2005-06-08 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2005-06-08 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:19:05 PM]
CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES June 8, 2005 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, June 8, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101
Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
The following Commissioners were present: Vern Edstrom, Brian Linnihan, Liz Petschel,
Mike Povolny, John Roszak and Ellsworth Stein. Staff present; Jim Danielson, City Administrator; Ultan Duggan, Council Member and NOC Representative; and Bonita Sullivan, Recorder. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes. Not Present: Chair Scott Beaty. Approval of Minutes
A. May 11, 2005 Airport Relations Commission Minutes
Commissioner Petschel had the following corrections: • Page 2, Chad Leqve Update, first paragraph, second line and second paragraph third line, should read Crossing ‘in’ the Corridor’ • Page 2, Chad Leqve Update, second paragraph, sixth line should read: ‘He provided an overview on the runway operations for 12R and 12L. • Page 3, fourth paragraph, line 2 should read ‘Mr. Leqve noted that it would be possible but added that if they did they would have to take a capacity hit.’
• Page 3, fourth paragraph, line six, should read ‘parallel runways.’
• Page 8, line 1, should read ‘the term limit should be four terms’
• Page 8, third paragraph – Remove paragraph and replace with ‘Commissioner
Petschel stated that the Planning Commission has considerable Staff help, but this is not true for the ARC.’ Commissioner Edstrom had the following correction: • Page 5, sixth paragraph, line 3, should read ‘season of prevailing southerly winds,’ Commissioner Povolny had the following correction:
• Page 6, fourth paragraph, clarified that he was asking how many new controllers they
had in training and whether the new traffic controllers are sending the planes north
without being aware of the 90-degree turn.
Commissioner Edstrom had the following correction: Page 6, paragraph 4, line 5 and 6, should read ‘could be the reason for the early turn.’ Commission Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission A motion was made by Commissioner Petschel, second by Commissioner Linnihan, to approve the May 11, 2005 minutes as amended. Motion carried 6-0
Public Comments
Unfinished/New Business A. Noise Level Study Council Member Duggan provided an updated noting that the people who complained did not win the case. He explained that it was suggested that the parameters presented were
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too narrow and that it was suggested that a broader approach might carry more weight in the presentation. He stated that he is going to ask Bernie Friel to review the study noting that no one has actually addressed the duration of the 1R. Commissioner Edstrom stated that it is his understanding that the Federal government
exempts aviation noise from all issues.
Commissioner Roszak noted that they would be far better off seeking legislative
assistance at the State and Federal level, as the odds of winning at the judicial level are quite low. Council Member Duggan asked if the ARC could review the parameters and determine if they could go beyond. Commissioner Roszak referenced a case out of Arizona where the day/night noise levels were successfully challenged noting that no one has taken the tact to challenge the Government or the DNL at this point.
Council Member Duggan stated that he believes that there is a need to push in this
direction and continue to push. He agreed with Commissioner Roszak stating that he is
not aware of anyone else trying to do this. Commissioner Roszak agreed stating that they should try to determine the wisest course of action adding that he is not sure that the judicial course would be the best way to go. He stated that if what they want is to make a conscious effort to really create change it would require a long effort that would include the creation of a political coalition team and/or committees to work through the issues.
Council Member Duggan agreed stating that they could also bring the issues forward
during the State Senate campaign. He suggested putting it to them in a question format
that would ask the candidates what they plan to do for the residents located around the airport who are inundated with noise. Commission Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission B. NOC Update Council Member Duggan stated that Commissioner Petschel presented the cooridor incursion information to the MAC noting that she did a really great job. He asked her to
provide the Commission with a brief overview.
Commissioner Petschel provided the Commission with an overview noting that both
Richfield and Eagan plan to do their own monitoring to verify the information that was provided from the EIS study. She explained that the Cities plan to hire Wiley to perform the study and would also use the same software used by the airport. Commissioner Petschel reviewed the NOC corridor issues discussion noting that a lot of the incursions are planes taking the northern departures. She stated that Diane Miller and the City of Eagan asked if it would affect Eagan and they were told that it would not. She
stated that the vote was unanimous except for Inver Grove Heights voting Naye and that
the resolution would move forward to the full MAC for consideration and approval and
on to the FAA for final approval and implementation.
