2005-09-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2005-09-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:19:05 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES September 14, 2005 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, September 14, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Large Conference Room at City
Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Brian Linnihan, Liz Petschel,
Mike Povolny, and Ellsworth Stein. Staff present; Jim Danielson, City Administrator; and Bonita Sullivan, Recorder. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Commissioners Vern Edstrom and John Roszak Chair Beaty welcomed everyone noting that this is the first publicly televised meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission. He provided a brief history of the
Airport Relations Commission noting that their meetings take place on the second
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. He stated that a video created by the ARC, ‘Can’t
Someone do Something About the Noise’, would be aired following tonight’s meeting.
He explained that this is a video, created by the Airport Relations Commission, to help educate the community on airport noise. He stated that it is available to the community in two formats, video and DVD adding that residents can request and checkout a copy for personal viewing. The Commissioners and Staff introduced themselves to the public.
Approval of Minutes
A. August 10, 2005 Airport Relations Commission Minutes
Commissioner Petschel had the following corrections: • Page 5, Community Panel, 2nd paragraph, Line 1 and 2, should read: incorporate into ‘the’ plan of action. • Page 5, Community Panel, 3rd paragraph, reads: Jan Tremanko’; should read: ‘Pam Dimytrenko’. • Page 7, Other Comments and Concerns, paragraph 3 and 4, reads: ‘term of limits’;
should read: ‘term limits’.
Commissioner Stein had the following correction:
• Page 4, Robert Hilb, second bullet, should read: ‘Should be used up to five miles from the airport boundary’. Commission Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission A motion was made by Commissioner Petschel, second by Commissioner Stein, to approve the August 10, 2005 minutes as amended. Motion carried 5-0 Public Comments
Unfinished/New Business A. Presentation on Emergency Response – Police Chief Mike Aschenbrener and Fire Chief John Maczko Chair Beaty explained that Police Chief Aschenbrener and Fire Chief Maczko are present this evening to provide a presentation on the City of Mendota Heights Emergency
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Operation Plan. He further explained that the Commissioners had attended a conference where emergency response and airport related disaster responses were discussed and based on this presentation they asked the Police and Fire Departments to provide a presentation of the City’s emergency response plan.
Police Chief Aschenbrener thanked the Commission for inviting them. He provided a
brief history of the City’s Emergency Operation Plan noting that the first plan was
adopted in 1979 and has been updated several times as new guidelines and requirements
are brought forward. He indicated that the City has participated in several emergency drills including a simulated plane crash at the St. Thomas Academy in 1984 and a simulated chemical release, which was a joint drill with West St. Paul in 2004. Fire Chief Maczko provided the Commission with a brief overview of what the Emergency Response Plan consists of and is about. He explained that the City is required to have an emergency response plan in place that outlines how the City would respond in
the event of a disaster situation. He further explained that the plan is multi-hazard and
includes a number of resources including police, fire, and mutual contracts from
surrounding area police/fire departments. He stated that the local agency remains in
charge throughout the process and is responsible for developing the plan and process noting that the County, State and Federal government resources are brought in when an emergency exceeds the local community capability. Fire Chief Maczko stated that the emergency response plan is in place to help manage an incident and scene noting that sometimes they get so many volunteers it could end up with resources that are not properly used adding that with an emergency response system
in place it allows them to bring the resources together and place them into the locations
with the highest need. He stated that life safety is their highest priority noting that their
real purpose is to save lives first. He stated that their second priority is property
protection and their third priority is recovery and establishing normalcy. Commission Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Fire Chief Maczko and Police Chief Aschenbrener provided the Commission with an overview of an incident response and on-scene incident command setup process with the Commission. He stated that the mutual aid agreements the City of Mendota Heights has set up with Dakota County is second to none adding that the manual, which is available for the public to review, includes all of their procedures and the mutual aid agreements.
