2012-02-15 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2012-02-15 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:14:45 PM]
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday,
February 15, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN.
The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, William Dunn, Sally Lorberbaum, Kevin Byrnes, Paul Portz and Gina Norling Absent: Jim Neuharth and Gretchen Keenan Also present: City Administrator Justin Miller
Approval of Minutes
Lorberbaum made a motion, seconded by Portz to approve the November 9, 2011 minutes (unanimously
approved). The minutes of January 18, 2012 were reviewed and since it was not an official meeting due to a lack of a quorum, the minutes were noted as correct. Introduction of New Commission Paul Portz Commissioners introduced themselves to the newest commissioner, Paul Portz, and Portz provided his background to the commission.
Election of 2012 Chair and Vice-Chair
Dunn made a motion, seconded by Lorberbaum, to nominate David Sloan as the commission chair for
2012. Dunn then made a motion, seconded by Sloan, to nominate Lorberbaum as Vice-Chair. All voted
in favor. Joint ARC Meeting with Eagan and Inver Grove Heights The commission mentioned how joint meetings in the past with Eagan had been productive and thought holding it again this year would be beneficial. The commission agreed to discuss potential agenda topics at the March commission meeting. Lorberbaum made a motion, seconded by Dunn, to hold the meeting in place of the regularly scheduled May ARC meeting. All voted in favor.
Draft 2012 Visiting Speaker Schedule
The commission reviewed the list provided by staff and suggested that the following names/topics be
added to the list: Chad Leqve and Carl Rydeen (MAC and FAA Staff), Jeff Hamiel (MAC Executive Director), and a person familiar with RNAV technology. Miller said he would work on getting speakers lined up for future meetings. City Council Resolution – Support of NOC Recommendations Miller stated that the City Council approved the resolution provided in the meeting materials at their February 8th meeting.
2 Commission Items of Interest Sloan indicated that there had not been a NOC meeting since the last presentation by Councilmembers Petschel and Duggan.
2012-02-15 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:14:45 PM]
Dunn provided a report on noise monitors in Mendota Heights and similar locations in Minneapolis. Commissioner Norling presented her report on the Sensor 23 noise monitoring noting that while total operations showed a decrease, there was not a similar decrease in noise events over 80 db. She noted than a high proportion of the 80 db events were by the same aircraft and suggested that staff ask MAC
staff about getting a more detailed report.
Commissioner Lorberbaum said that there were no new noise complaint reports and that she would
suggest changing her report to every other month since there was little change in monthly data. Articles provided by Commissioner Byrnes were discussed. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence Statistical departure operation charts were presented.
The monthly reports for December 2011 were acknowledged.
Adjourn Lorberbaum made a motion, seconded by Norling, that the meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.