Commissioner Petschel stated that calculations were done that show at least 300 homes, north of Highway 110, are being affected by the wheels up 90-degree turns. She further stated that if they had not caught this when they did it could have become part of the standard procedure and difficult to change. Council Member Duggan suggested placing a copy of the minutes, for that portion of
meeting, on file for City record purposes.
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Commissioner Petschel provided the following NOC Update: • Big item in Richfield is the run-up locations where they test engines. She stated that the NOC would like to see planes on the approach end of runway 4 at a 220 heading in addition to at the runup pads. She stated that they would like to make this part of
the standard operating procedure.
• Referenced the stretch of single-family homes along the east side of Cedar, just west
of the airport, noted that it is interesting that even though the homes are right along
the new runway, they are not considered to be in the DNL 65 and therefore, not eligible for soundproofing. She stated that the residents in the area are complaining that the planes have been running the engines up at night and that Senator Mark Dayton has been working with the residents on their concerns. • NOC discussed the nighttime operations adding that it is her understanding that they did a noise footprint with the projected number of operations out through 2007. She noted that as of June 2005 they have already exceeded the numbers projected for
• The three biggest nighttime operators are Sun Country, Northwest and Fed-Ex and
when Runway 17-35 is up and running the thought is that the nighttime bank would
become smaller, which would reduce some of the nighttime noise. Commission Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission • Noted the INM hours are 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. adding that they are trying for more consistency with the comparisons. • City of Bloomington is thinking of forming their own ARC and might be contacting the Mendota Heights ARC, as they would like to see how their ARC operates. • Many Cargo aircraft have been re-engined, not hush-kitted. They are running Stage 4
engines on Stage 3 aircraft, which is one of the things they are trying to do to reduce
the nighttime noise. She noted that it is also more fuel-efficient.
• Next NOC meeting is scheduled for August.
Council Member Duggan referenced the projections and asked when they would start reporting the new numbers on the runway. Commissioner Petschel explained that the Environmental Impact Study made clear noise around the projections, which is one of the reasons why Eagan and Richfield are doing their own independent study. She stated that both Cities want to be sure that the numbers match. She stated that even though the runway would be operational in October it is Mr. Leqve’s opinion that good numbers
won’t be available until after January 2006.
Commissioner Roszak referenced the voluntary nighttime flight restrictions and asked, if
when averaging the DNL, do they assume zero flights during the voluntary hours of restrictions or do they use actual data. Commissioner Petschel confirmed that they use the actual data and reviewed. C. Term Limit Update Council Member Duggan provided the Commission with an overview of the City Council
discussion regarding Commission and Committee term limits. He stated that he tried to
get a motion to reconsider from the last Council meeting noting that he would like to see
the City Council schedule a workshop that would include representatives from each
Commission and work to jointly define the process used to determine term limits for each Commission and Committee. He stated that each Commission and Committee should work to identify the tasks and responsibilities for each group and the process used to promote people within the organizations and also to promote new membership. He assured the Commissioners that it is not his belief that all of the Commissions should be treated the same and acknowledged that the ARC Commission would require a bit more knowledge and time to allow the new members to gain a comfort level with the technical
issues and concerns.
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Commissioner Petschel explained that her biggest concern with requiring term limits for the ARC is because the ARC is at such a critical point right now with respect to the new Runway 17-35 and the Environmental Impact Study. She stated that this is not a good time to make any changes to the ARC adding that it would not serve the best interest of the residents if they do not have the most experienced people at the table right now.
Acting Chair Stein agreed stating that there is a huge learning curve with this
Commission. He stated that right now there is a strong need for the ARC and the City to Commission
Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission keep moving forward with the consistency, knowledge and established working relationships the ARC has with the MAC, FAA and Airport. Commissioner Roszak suggested staggering the terms and institutionalizing the history of the ARC far more than they have in the past with respect to records, files and also work to document their knowledge. He stated that the ARC should have a central repository for
their records and files. Council Member Duggan agreed stating there is a need to build
the archive of information so that as they move forward the history is readily accessible,
both technically and historically.
Commissioner Petschel suggested, on a trial basis, that they not only stagger the terms for the Commissioner, but also have the term for the Chair served at the pleasure of the Mayor. She explained that this would guarantee that the ARC would always have at least one knowledgeable person on the board. D. Annual Televised ARC Meeting
Commissioner Petschel stated that the Mayor feels very strongly that all ARC meetings
should be televised.