He explained that the manual and guidelines outline how each department works together
and when. He further explained that the first four departments that would respond to an
emergency situation include Police, Fire, EMS and Public Works noting that the Public
Works Department is a very important part of the plan, as they have the equipment that assists the others in accessing disaster site. He stated that all of the departments drill and train together on natural disaster situations adding that they all work together to support each other. Chair Beaty asked which City department would be responsible for coordinating the procedures if a plane should go down in the area.
Police Chief Aschenbrener explained that basically an emergency plan is a standard
operating procedure that would cover all incidents and all hazards. He explained that the
Fire response is basically on-call, the Police response would be based on shifts and is time dependent noting that the City’s resources are relatively limited and reviewed with the Commission. Fire Chief Maczko noted that all of the Fire departments in Dakota County are part of the mutual aid agreement and are available, as a resource, if needed. He stated that they also train together with departments from neighboring communities noting that this has been
mandated for incident management response calls that are County managed.
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Commissioner Linnihan asked how often do other Cities offer their assistance. Fire Chief Maczko stated that the City has received assistance from other Cities two or three times this year noting that this year Mendota Heights has provided assistance to other Cities at least eight or nine times including providing assistance to the City of
Eagan on a strike plan for Northwest Airlines.
Police Chief Aschenbrener and Fire Chief Maczko provided an overview of a plane crash
scenario and each department’s response to the Commission. Police Chief Aschenbrener explained that they utilize a unified command concept and reviewed the process with the Commission. He noted that the process would also include the City Administrator, the FAA and the Airlines adding that everyone would work together as a team under the unified command concept.
Fire Chief Maczko further explained that the unified command concept is a unified
system noting that in the early stages of the fire rescue the Fire department would
coordinate and manage the scene noting that as it changes from a fire rescue the Police Commission
Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission department becomes more involved in the effort to support each department. He explained that once the life safety process is under control the scene then turns to the operational side of the process. He clarified that the command on scene is the forward command post and works to send information back to the emergency operating center, which is the support group and planning area for the forward command post.
Police Chief Aschenbrener noted that they also utilize resources such as the American
Red Cross, to assist with displaced residents and the debriefing process for emergency
Fire Chief Maczko reviewed the costs and billing process used for emergency response with the Commission. He stated that the Mutual Aid Agreement states that the first twelve hours of fire response time for fire emergency assistance with and from other Cities is free adding that there is an hourly charge for anything beyond twelve hours. He stated that Mendota Heights would be responsible for paying another City for their assistance after the twelfth hour or Mendota Heights would be paid if their assistance is
Chair Beaty asked who documents the expenses.
Police Chief Aschenbrener explained that anytime assistance is deployed it is documented by a number of people including the Police department, the Fire Department, FEMA, and businesses/companies. He indicated that all involved groups log in and out at the staging area. He stated that it takes approximately 90-days to finish the financing process after an emergency situation.
Fire Chief Maczko stated that for the Federal government to get involved the situation has
to be declared a natural disaster and the local area has to use up all available resources
from the City, surrounding areas, the County and the State first. He stated that a
declaration through FEMA is made in order to make them eligible for federal reimbursement of dollars noting that a certain level of damage on uninsured properties has to be determined before it would be declared and reviewed with the Commission. Police Chief Aschenbrener stated that the Dakota County Domestic Preparedness Committee created the Mutual Police Assistance Agreement in March of 2003. He provided the Commission with an overview of the Mission Statement stating that
everyone in Dakota County, the MAC and the Metro Transit Police signed this
agreement. He explained that it was broken into two groups, the Oversight Committee,
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which was created in June 2003, and the Incident Management Team, which was created in February 2005. Police Chief Aschenbrener reviewed the First Responders Group and Incident Management Team process, guidelines and training with the Commission and provided
the Commission with an overview of their current projects including Notification and Commission Meeting
September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Callout Methods; Awareness Level training for all City Staff, NIMS training for all police
staff, Public Health training for mass distribution of antibiotics and IMT exercises. Commissioner Linnihan asked how the teams are allocated and are the teams allocated by City. Police Chief Aschenbrener stated that there are not specific allocations based on City. He provided the Commission with an overview of the requirements noting that the training
includes a wide variety of topics for certification. He reviewed the twelve areas of
incident management with the Commission noting that the IMT group is the command
structure that is put in place to run the plan and reimburse the incident. He stated that this
is the only Type-4 Instance Management Team in the Midwest and one of the only teams certified nationally. Commissioner Petschel stated that residents have asked various questions from time to time noting that one of the most common questions asked is who would they contact if they found a major piece of aircraft on their property.
