2002-01-09 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2002-01-09 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:27:58 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES January 9, 2002 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, January 9, 2002, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Ellsworth Stein, Gregg Fitzer,
Joseph Leuman, John Roszak and Vern Edstrom. Staff present: City Administrator Carrie Lindberg, Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister and Recorder Bonita Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Commissioner Liz Petschel. MINUTES
Commissioner Fitzer moved to approve the December 12, 2001 minutes. Commissioner
Stein seconded the motion.
AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 Presentation None
Unfinished/New Business
A. Preview of Airport Noise Video
Chair Beaty stated that Dennis Raftery of NDC/TV is present and ready to preview the Airport Noise Video. Dennis Raftery, NDC/TV, stated that most of the video is done and explained that there are two parts left to complete. He stated that he is looking for direction from the Commission regarding these two items and overall feedback on the video. He stated that the introduction would be ready early next week. He stated that he has received
permission from Cardinal Corner for the final footage intended for the introduction. He
stated that the music has not yet been added. He explained that the music detracts from
the airplane noise and that he would like feedback from the Commission regarding
placement. He referenced an aerial shot in the video and asked the Commission to pay special attention to this portion of the video and verify that he has the correct aerial shot with the new construction. Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Chair Beaty suggested that they view the video first, take notes and hold the discussion until after the viewing.
The Commission viewed the video.
Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that Mr. Raftery has done a great job so far on the video. He noted that the video has a huge amount of information stating that many people would have an opportunity to view this video. Chair Beaty referenced the dates mentioned in the script stating that the first paragraph, third sentence mentions the year 2000 and asked if this already dates the video. City Administrator Lindberg stated that year 2000 was a big year for the airport and that, at
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this point it does not date the video. Mr. Raftery stated that the voice editing is all done on the computer and that he could remove sentences that reference dates if that is their preference. Commissioners Edstrom and Fitzer stated that they did not see it as an issue noting that it would lose the impact by
removing the date. Commissioner Fitzer further stated that he would be in agreement
with removing the statement if the intent is to use the video for ten years or more.
City Administrator Lindberg noted that the word 'separation' was misspelled in the graphics. Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested including a section at the end that would thank all of the individuals involved. He stated that they should including individuals and organizations, such as the Metropolitan Airport Commission, who provided information for footage. Mr. Raftery asked for a list of credits and individuals that have worked on
the video. He explained that it could include individuals they would like to thank directly
and indirectly. He asked that they include their titles with company names, where it
applies. He suggested using a slow scroll for easy viewing of the names. He also
suggested prioritizing them based on their involvement with the video. City Administrator Lindberg stated that they could put together the list and provide it to Mr. Raftery. Mr. Raftery further explained that legally they would have to acknowledge all individuals and groups involved in the creation of the video.
Administrative Assistant Hollister asked if they had used any material that would require
thanks to the FAA or the Metropolitan Council. Chair Beaty clarified that they did not
receive information from the Metropolitan Council. He stated that they only used the
FAA logo and it did not require an acknowledgement. Mr. Raftery stated that he has not made a decision on the background yet and suggested using the Metropolitan Airport building as a background versus the blue background. Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Commissioner Stein noted a reference to Stage Four and suggested that they include a statement that this is an “upgrade”. Commissioner Leuman stated that Europe has a lot of
information on Stage Four noting that there isn't very much information available here
Administrative Assistant Hollister noted that this is wonderfully subversive noting the subliminal message regarding life in Mendota Heights. He stated that they did a very good job putting it all together. Commissioner Fitzer referenced a statement towards the end, about the noise mitigation being expanded and asked for clarification. Chair Beaty reviewed the expansion statements and expressed concerns noting that it may not happen. Commissioner Fitzer
suggested reviewing the video to determine the statement.
Commissioner Edstrom referenced the segment discussing the prevailing winds on
takeoff and the head to head landing/takeoffs and suggested removing the wind graphics or show it as a cross wind. Mr. Raftery stated that he could remove the wind graphic and clarified that they want that reference removed from the head to head. Commissioner Edstrom referenced a statement made that Eagan doesn't receive much of the traffic and stated that this could generate a high volume of calls. He explained that they would need to be prepared for questions.
