2012-03-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2012-03-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:14:45 PM] CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES March 14, 2012 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN. The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, William Dunn, Sally Lorberbaum, Kevin Byrnes, Paul Portz, Jim Neuharth and Gina Norling Absent: Gretchen Keenan Also present: City Administrator Justin Miller Approval of Minutes Neuharth made a motion, seconded by Dunn to approve the February 15, 2012 minutes as amended by Commissioner Lorberbaum (unanimously approved). Joint ARC Meeting with Eagan and Inver Grove Heights Agenda Topics Sloan suggested that potential topics include an overview of the commission’s 2012 work plan, sharing our data/charts, and use the format that was used in the December 2011 city council presentation. He also suggested discussing the impacts of the new RNAV technology and the airport’s long term capital plan. Norling suggested that it might be beneficial to invite a MAC representative to the meeting so they could see all three cities at one time. Sloan indicated that he saw this meeting as a chance to build relationships with the other commissions. It was decided that the commission propose as agenda topics the following: introductions, a brief overview of our 2012 work plan, hearing presentations from the other cities, and then a discussion on RNAV mitigation strategies and the airport’s long term capital plan. Miller indicated that he would share this draft agenda with the other cities and report back to the commission at the April meeting. Redistricting Impacts – New MN House District Miller indicated that beginning with the 2012 election Mendota Heights will be in two state legislative districts. These districts are currently represented by Rick Hansen and Joe Atkins. The commission suggested that both be invited to a commission meeting this summer. April Meeting Speaker – MAC Executive Director Jeff Hamiel Miller indicated that Mr. Hamiel was scheduled to attend the April meeting but wanted some ideas on what to present. Sloan suggested that we give him a brief overview of our 2012 work plan, and then ask for him to present on his background/experience, overview of airport operations, RNAV and the long term capital plan. Neuharth suggested he talk about any long range projects being planned that would impact Mendota Heights. Portz suggested we ask him about advice on how we might better convey our issues to the MAC. Lorberbaum suggested we share our reports with him. Miller agreed to put these topics together and share them with the commission before sending them to Hamiel. Commission Items of Interest 2 Byrnes stated that there has been a decrease in the amount of news articles about airport noise domestically, but he noted a sharp increase in the amount of news abroad, especially in Europe. Dunn said that there was no new data since his last report, but that he did look at comparing data from noise monitors five and six and they were practically identical to the reports from monitors three and 2012-03-14 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:14:45 PM] four. Portz updated the commission on the February MAC meeting. Norling provided updated information regarding sensor 23. She also noted that Delta flight 818 continues to be a recurring operation on these charts and suggested staff contact MAC to see if anything can be done. Miller indicated he would look into it. Neuharth reviewed his reports and suggested that at a future meeting a more detailed discussion be held as to which data sets need to be reviewed. Lorberbaum shared her reports regarding noise complaints and noted no major changes. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence The monthly reports for January 2012 were acknowledged. Adjourn Norling made a motion, seconded by Neuharth, that the meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.