Council Member Duggan reviewed the process with the Commission noting that the content of their discussion this evening is no different than most of the discussions held at a City Council meeting. He stated that it is very important to inform, as a government body, noting that everything discussed should be considered public record. Commissioner Edstrom asked if the City has any idea or information on the average
number of residents who watch the City meetings. Council Member Duggan explained
that the cable company does have a process they use noting that based on their most
recent input approximately 800 citizens, on average, view the televised meetings. He
stated that the residents of Mendota Heights have a huge interest in the government and the process the City takes. He stated that people do come forward and ask the questions. Commissioner Roszak clarified that the City Council and the Planning Commission have petitions that require action, whereas, the ARC is more tactical and strategic in dealing with entities outside of the City’s control. He further explained that the ARC is an advisory board and the discussions held do affect the decision and plan of action
recommended to Council. He expressed concerns stating that televising their meetings
would affect the process of this Commission.
Commissioner Edstrom agreed stating that some of their concerns relate to some of the private conversations that have taken place and reviewed. Commissioner Petschel stated that her concerns have to do with what the City is asking the Commission to be versus what they actually are. She stated that she is concerned that some do not have a full understanding of what the ARC is actually about. Commission Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Linnihan agreed and suggested televising on a quarterly or bi-annual basis
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as an update to the Community. Commissioner Roszak stated that if the intent is to deliver information to the residents the format of the meeting would have to be determined prior to the actual meeting. He stated that many of the ARC’s discussions are rhetorical versus dealing with specific issues that
require decisions or motions.
Acting Chair Stein asked how they would relay the technical agenda/knowledge across to
the resident and would they have to spend too much time trying to explain what they are discussing. Commissioner Petschel agreed and expressed concerns that their meetings would become more of a teaching session versus a working session for the Commissioners. She stated that this would definitely change the intent and purpose of this Commission.
City Administrator Danielson stated that the ARC should try to determine a date soon
because they have to get the meeting onto the Council Chamber schedule.
Commissioner Petschel suggested that they schedule the televised meeting after the next NOC meeting and use any issues from the NOC meeting as part of their base agenda. She stated that they should also touch base with Chair Beaty. She stated that it would be best for the ARC to wait until the entire Commission is together before deciding the actual date. E. NOISE Conference
City Administrator Danielson stated that the National NOISE Conference is scheduled in
Eagan for July 20-22, 2005 and encouraged the Commissioners to register and attend. He
stated that he would forward a tentative schedule for their review and asked that they get back to him as soon as possible with the dates they would be available. Council Member Duggan noted that funds are available in the budget for this and encouraged each of the Commissioners to attend. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence:
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
Commissioner Petschel referenced the Noise Report stating that it looks like they have been experimenting with a new landing procedure, ‘the continuous descent approach’, at the Louisville Airport. She stated that it appears that they are experimenting, with some success, in terms of fuel and noise level reduction, with little to no impact on capacities. She stated that this could be a good topic for discussion with Mr. Leqve and Ms. Green. Commission Meeting June 8, 2005 Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Roszak agreed and suggested that they develop a list of topics at the next
meeting for discussion with Mr. Leqve and Ms. Green. He referenced the April ANOM’s
Report stating that it discusses a new ANOM’s system that is being used in Australia and
suggested that this would be another good topic to discuss with Mr. Leqve. Acting Chair Stein referenced the ANOM report and reviewed the metro area noise complaints with the Commission. a. April 2005 ANOM Technical Advisor’s Report. b. April 2005 ANOM Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis.
c. Noise Report
d. Airport Noise Report, May 9, 2005.
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e. Airport Noise Report, May 23, 2005. f. Airport Noise Report, May 30, 2005. OTHER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS • July ARC meeting is canceled. Next scheduled meeting will be in August.
• August meeting – work on agenda for televised meeting in September.
Commissioner Linnihan asked if Staff could include all upcoming meetings on the ARC
agenda each month so that the ARC Commissioners could have a better idea of what meetings are on the schedule so that they could better plan what meetings they could attend each month. The Commission agreed, by consensus, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,
Bonita Sullivan
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.