Mr. Raftery suggested that they include a graphic under Dave Nimmer that would identify
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him to the audience as the narrator. Mr. Raftery noted the aerial shot in the video and asked the Commission if he had used the correct shot. The Commission confirmed that he had the correct shot.
Chair Beaty suggested that they utilize the aerial view that would show more of the
southern traffic. He referenced the map shown during the segment discussing the corridor
and asked if there was a way to make Mendota Heights more easily identifiable. He
suggested that they label or highlight the border of Mendota Heights. He explained that many people do not realize that Mendota and Mendota Heights are not the same City and that it would be good to identity the full name of the City. Commissioner Edstrom suggested fading the word Mendota from the top portion of the frame. Mr. Raftery stated he could try and suggested starting with the border.
Chair Beaty referenced the fanning pattern segment that is discussed after head to heads
stating that the yellow color used for the fan pattern is not going to leave the right
impression. He explained that this aerial shot could lead people to believe the number of
flight patterns is higher over Eagan versus Mendota Heights. Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested checking the website for other possible aerial shots. He also suggested zooming in on the heavier area of the aerial shot to show Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission the density of the flight patterns. Mr. Raftery pointed out that the flight patterns are proportionate and that it does show the higher density over Mendota. He acknowledged
that the yellow color does draw more attention to the flight patterns and suggested
reviewing the entire section again before making a decision.
In reviewing the video it was determined that they could highlight the City names versus trying to change the aerial views. Mr. Raftery explained that this would be possible on the static shots but not on the shots where there is actual movement. City Administrator Lindberg suggested labeling the freeways for 494, Highway 55 and 35E. The group agreed by consensus to label the three major highways.
Chair Beaty asked if they could extend the lines out for the in/out runways to show that
they aren’t actually colliding.
Mr. Raftery referenced the DNL contours segment stating that he had removed references to the section of the program that discussed the expansion of the program to homes included in the DNL 60 and 64. He explained that he was not sure that it would be a true statement at this point. He asked the Commission if this statement should be included. The Commission agreed that it would be best to leave the statement out. Commissioner Edstrom referenced bullet items on the video that also references homes in
the DNL 60 contour and asked if they should also be removed.
Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced the ‘Current Priorities’ frame and asked if
they could add more text that would identify them as 'Mendota Heights Current Priorities'. The group complimented Mr. Raftery on the great job done on the video. Mr. Raftery clarified the changes with the Commission. He stated that it should be done by the end of next week. He asked if they had any thoughts on music. City
Administrator Lindberg suggested at the beginning and at the end with the credits. Mr.
Raftery explained that if they decide to place music that it needs to carry through the
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video. He agreed with City Administrator Lindberg’s suggestion to add music at the end over the credits. He stated that he would add music in various spots and have them review for final feedback. Administrative Assistant Hollister referenced public domain and copyright issues and
asked his sources would be for the music. Mr. Raftery explained that they have a large,
in-house selection available and that there would be no copyright issues with the music.
Commissioner Fitzer asked how they were doing on the budget. Mr. Raftery stated that they are close to budget but that it should be fine. He explained that the edits from this session are basic and it wouldn't take too much time. Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Chair Beaty clarified that the video would be completed in a few weeks. Mr. Raftery stated that all changes would be completed by the end of next week.
Chair Beaty suggested that the Commission meet one more time, prior to the next
Commission meeting, to preview the changes. He asked the group to think of ideas on
how to present the video and be ready to discuss at the next meeting.
Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested that the Commission work with City Administrator Lindberg to determine the best time to present this video to the Council. He stated that the Council agenda for the January/February meetings are already very full and suggested the last Council meeting in February. He stated that it would be nice if NDC-TV starts showing the video before presenting it to the Council adding that this would alleviate any possible editing issues.
