2004-09-08 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2004-09-08 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:21:22 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 2004 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, September 8, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., in the Large Conference Room at City Hall,
1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Vern Edstrom, Liz Petschel,
Mike Povolny, John Roszak, and Ellsworth Stein. Staff present; Jim Danielson, City Administrator; and Bonita Sullivan, Recorder. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Commissioner Gregg Fitzer. Approval of Minutes A. August 11, 2004 Minutes
Commissioner Beaty stated that he had the following corrections:
* Page two, fourth paragraph beginning with ‘Chair Beaty agreed.’ – He clarified that
the what he was trying to state is that the ARC’s role is to provide their recommendations to the City Council for consideration during their decision making process. * Page two, Item B-Cable Casting, First paragraph – He clarified that Council Member Krebsbach wanted to meet with him, not the ARC, to discuss cable casting the ARC meetings. He noted that the discussion has not taken place. * Page two, paragraph nine – He clarified that Commissioner Petschel had suggested
submitting an article to the ‘Highlights’ newsletter not the ‘Bulletin’.
* Page three, seventh paragraph – typo – ‘formulize’ should be ‘formalize’
* Page 6, Acknowledge Receipt of Reports, second paragraph – should state ‘Chair
Beaty noted that they are continuing to increase traffic at MSP airport.’ Commissioner Petschel stated that she had the following corrections: * Page three, eighth paragraph, fourth sentence states ‘crossing over the corridor’ – it should state ‘crossing in the corridor’. * Page four, first paragraph, fourth sentence states ‘indicated that residents from the Reserve have contacted her’ - it should state ‘indicated that residents from the
Preserve have contacted her’.
* Page four, third paragraph, - she clarified that it should read ‘Commissioner Petschel
agreed noting that the flights making power turns and following Delaware are
probably not even included in the out of corridor numbers.’ * Page five, first sentence, should state ‘Commissioner Petschel noted that MSP will be included in the MIT study. Commission Meeting September 8, 2004 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission * Page five, third paragraph, under first major bullet - Non Simultaneous Departure Procedure – the second bullet item should read ‘Completion of Runway 17-35’.
A motion was made by Commissioner Roszak, second by Commissioner Edstrom, to
approve the August 11, 2004 minutes as amended. Motion carried 6-0
Public Comments NONE Unfinished/New Business A. Work Goals for NOC Representative
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The Commission reviewed and discussed the NOC Representative Work Goals. The Commission determined the presentation process for the ARC recommendations and agreed that a letter of explanation would be included with the Work Goals for Council’s review prior to their Regular meeting. The Commission also agreed that a Representative from the ARC should present the Work Goals to Council and be available for any
questions the Council might have.
B. NWA Fleet Mix
Chair Beaty stated that Commissioner Petschel had requested information regarding the fleet mix. Commissioner Petschel confirmed her request noting that over 50% of the fleet mix for Northwest Airlines is DC9’s, one of the nosiest planes in the sky. She stated that she had reviewed the information provided noting that it was not very helpful in answering her
questions. She clarified that what she would like to know is whether Memphis and
Detroit are flying the same planes at the same percentage or is MSP being treated
differently. She referenced the list she received outlining the fleet mix stating that the list
did not identify what airports the planes are flying in and out of. She thanked City Administrator Danielson for getting the information noting that she only received information from Memphis. She stated that if they do receive any information from Detroit that she would like to review for a comparison. Commissioner Beaty stated that there was also a request for information on how loud they are and referenced the third page of the document, July 2004 MSP Jet Carrier Fleet
Composition report, stating that the report shows the FAR Part 36 Take Off Noise Levels.
He stated that he would like to know how many are hush kitted versus non-hush kitted.
He expressed concerns that the information does not provide a clear picture of what
happens overhead versus takeoff. He noted that the DC9 queue comes in at 91db adding that the ANOM reports show that the majority of the DC9’s are well over 91 db. He stated that the planes may be louder in-flight, overhead than at takeoff. He referenced the Commission Meeting September 8, 2004 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission July 2004 Technical Advisor’s Report and reviewed the site statistics for DC9’s and 727’s with the Commission.
Commissioner Petschel referenced the 12-Left Corridor Report stating that she reviewed
the last two years of analysis, which indicates that the aircraft noise along Highway 110
has increased considerably. She suggested monitoring this area noting that it is very
important for the ARC to note this area and stay on top of it. She thanked City Administrator Danielson for providing the information. C. Potential Grant Application for ARC Project Chair Beaty stated that Commissioner Roszak discovered a grant opportunity called ‘Innovations in American Government’ and suggested that the Commission discuss
potential grant opportunities and projects. He provided the Commission an overview of
the suggestions provided by Commissioner Roszak and asked for feedback.