Police Chief Aschenbrener stated that residents should contact the Police department
noting that these are situations that could be a 911 issue and residents are urged to call.
Commissioner Povolny asked what kind of boat rescue equipment does Mendota Heights, Eagan or the County have to deal with a plane crash in the swamp areas. Fire Chief Maczko stated that Mendota Heights and Eagan each have one boat noting that the County would pull in boats from other area Fire Departments and the MAC. He noted that the St. Paul Fire Department also has an airboat. He stated that the National Guard, the Airport and the State Patrol have all been trained to assist with taking care of victims.
He stated that this type of crash would probably involve extensive airlift rescues in
addition to the use of boats and all-terrain type vehicles and reviewed with the
Commissioner Petschel stated that she has learned a lot of this presentation and thanked Police Chief Aschenbrener and Fire Chief Maczko for taking the time to provide the Commission with a thorough overview of the City’s Emergency Response Plan. Commissioner Stein asked if they utilize a specific list of contractors for heavy-lift situations.
Fire Chief Maczko explained that the State of Minnesota has a State Duty Officer that
they contact noting that this is a one-call to request needed resources. He stated that this
is a huge resource that the City has to activate and reviewed the process with the Commission. Commission Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission Chair Beaty thanked Fire Chief Maczko and Police Chief Aschenbrener for providing the Commission with an overview of the Emergency Response Plan. He stated that this presentation has been very helpful adding that it is very reassuring to know that the City, County and State have an emergency response process and plan in place.
B. City Administrator Update
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City Administrator Danielson provided the Commission with a brief update on the following: • Par 3 status – Oral arguments went before the State on August 20th. He stated that the
results of the plea have not been received, as it is still in progress.
• The City has received an offer from the TPL regarding Pilot Knob. They do not want
to own the property outright, they want the City to own the property. They have
received several grants and have asked the City to step forward to own the property once everything is assembled. They are currently reviewing the costs and have hired a consultant to determine the ongoing contribution. Noted that they are in agreement that this would remain an undeveloped, open space. C. Updates for Introduction Book
Chair Beaty reminded the Commissioners that they recently received updates for the ARC
Introduction Book. He provided a brief overview of the Introduction book noting that the
ARC decided to develop a book that could be used by new City Staff members, City
Council and Commission members to bring them up to date on ARC issues. He noted that the Introduction Book is also available for public review at City Hall. D. NOC Commissioner Petschel stated that the next NOC meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2005 noting that it is her plan to attend. She provided a brief overview of the NOC
noting that the NOC’s responsibility and purpose is to discuss and address airport
concerns and noise issues. She stated that Council Member Ultan Duggan is the City
Representative; Council Member Sandra Krebsbach is the City Alternate Representative
and Commissioner Petschel is the City Second Alternate Representative. She noted that the ARC was responsible for bringing the 90-degree turn issue to the NOC and reviewed with the Commission. Chair Beaty noted that the NOC and the MAC have approved the new take-off procedure, which was forwarded to the FAA. He asked if there are any updates on this item.
Commissioner Petschel indicated that the NOC would probably receive a status from
Cindy Green and Chad Leqve at the September 27, 2005 NOC meeting.
