2002-02-13 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2002-02-13 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:27:57 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES February 13, 2002 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was not held on Wednesday, February 13, 2002, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101
Victoria Curve as the Commission did not have enough attendees for a quorum. The
Commissioners in attendance decided to review the Airport Noise Video and discuss
current year planning issues. The discussion began at 7:05 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Liz Petschel and John Roszak. Staff present: City Administrator Carrie Lindberg, Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister and Recorder Bonita Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Commissioners Gregg Fitzer, Joseph Leuman, Vern Edstrom, and Ellsworth Stein.
Unfinished/New Business
A. Airport Noise Video Debut The group viewed the completed video. Chair Beaty suggested forwarding copies of the video to Dave Nimmer and Dave Sebastian.
Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested asking Mr. Nimmer if he would be willing
to take the video to the Eagan\Apple Valley equivalent of NDC\TV for possible airing.
Commissioner Petschel stated that she could take care of the distribution of the videos and assured Chair Beaty that copies would be provided to Dave Nimmer and Dave Sebastian. Chair Beaty thanked Administrative Assistant Hollister for putting together the Airport Report documents included in the packet for the meeting.
Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced the information regarding the role wind
plays in the take-off and landing patterns and asked if geography also plays a role. Chair
Beaty confirmed that geography, in addition to the wind patterns, play a role in the
directions they tend to go when taking off and landing. Chair Beaty referenced the nighttime operations analysis and acknowledged that the activity has gone down considerably. He stated that it was his understanding that after Commission Meeting – February 13, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission September 11, 2001, Northwest Airlines had decided to cutback on their use of the 727’s. He stated that based on the reports provided in the packet there is still a relatively high
percentage of 727’s still in use. Commissioner Petschel agreed adding that this particular
aircraft is probably the ideal size aircraft for use with the decrease in air travel activity.
Chair Beaty stated that he had just read about the new hush kits now available for smaller corporate aircraft. Commissioner Roszak referred the group to the WHAT’S NEW article included in their packet. He explained that it references a noise reduction breakthrough for aircraft stating that this is now a resurrected issue in the European airports. Administrative Assistant Hollister asked for further clarification on the compliance issues. Commissioner Roszak
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provided a brief explanation of the issues to the group. Chair Beaty suggested that they contact the individual/’s responsible for publishing the Heights Highlites to discuss the possibility of including an article in next month’s issue announcing the Airport Noise Video. City Administrator Lindberg explained that
everyone contributes to the Heights Highlites and confirmed that they would include an
article for the next issue.
Commissioner Petschel asked if anyone knew of a local group that acknowledges local artists and videos. City Administrator Lindberg confirmed that there is an organization locally adding that they have already gone through the award process for the past year. She stated that she would research further to determine a nomination process and timeframe for submittals. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE
Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced the news article in the February 13, 2002
Sun Newspapers announcing the Airport Noise Video. He stated that it was an excellent
article that quoted Chair Beaty quite extensively. He reviewed the contents of the article with the Commission. Chair Beaty referenced the letters included in the packet from Guy Heide and asked for suggestions from the group. Commissioner Roszak suggested referring Mr. Heide to Mr. Gemberling as a possible resource stating that he is the individual who responds to all requests and opinions on government data and practices. He stated that there is a lot of
information available on the State website and suggested that the group take time to
review what is available. He further stated that it would be a good resource for Mr.
Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced the costs for the data and asked for further clarification. Commissioner Roszak explained that they would have to allow a review of the information at no cost adding that if they want copies of the information there would be a charge for the time and materials. Commission Meeting – February 13, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence:
a. Letter from John Hensel, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to Michael A. Kosel, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee, dated January 29, 2002. b. MAC Department of Environment Website: Monthly Report. c. Draft December 2001 Technical Advisor’s Report. d. Draft December 2001 MASAC Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis.
e. WHAT’S NEW at the MAC Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs.
f. Airport Noise Reports
g. January 2002 Heights Highlites.
h. Sun Newspaper Article, Airport Noise Video Premiered at MH Council, dated February 13, 2002. i. Letter from Michael A. Kosel, Guy Heide, Duane Taylor, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to Jeffrey Hamiel, Metropolitan Airports Commission, dated February 4, 2002. j. Letter from Guy Heide, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to Richard Johnson, HNTB Corporation, dated February 7, 2002.
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Chair Beaty referenced the ANOMs reports stating that it is nice receiving this information just to be able to stay informed. He stated that there are several issues that still required some discussion. He suggested reviewing the items and prioritize for future discussion. He stated that if they are no longer going to receive MASAC information that they should request this information from the MAC.
Administrative Assistant Hollister clarified that he found Correspondence Items 5b, c, d
and e from the website. He stated that there is a lot of good information available on the
website noting that it is not very user friendly or easy to use. He explained the process for downloading the various documents available to the Commission. Commissioner Roszak asked if they were supposed to be working on their annual planning for the year. Chair Beaty stated that this is what he was beginning to discuss earlier. He clarified that the process is called the Airport Plan of Action. He stated that the last time they went through this process was in 2000 and that it would be good to go
back through the process. Commissioner Roszak agreed that this would be an excellent
exercise to establish priorities.
City Administrator Lindberg suggested putting it on for the next agenda. She noted that Administrative Assistant Hollister would not be available for the meeting but it would be Commission Meeting – February 13, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission a good time to start the process. She stated that she would include the report from 2000 for their review. Commissioner Roszak asked for clarification on public policy regarding the
MAC/MnDOT issues. City Administrator Lindberg explained the thought process
involved includes the MAC as an arm of MnDOT. She provided an overview of the
potential zoning issues that could ensue depending upon the decision. Administrative
Assistant Hollister clarified that the issues could be with respect to eminent domain. City Administrator Lindberg explained that the MAC serves as an advisor to the Metropolitan Council. She expressed her concerns stating that they have no power over the Comprehensive Plan noting that the State could easily veto projects that were otherwise approved locally.
Commissioner Petschel clarified that MnDOT is not a political organization adding that
MAC at least appears to be.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that Tim Wilkins sponsored the bill. Commissioner Petschel suggested having a representative from Tim Wilkins’ office come to a meeting to discuss the issues with the Commission. Commissioner Roszak referenced the federal powers and suggested inviting individuals to their meetings for discussions and question/answer sessions on the issues. Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested reviewing the FAA website for updates and information.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would follow up on these suggestions for the
next meeting. She stated that she would call Tim Wilkins’ office to invite them to the
next Commission meeting. She stated that the bill file number is 2682 and that it is
available for viewing on the State website. Chair Beaty stated that this has been in the process for awhile. He stated that he would like to review the entire bill. City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would forward copies of the bill to each of the Commissioners for their review. Commissioner Petschel stated that she met with Cliff Tim recently. She stated that his new cause is the explosion of the goose population in the area. She stated that he wanted
to discuss his concerns further noting that she referred him to the MAC. She stated that
he is very supportive and active in the community.
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Chair Beaty referenced the aerator stating it appears to be a bit high and dry. He asked if, when the water is low, does it not work. Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that he is not familiar with how it functions and referred Chair Beaty to Guy Collander with any concerns. City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would have someone check into it.
Chair Beaty closed the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Commission Meeting – February 13, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Bonita Sullivan TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.