Council Member Krebsbach indicated that the budget is tight this year adding that the Council had to pull approval for the grant request submitted for City Parks. She provided the Commission with a brief overview of the budget and Council review process for grant requests. Chair Beaty explained that grant writing can be a difficult process and would probably require the assistance of a grant writer. He further explained that the competition for
grants are quite strong and would probably require the need to hire a grant writer, which
could be expensive.
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Commissioner Petschel agreed stating that the Commission would also have to identify a quality project for the application. She stated that this would be a good idea to consider for future projects.
Commission agreed jointly to table the grant discussion.
D. ARC Televised Meetings
Council Member Krebsbach stated that what the ARC is doing and discussing is very beneficial to the City of Mendota Heights. She acknowledged the Commission’s agreement to televise an ARC meeting once a year and suggested considering two to four televised meetings per year. She suggested using a Town Hall style format that would include the entire Commission noting that it could be very beneficial for the residents as it would provide them with an opportunity to hear what the ARC is discussing and doing
for their community.
Chair Beaty indicated that the Commission did discuss televising four ARC meetings a
year noting that the Commissioners expressed concerns regarding the amount of time it Commission Meeting September 8, 2004 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission would take to prepare for a televised forum in addition to giving consideration to the sensitive nature of the information they discuss from time to time. Council Member Krebsbach suggested utilizing the Town Hall format for the televised meetings with the Residents and retain their work sessions in a non-televised
environment. She recommended that the ARC Commission consider televising a
minimum of two meetings a year. She stated that she is very happy that the Commission
has agreed to televise once a year noting that their proposal to highlight the main issues of
the ARC Plan of Action is a good one. The Commission agreed by consensus to implement their recommended plan and schedule to televise the ARC meeting once a year and assess the results at the end of one year. E. City of Minneapolis, Part 150 Informational
Commissioner Petschel stated that she and Commissioner’s Stein and Edstrom attended
the City of Minneapolis Part 150 Informational meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 2004.
She provided the Commission with a brief overview and provided detailed notes to be included as part of the Agenda packet. F. City Administrator Update City Administrator Danielson provided the Commission with a brief update on the following:
* Clarified the Council discussion for televising the ARC meeting. Stated that the
Council liked the educational format the ARC recommended. Stated that the Council
would like the ARC Commission to consider televising more than once a year. * Town Center/ARC video – City Administrator Danielson contacted the Cable Television Company noting that they agreed to additional scheduling and airtime for the ARC video. He stated that they would begin to televise the ARC video over the next two months. He provided the Commission with a copy of the schedule for their review. * He stated that he has not had an opportunity to speak directly with Ms. Cindy Green
regarding the ARC letter asking for follow up on the training concerns for the Tower.
He stated that he and Ms. Green have several voice mails noting that in her last two
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voice mails she left responses to their questions regarding the crossing in the corridor issue and reviewed her responses with the Commission. He asked the Commission how they would like to respond. * Commissioner Petschel acknowledged that things have improved considerably and suggested monitoring for a time and if necessary invite her to a meeting for
further discussion.
* Commissioner Roszak suggested outlining their open concerns, such as: A status
on the Crossing in the Corridor Training; Review options for use of headings Commission Meeting September
8, 2004 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission versus tracks; and invite her to attend an ARC meeting to review their concerns. He asked if there would be a way to provide her with a sense of the issues are. * Commissioner Petschel suggested letting Ms. Green know that they are encountering problems with complaints from Residents north of Highway 110 and ask her to clarify what is going on and how the issue could be resolved. * City Administrator Danielson stated that he would extend an invitation to Ms.
Green to attend an ARC meeting. He stated that he would provide her with an
outline of the concerns for discussion that would include:
1. Training-crossing in corridor.
2. If the winds are blowing what can be done to keep planes inside the corridor? 3. Receiving complaints from residents north of Highway 110 and ask for clarification and whether their complaints can be addressed or fixed. 4. Update on the Tower developing any kind of runway use system. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence:
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
Chair Beaty asked if they were supposed to receive four Airport Noise Reports each month. City Administrator Danielson explained that due to time schedules they were not able to provide all of the Airport Noise Reports for July. He stated that the reports would be included in the October meeting packet. a. July 2004 ANOM Technical Advisor’s Report. b. July 2004 ANOM Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis.
c. Airport Noise Report, July 27, 2004.
d. City of Minneapolis, Information Sheet from the Part 150.
e. Notes from the Planning and Environment Committee Hearing on the Part 150
Document OTHER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS Chair Beaty asked City Administrator Danielson to check the length of each Commissioners term and provide at the next meeting for their review.
The Commission agreed, by consensus, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonita Sullivan TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.