2001-11-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2001-11-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:31:45 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES November 14, 2001 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, November 14, 2001, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101
Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Ellsworth Stein, Liz Petschel,
John Roszak, Gregg Fitzer and Vern Edstrom. Staff present: City Administrator Carrie Lindberg, Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister and Recorder Bonita Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Commissioner Joseph Leuman. MINUTES
Chair Beaty stated that on page 3, sixth paragraph beginning with 'City Administrator
Lindberg stated', last sentence references 'involvement with the MAC', should read
MASAC. Commissioner Petschel expressed her appreciation stating that the minutes were done exceptionally well and thanked Ms. Sullivan for doing a good job in capturing the content of the meeting. Commissioner Edstrom moved to approve the October 10, 2001 minutes. Commissioner
Petschel seconded the motion.
NAYS: 0 Presentation None Unfinished/New Business
A. Update on Airport Noise Video
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that on October 29, 2001, he and Commissioner Edstrom went with Dennis Raftery of NDCTV to the airport to get live footage of the airport and its operations for the airport noise video. He explained that they met with Roy Fuhrman, Chad Leqve and Scott Scramstead of the Metropolitan Airport Commission Commission Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission 2 (MAC). He stated that Mr. Scramstead gave them a tour of the airport that provided
various vantage points for filming airplanes taking off and landing. He stated that he and
Mr. Raftery visited the Furlong neighborhood and filmed overhead flights that included
views of the homes and the ANOMS noise monitor located in the neighborhood.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she recently spoke with Mr. Raftery noting that he went out again to continue filming the various sites needed for the video. She further explained that he has received information from the Metropolitan Airport Commission noting that most were still shots and at this point he is working on cataloging and editing the photographs. She stated that he would contact Marie next week to schedule and that it would take a short time to film.
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Commissioner Petschel expressed concerns that one of the costly parts of the video would be the animation and referenced the head to head and simultaneous departures as being the most difficult. She suggested that someone should work with Mr. Raftery in a consulting role when doing the animation so that correct information is provided. She
explained that any corrections to the animation would be very costly due to technology
issues and the time involved. Chair Beaty stated that the Commissioners would be
available to work with Mr. Raftery in a consulting role to make sure the information is
correct for the video. City Administrator Lindberg stated that the majority of the work pulling the video together would begin sometime next month. She stated that Mr. Raftery assured her that he would be in constant contact during that time period. Chair Beaty suggested, as an opening to the video, depicting the surreal beauty of a quiet
day and a bird singing only to be interrupted by the loud sounds of a jet flying overhead.
Administrative Assistant Hollister acknowledged the suggestion noting that they did
catch a cat playing in a field with the same thought in mind for the opening.
Commissioner Edstrom stated that when they see the first draft and start reviewing they would have more to add. He stated that he is very impressed so far with the work done on the video. Commissioner Petschel stated that Dave Nimmer has a hard copy of the script but that she has not heard from him yet. Chair Beaty asked if she has contacted him.
Commissioner Petschel stated the agreement was that he would call her with any
B. Update on Rogers Lake East Issue Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that he, Chair Beaty, City Administrator Lindberg, Mike Kosel, Guy Heide and several members of the Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee met with Roy Fuhrman and Chad Leqve of the Metropolitan Airport Commission on October 16, 2001. He explained that the purpose of the meeting Commission Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
was to continue discussion of the Committee's concerns and their request for placement
of an ANOMS meter in the Rogers Lake East Neighborhood. He stated that they also
discussed the request to adjust the noise contours to include the neighborhood for insulation eligibility. He referenced the handout provided to the Commission for their review. Chair Beaty stated that one item he has learned from this is that Mr. Heide has a good, solid understanding of the issues and he was very impressed with how organized Mr. Heide was for the meeting.
Commissioner Petschel asked about Mr. Heide's background and experience.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that they are not sure of his background and
agreed that he is very sharp and well organized. Chair Beaty stated that the bottom line is that these individuals may have some legitimate concerns regarding the methodology that the Airport is using to compile their information. City Administrator Lindberg stated that she asked the Committee what their purpose is
for requesting placement of the ANOM and said she was told it was basically to prove
that the Airport data is wrong.
