Quick, Rachel Campaign Financial Report ending Aug 20, 2018 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (All of the information in this report is public information) Name of candidate,committee or corporation Rachel Quick Office sought or ballot question Mendota Heights City Council District Type of X Candidate report Period of time covered by report: report Campaign committee report � Association or corporation report from 7/7/18 to 8/20/18 C) Final report N O CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Q Give the total for all contributions received during the period of time covered by this report. Contributions should be listed by type (money or in-kind)rather than contributor. See note on contribution limits on the back of this form. Use a separate sheet to itemize all contributions from a single source that exceeded$100 during the calendar year.This itemization must include name,address,employer 0 or occupation if self-employed,amount and date for these contributions. CL CASH $ 780 TOTAL CASH-ON-HAND $ 0 IN-KIND + TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED = U DISBURSEMENTS o Include the amount,date and purpose for all disbursements made during the period of time covered by report. U Attach additional sheets if necessary. U Date Purpose Amount Please see attached v U 0 TOTAL 1811.40 CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES Corporations must list any media project or corporate message project for which contribution(s) or expenditure(s) total more than$200. Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Project title or description ry Y Date Purpose Name and Address Expenditure or v of Recipient Contribution �f Amount v M TOTAL Z I certify that this is a full and true statement. &k-l 8/20/18 Signature Date Printed Name Rachel Quick Telephone612-229-0404 Email (if available)rachel.quick@gmail.com o Address 554 Junction Lane Mendota Heights MN 55118 0 Date name Description Debit July 7 Bekka Reese Graphic design 600 July 17 Impact Printing Lawn signs and buttons 488.5 July 26 Vista print Business cards 44.54 July 31 City of Mendota Heigi Filing Fee 5 August 8 Vista print Door hangers 123.73 August 13 Zazzle Shirts $104.65 August 17 Impact Printing Lawn Signs 444.98 Total Disbursements: 1811.4 Amount f inat Name Last Name Addtems Oc-cuipaition)Empicyer 20 Mark Perron 2'326 DBUpl'unie St New Orleans LA 79117 110 L arcy McKenzie '14115 Cherry Hill Rd Mendota Heights IMNP 55118 45 Pat and Nicole Watson 1327 Delaware Avenue Mendota Heights MIN 551118 100 Lealnlne, Srchmiesi ng 555 Junctian Lane Mendota Heights MN 551184 50 Jennrifer Yettran 7817 Santa Ray Ave,Oalklanvdl,,CA 94610 ReUvrt,,Irrc 100 Paullf HLVynh 450 Pope Street Sang Francisco CA 1°12 Recrmh,l,Inc 25 Christopher BUIrIting 544 27th S1 San Fllranclscmr CA 0413.1 Recarrt,l,Inc 53 Sandra potocanemo ReCUOt,link 53 Rolb Oswald 2',242 Nd Sauaryer CIt c'aga IL 6064 7 RecaVi,1,Inc 510 Steven Kornreich 270 Valencia Stneet Apt 363 San Fralncirsca CA 94103 Recrmh,l,IiRG 110 Andirew tw1E[amtoln 555 S 43rd Street Boulder CC,80305 Recrn11,1,IiRG 50, Fernando t'carnes 81065 RosallindAwe Recamhy,IRC 25 D,aria E'nikic 525 Read Oak Ave#3U3 Albany CA 94706 Recrmh,l,Inc 25 Quinne Anderson 4050 Glendalle Ave wnccrd ca 94521 Recrmh,l,Inc 25 Andirewur Chapelle, 1801 7'alrk a#9 San Francisco C.A 9411:5 ReeaO,1,Inc 53 John statonw 1400 Raaslhunaare Crescent B=WUms'ville MN 55.306 53 Lisa Hem 25 Neal Enssle 1827 gid...Vllvman Sat Lungn»rant C C9 80501 Recrmh,l,IiRG 20 Sandra shernisaln 1395 Dodd Road I'ailenclota Heights,MN 55118 Recarrt,5,IRC