Commission Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Povolny asked if any of the 90-degree turns at the end of the runway would be outside of the corridor. Commissioner Petschel confirmed stating that it would be on the right side of Highway 110, which is where it is supposed to be. She stated that the 90-degree turn with wheels up is the problem and reviewed the boundaries with the Commission.
Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence:
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
Chair Beaty stated that it was interesting to review the Metropolitan Airport Commission’s 7-year CIP program. He noted that there are some very interesting numbers included adding that they plan to do a lot of things at the airports including the rehab of Humphrey Airport Terminal. Commissioner Petschel stated that the expansion of the Humphrey Terminal is in Phase 1
of the 2020 plan. She noted that with the recent Northwest Airlines announcement there
could be some major changes in the 2020 plan and reviewed with Commission.
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Commissioner Povolny clarified that the projects are based on ticket sales and gate fees. Commissioner Petschel confirmed noting that individuals from the MAC were interviewed and it is their claim that dollars are budgeted to get them through difficult
times with the airlines.
Commissioner Petschel reviewed the budget items noting that they have budgeted $7
million in the CIP for soundproofing that would include Trinity School adding that it was Guy Heide and Mike Kosel who brought it to their attention that Trinity School would be impacted by the runway changes. She stated that the budget also includes dollars for a pilot study using a mechanical package for people located in the new 60 and 64 DNL. She noted that there would be various co-pays and reviewed with the Commission. Chair Beaty stated that it appears that the Humphrey Terminal rehab project would cost
approximately $126,800,000.00 and the landscaping would be an additional $16 million
adding that it would be interesting to see how this project develops.
Commissioner Stein referenced the September 22, 2005 NOC Report, page 3, stating that it shows an estimated 723,000 forecasted landings for 2015, which is a gigantic jump from what they have been seeing. Chair Beaty referenced the July 2005 ANOMS Report, page 7, stating that it shows the night time operation hours as 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., which is when planes are not supposed to fly. He expressed concerns stating that this time last year there was 1,171 Commission Meeting
September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
total nighttime operations and in July 2005 there was 2,328, which is a significant
increase for this airport.
Commissioner Petschel referenced the July 2005 ANOMS Report, page 3, stating that the total flights are flat. She noted that they must have been flattening out on the daytime operations and increasing nighttime operations. She stated that the Pinnacle flights have increased and reviewed with the Commission. Chair Beaty referenced the August 15, 2005 Airport Noise Report noting that Australia
has a different way of monitoring and reporting noise issues. He stated that they have
now announced updated software that would be easier for airports to use and reviewed
with the Commission.
a. MAC 7-Year CIP Information. b. MSP Airport/NOC Meeting Agenda – September 22, 2005 c. Update to the Guide to Airport Noise Rules and Use Restrictions d. July 2005 ANOM Technical Advisor’s Report e. July 2005 ANOM Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis. f. Airport Noise Report, August 8, 2005.
g. Airport Noise Report, August 15, 2005
h. Airport Noise Report, August 22, 2005
i. Airport Noise Report, August 29, 2005
j. Airport Noise Report, September 5, 2005 OTHER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS Commissioner Petschel asked for an update on the timeline for Runway 17/35. City Administrator Danielson stated that the opening is scheduled for October noting that they plan to have an Open House on the last weekend in September. He stated that he would
provide the Commissioners with an update via email as soon as he receives the dates.
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Commissioner Petschel asked if there was an update on the Legislative Sub Committee. City Administrator Danielson stated that there is no new information available noting that a member of the Sub-Committee might attend the next ARC meeting to provide an update.
Chair Beaty reviewed the upcoming City meetings with the Commission and asked City
Administrator Danielson to include a discussion of the ARC’s presentation to the City
Council on the October ARC agenda. He stated that he would prefer to give the ARC
presentation at the second City Council meeting in November. The Commission agreed, by consensus, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bonita Sullivan Commission Meeting September 14, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.