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Administrative Assistant Hollister noted that Mr. Fuhrman and Mr. Leqve stated that it is not their methodology but that it is a methodology they are mandated to use by the FAA. He explained that they tried to convey that they are not the bad guys and the Committee would not be able to win this issue due to the fact that it is a Federal agency.
Chair Beaty noted that one item they continued to ask is to move the ANOM meter into
their area and he does not think this is an unreasonable request. He stated that it is
obvious that the Residents are having problems with the noise levels in their neighborhood and the Metropolitan Airport Commission needs to try and resolve the problem. Commissioner Petschel stated that McDougal did present this request to the Metropolitan Airport Commission at the Part 150 Conference. Commissioner Edstrom stated that one of the easiest outs would be to state that they have agreed to add that block to the 160. Commissioner Roszak explained that it would then
become a Federal issue.
Commissioner Roszak asked if they could recommend to the City Council that the MCPA
be brought into the area to do testing. Chair Beaty stated that he wasn’t sure if their equipment or software would be compatible in measuring the same things the current ANOM measures. Commission Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission 4 Commissioner Stein asked about the moving costs and if the City furnished the poles for the meters. Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that he is not sure of the costs
adding that he didn’t think the City furnished the poles for the meters.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that the meter data doesn’t actually determine
the contours. He explained that it is a projection of the noise based on the flight patterns. Chair Beaty explained that they actually use both. Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that he spoke with representatives from the various neighboring Cities and Organizations such as a POP Neighborhood group, MPCA, Eagan, Burnsville, Richfield and Minneapolis. He reviewed the results from his inquiries with other Cities and Organizations with the Commission. He stated that Eagan
and Burnsville have never actually petitioned noting that he is not sure if they would be
interested in the 50/50 share with Mendota Heights for the independent ANOMS contour
study. He stated that Richfield has petitioned for meters and has hired consultants to do
noise level studies although they did not hire for contour studies. Commissioner Petschel noted the timing of the issues stating that they would need a yearly analysis to get good results. She stated that this is not the time of year for testing the noise levels. She explained that with the air shift the noise levels would change in addition to the change in flight frequency. She stated that they really need at least year's worth of analysis, at airport full capacity, in order to get good results.
Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced Minneapolis stating that he met with Jan
Del Cazo. He explained that Ms. Del Cazo stated that, due to the September 11 incident,
it is doubtful that anyone would get dollars from the Metropolitan Airport Commission at this time. Commissioner Petschel stated that no one asked the question regarding the mechanics of how they determine eligibility. She stated that the area is surrounded by people to the north, south, east and west that are eligible for insulation yet this neighborhood group doesn't qualify. She stated that there has been no explanation of how that happened and
would like to hear the explanation that makes the POP group more legitimate and what
determined their eligibility. Chair Beaty clarified that the POP neighborhood appears to
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fall into the pocket spot where the noise levels are not as severe. Administrative Assistant Hollister confirmed that this is true and reviewed the areas affected with the Commission. Chair Beaty suggested that they get this group in touch with Dave Williams noting that
they could get together to discuss their issues. He suggested inviting Mr. Heide and Mike
Kosel to the next meeting to give a half hour presentation, each, of what their issues are
with Metropolitan Airport Commission. He stated that the Commission would like to
hear them as a group. Commission Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission 5 Commissioner Petschel cautioned the Commission to be careful and have a clear idea on what they hope to accomplish with respect to the assistance they could actually provide to this group. She said that they need a clear idea of what we can do to really help. Chair Beaty stated that they have not heard it all yet.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that the intent for inviting them to the next meeting
would be to clarify what their issues are in order for the Commission to be able to
determine what support could be provided and then determine the next step in the process. Administrative Assistant Hollister asked Chair Beaty if the neighborhood got their meter would it change things or reveal new information. Chair Beaty stated that he didn’t think that moving the ANOM meter would help noting that if they can find and prove that the ANOM system is flawed this information could help many in the area.
