2010-03-10 Airport Relations Commission Minutes2010-03-10 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:09:56 PM] CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGTHS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 2010 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. The following Commissioners were present; Liz Petschel, Chair; Robin Ehrlich, Vice Chair; Sally Lorberbaum, David Sloan, Joe Hennessy and Bill Dunn. Also present were: City Administrator, David McKnight, Ultan Duggan, Mendota Heights Council Member (arrived at 8:15 p.m.), Merland Otto, Minneapolis and Gretchen Keenan, Sunfish Lake. Excused: Lyle Odland Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Sloan, seconded by Commissioner Ehrlich, to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2010, ARC meeting. It was unanimously. Unfinished and New Business a. Open Meeting Law/Data Practices City Administrator David McKnight presented summaries of the Open Meeting Law and Data Practices Act. These two laws apply to all appointed commissioners in Mendota Heights including the Airport Relations Commission. The basic premise of the law is that action of the commissioner occur in an open session that allows for public viewing and participation. In addition the documents and information we use to make our decisions are public data and available to anyone. Commissioners discussed the two laws and how the commission has always followed the law. b. Commissioners discussed the Minneapolis perspective with Merland Otto. Mr. Otto discussed the Next Gen project underway with MAC. By 2014 rules must be in place for a new communication system that will go into place by 2018. Communication between aircraft is also a part of this project. The flight landing process and potential changes to it were discussed. The impact on the capacity at MSP and all of these changes were discussed. Chair Petschel brought up the issue of GPS and its impact on aircraft traffic. There have been no new satellites put in place for years and the lifespan of the current satellites is limited. The level of noise considered significant (65 DNL) and discussions at what percent of the population would be significantly annoyed to lead to changes in this number was discussed. A worldwide discussion and committee is looking at potential changes to this number. The Portland Oregon Airport is considering changing this to 55 DNL. Chair Petschel brought up multilateration and how it tracks plans and distances from airports. Mr. Otto shared that most air controllers use radar to track planes. Which is updated every two seconds. Multilateration gives instant updates when use. 2010-03-10 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:09:56 PM] Mr. Otto shared Minneapolis’ concerns with the MSP LTCP and their concern about MSP reaching 60% of capacity and the LTCP lack of planning (more runway, other airports) for future growth. The Twin Cities area does not have the population to support a second major airport. Chair Petschel asked about the recent hearing at the legislature about the LTCP. Mr. Otto shared that it is MAC’s practice to bring this type of information to the legislature on significant issues. Minneapolis has a concern that noise levels above 60 DNL need mitigation. Minneapolis wanted to make sure that legislators know there is another side to this story. Commissioner Ehrlich asked about a third parallel runway. Mr. Otto reminded everyone that MAC cannot advocate for a third parallel runway until 2032. This does not mean they cannot plan for one. The legislature can change this and order MAC to address the issue. What the threshold is that triggers this issue is the key question. Chair Petschel brought up the balance use of the parallel runway issue. Members continued to notice changes where and when issues are raised by cities changes occur in the balanced use of the runways. Mr. Otto reminded members that monitoring over time is important because changes can occurred. Mr. Otto reviewed summary information he tracks for Minneapolis. Mr. Otto brought up the issue of monitoring. He encouraged Mendota Heights to figure out what is important for the city in tracking airport issues and quality of life. Mr. Otto shared how he spends his time for the city. Commission members thanked Mr. Otto for attending. b. Rules of Order Members discussed a few minor changes they would like to see. The changes included consistency in capitalization, clarification on a majority and minor grammer corrections. c. Updates for Introduction Book Acknowledged. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence a. January 2010 ANOM Technical Advisor’s Report b. January 2010 ANOM Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis c. January 2010 Runway 17 Departure Analysis Report d. Airport Noise Report, February 5, 2010 e. Airport Noise Report, February 12, 2010 f. Airport Noise Report, February 19, 2010 g. Airport Noise Report, February 26, 2010 Acknowledged. Other Commission Comments or Concerns Upcoming Meetings • MAC Meeting 3-15-10 1:00 pm. • City Council Meeting 3-16-10 7:00 p.m. • NOC Meeting 3-17-10 1:30 p.m. • Planning Commission 3-23-10 7:00 p.m. 2010-03-10 Airport Relations Commission Minutes.txt[1/25/2018 4:09:56 PM] Public Comments None. Adjourn Commissioner Sloan made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunn to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David McKnight City Administrator