON SCHOOL PROPERTY– 1XXX Delaware Ave 01/04/19, 0947 HOURS Responded to the 1800 block of Delaware Avenue on a report of a juvenile in possession of a dangerous weapon. Case will be forwarded to the County Attorney. Juvenile released to their parent. MUTUAL AID/ASSIST — 494 W 01/05/19, 1032 HOURS Officers were called to aid a State Trooper with the removal and subsequent arrest of a driver near the intersection of Interstate 494 and Delaware Avenue. Officer had to break the passenger side window and physically remove her from the car where she was arrested. All charges based on the event are being issued by the State Patrol. FRAUD — 6XX Maple Park Drive 01/05/19, 1721 HOURS Officer was dispatched to call a resident regarding fraudulent activity on her credit card. Victim told the Officer her credit card is continuously being charged for a service that she has never signed up for or purchased. Victim has spoken with the credit card company who instructed her to make a police report. Officer took the information and gave the victim a case number for her credit card company. 4th DEG DWI — Dodd Road 01/06/19, 0400 HOURS Officer observed a vehicle crossing over the center line on Dodd Road near South Plaza Drive. Officer conducted a traffic stop and could smell the odor of alcoholic beverage coming from inside the vehicle. The driver admitted to drinking at a party prior to driving. Officer conducted a field sobriety test and the driver blew a PBT of 0.11. The driver was arrested for 4th Degree DWI and booked into the Dakota County Jail where he was then released. THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE — Lilydale Road 01/06/19, 1346 HOURS Officer dispatched to 900 block of Lilydale Rd to investigate a reported theft from auto. Contact made with the victim who reported a window of her vehicle had been shattered and a bag stolen from the back seat. Victim was provided with a case number. No traceable items taken, no evidence available. Case inactive. PD ACCIDENT/ HIT & RUN — 2XXX Executive Drive 01/06/19, 1648 HOURS An employee of a business on the 2400 block of Enterprise Drive reported theft from a motor vehicle. The suspects later attempted to cash a check taken from the vehicle. Case status pending further investigation. 3 FRAUD — 5XX Miriam Street 01/07/19, 1318 HOURS A resident on the 500 block of Miriam Street reported check fraud. Resident believed information was taken from mailbox. Case status pending further investigation. THEFT — 1XXX Delaware Ave 01/07/19, 1106 HOURS Responded to the 1800 block of Delaware Avenue on a report of a theft. Report filed. THEFT — 2XXX Enterprise Drive 01/07/19, 1628 HOURS An employee of a business on the 2400 block of Enterprise Drive reported theft from a motor vehicle. The suspects later attempted to cash a check taken from the vehicle. Case status pending further investigation. FOUND PROPERTY — 1XXX Victoria Curve 01/07/19, 1630 HOURS Unknown person dropped off a wallet to records staff. Attempts to locate owner up until the time of this report have been unsuccessful. Wallet placed into evidence for safekeeping while efforts to contact owner continue. THEFT — 1XXX Delaware Ave 01/08/19, 1515 HOURS Responded to the 1800 block of Delaware Avenue on a reported theft. A juvenile suspect was identified. Report filed. MUTUAL AID/ASSIST — 1XXX Delaware Ave 01/09/18, 1407 HOURS Responded to the 1800 block of Delaware Avenue to assist Child Protection with a 72 hour Health and Welfare Hold. Juvenile transported to Emergency Shelter. Report forwarded to Child Protection. 4 1/04 – 1/10 2019 YTD Calls for Service 213 346 Police Reports 15 27 Citations 30 42 Warnings 81 105 Response Time Average 6.95 6.62 Check out the MH Crime Map! Click below to search your neighborhood: https://www.raidsonline.com 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55118 If you are a Mendota Heights resident and you are going out of town or on vacation, you can notify MHPD of your outing and we will be more than happy to keep a watchful eye on your home while you are away. The Vacation/House Check Request online form is available on our website; you can also complete a form found in our lobby, or simply give us a call! MHPD offers a Medication Disposal Box in the lobby of the PD where Dakota County residents can safely & anonymously dispose of their prescription drug medication. This program is mainly meant to keep narcotics off the streets and dispose of medications in environmentally sound ways. ** No needles/sharps. Visit the Green Guide for tips. ** Please visit the Dakota County Recycling Zone for helpful resources for all safe disposal solutions. Car Seat Checks—TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE Please visit the MN DPS for more information. Questions/Comments? Email us at: pdrecords@ mendota-heights.com Questions? Call our Non-Emergency Line @ 651.452.1366. Need Public Safety Response? Call 911 How to make your vehicle less appealing to thieves: Always Lock Up! Grab your Keys Leaving your keys in the ignition and/or idling is like saying “steal me!” Follow the Light Park in well lit areas. Shut Windows & Sunroof Leaving them open just a crack can ask for break-ins. Avoid Leaving Valuables If you have to, leave them in the trunk. Use Anti-Theft Devices Car alarms, steering wheel locks, car disabling locks and a tracking system. Use a Smart Key Certain car models use smart keys which can’t be duplicated or altered. A driver needs that key and only that key to start the ignition.