Commissioner Roszak asked if one of the plans would be to get the politicians involved
and he agreed that the ANOM meters are not going to do much for them.
City Administrator Lindberg asked the Commissioners if they want to invite them to the December 12, 2001 meeting. Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested waiting for the January 2002 meeting. Commissioner Petschel stated that she would like the group to provide their presentation in writing prior to the meeting for Commission review.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that they would offer an invitation for them to present
at the next meeting and clarified the intent of the Commission. She stated that they
would also ask them to provide the Commission with a copy of their presentations for review prior to the meeting. Commissioner Edstrom clarified his understanding of the intent for Mr. Kosel and Mr. Heide's presentations with the Commission. Chair Beaty clarified that Mr. Heide has more than the noise concerns that could be presented.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would call Mr. Heide and explain that their
interest is in the information that was presented at the last meeting and the Commission
would like him to attend the next meeting to clarify the information.
The Commission agreed by consensus to extend an invitation to Mr. Heide and Mr. Kosel to attend the December 12, 2001 meeting. Administrative Assistant Hollister reviewed the parallel issues and concerns conveyed by both Mr. Heide and Mr. Kosel. He explained that it is a chain process that determines who gets the insulation. He stated that there are several points of attack noting it would be Commission
Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
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good to receive a concise summary of their issues for Commission review to help determine how they can cohesively go about providing support to them. City Administrator Lindberg clarified that they would make it very clear to Mr. Kosel that the intent is to hear their concerns clearly in order for them to determine the direction of
support the Commission could provide or suggest.
Commissioner Stein noted that they may be on the right track and it would be good to
hear their issues in a clear format. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents: Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence:
a. Agenda for October 23, 2001 Informational Meeting on Dr. Brandl's
City Administrator Lindberg provided the Commission with an overview of Dr. Brandl's report stating that there were mixed reactions to Dr. Brandl’s study. She reviewed the points discussed in the meeting. She stated that it seemed to be very adversarial. She stated that there were many references to Mendota Heights noting that no one came out and pointed a finger although the inference was there. She stated that now that the report is out there would be a meeting that would include three members of the Blue Ribbon Panel and members representing the Airport to determine the look and structure of the
new MASAC. She stated that essentially it is not a defunct organization but it is inactive
right now because certain members refuse to come back to the table. She reviewed the
presentations from the meeting noting that the Blue Ribbon Panel would begin meeting
soon. Chair Beaty asked if they had spoken to the Mayor about the report. City Administrator Lindberg stated that the Mayor was not happy with the report noting that it is not an accurate portrayal of what actually happened to the MASAC. City Administrator Lindberg stated that the meeting included a wide range of people with
various roles that affect the MASAC and Airport.
b. October 29, 2001 Noise Oversight Committee Update.
c. Letter from Roy Fuhrman, Metropolitan Airport Commission to Guy Heide, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee, dated October 22, 2001. d. Letter from Michael A. Kosel, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to John Hensel, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, dated November 5, 2001. Commission Meeting - November 14, 2001 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
e. Airport Noise Reports.
Commissioner Edstrom referenced the Fuhrman letter, page 9, summary and stated that they have been very vocal and read the statements made that reference their goals and issues to the Commission. He asked for further clarification on points referenced regarding the noise level measurements. City Administrator Lindberg clarified the measurement process and noted that it is a question as to when they should update the equipment and data.
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Chair Beaty asked the Commission for comments. Commissioner Roszak stated that they have discussed having a holiday gathering for Commission members and spouses noting that he would like to host the gathering this year. The Commission agreed by consensus that this would be a great idea.
City Administrator Lindberg asked if they would like to decide on a date. The group
decided on Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 6:00 p.m.
Chair Beaty asked if City Administrator Lindberg had everyone’s email. Everyone provided her with an update of his or her email addresses. Chair Beaty stated if there was no further discussion he would move to adjourn. The Commission had no further comments.
Chair adjourned by Executive Fiat.
AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted,
Bonita Sullivan TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.