Commissioner Roszak suggested that they reconsider presenting the video to the public
before allowing the City Council to view. He stated that the City Council should have the
first preview before it goes out to the public. City Administrator Lindberg stated that the local papers would grab this issue and suggested inviting the Sun Current to the next meeting. Mr. Raftery suggested sending copies for private viewing noting that the cost for two or more would be $12.00 per video. Chair Beaty suggested announcing the video in the newsletter and the local newspapers.
Commissioner Leuman asked if the video could be placed on DVD. Mr. Raftery stated
that it could but that it is a very expensive process. He suggested a DVC copy for record
purposes as video does degenerate over time. Commissioner Roszak asked what the response would be if the City is requested for a copy. Administrative Assistant Hollister stated that they would charge for a copy of the video noting the grace period in providing information. Commissioner Roszak clarified that they are required to provide any governmental
information to the public immediately and no later than five days after the request. He
asked what would happen to the quality with each copy. Mr. Raftery stated that each
copy would be made from the original and that degradation would not occur.
City Administrator Lindberg asked if NDC-TV would be willing to distribute and charge for the videos. Mr. Raftery stated that he would check on the possibilities. Commissioner Roszak explained that because the Commission has a copy of the video they would have to be responsible for providing a copy, if requested. Administrative Assistant Hollister suggested keeping a small quantity on hand and replace as they sell.
Mr. Raftery stated that there is a $25.00 charge for each playback noting that the
advantage to this is that it would play out to the entire Minneapolis area. He explained
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that if they only want airing in Mendota Heights to use their channel. Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission The Commission agreed, by consensus, that they did not want to pay additional for other areas to be able to view the video.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that anyone interested in the final previewing of the
video would be notified. She stated that she would coordinate and schedule the preview
with Mr. Raftery. Mr. Raftery committed to notifying City Administrator Lindberg when the video is completed. The Commission complimented Mr. Raftery on the great job done and thanked him for his time. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
Chair Beaty referenced a letter he received from Guy Heide stating that it is not included in the packet. He read the letter to the Commission and asked for their feedback. He stated that Mr. Heide included another letter as an attachment and shared the letter with the Commission. He explained that Mr. Heide wrote this letter addressing the incorrect contour maps. He further explained that Mr. Heide is asking them to support their position on the allegations.
Commissioner Roszak moved that the Commission does not support an Investigation for
Misconduct and that the Commission recommend to City Council that the Public Policy
driving the Part 150 Plan needs to be fairly administered and if a Citizen of Mendota
Heights has an issue, that the City supports contacting the appropriate agencies that would take the appropriate action for fairness. Commissioner Leuman seconded the motion. AYES 6 NAYS 0
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would call Mr. Heide and explain to him that
they would refer the matter to City Council.
Commissioner Stein asked if the City Council was aware of all the issues. Administrative Assistant Hollister clarified that Mr. Heide and Mr. Kosel sent copies of all communication to the Council. City Administrator Lindberg stated that she had not heard back from them with regard to wanting copies of the reports and she spoke with Mr. Heide about it. She explained that he would prefer they hold off on getting the copies.
Commission Meeting - January 9, 2002 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Fitzer asked if the Council has received any briefings on the issues. City
Administrator Lindberg stated that the Council has received copies of all correspondence
and are aware of the issues. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence: a. Letter from Michael A. Kosel, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to John Hensel, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, dated December 15, 2001.
b. Letter from Guy Heide, Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to
Thomas W. Anderson, Metropolitan Airports Commission, dated December 26,
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2001. c. Airport Noise Reports. OTHER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS City Administrator Lindberg stated that she spoke with the Mayor and the Mayor is okay
with re-appointing those who want to be re-appointed to the Commission. She stated that
the re-appointments would be addressed at the next Council meeting.
Chair Beaty clarified that they would present the video to the City Council at the second meeting in February 2002. Chair Beaty stated if there was no further discussion he would move to adjourn. The Commission had no further comments. ADJOURN
Chair adjourned by Executive Fiat.
AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bonita Sullivan
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