August 8, 2017
The August meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, August 8, 2017, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
Acting Chair Toth called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Commissioners: Ira Kipp (arrived 6:33 PM), Steve
Goldade, Bob Klepperich, and Stephanie Levine. Student Representative Claire Dunham.
Staff present: Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson, Public Works Director Ryan
Ruzek, and City Administrator Mark McNeill.
Absent: Chair Pat Hinderscheid, Commissioner David Miller. Student Representative Miles
Approval of Agenda
City Administrator McNeill added two items to the agenda: Discussion of lighting at Friendly
Hills hockey rink, and an update on the hiring of the Recreation Program Coordinator
Approval of Minutes from July 11, 2017
Motion Levine/second Klepperich to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2017 Parks and
Recreation Commission meeting.
Ms. Jacobson stated that with the departure of Mr. Wallgren, there were no longer conflicts
with the dates of the September and October Commission meeting, and that those could
therefore remain as regularly scheduled. The Commission concurred.
Rogers Lake Culvert
Public Works Director Ruzek said that the May 9th Traffic Safety Committee meeting had
discussed safety issues regarding people fishing from the culvert area between the two
bodies of Rogers Lake, on Wagon Wheel Trail. He reported that the DNR won’t allow the City
to prohibit fishing at the lake, and that a meeting with the DNR was being sought. The
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Committee was to construct a crosswalk away from the
S‐curve on Wagon Wheel, and perhaps place chain link fence on the south side to discourage
street crossing at the culvert site.
The Commission discussed traffic volumes on Wagon Wheel, parking issues on Cygnet, and
the possibility of improving fishing at or near the location, including repairs to shore where
there has been erosion and a possible additional fishing pier. Additional traffic enforcement
was needed, especially during the period when Wagon Wheel Trail was being signed as a
detour. Because of construction. Commissioner Kipp asked about possible grant monies to
upgrade the culvert to a passage between the two lakes to accommodate canoeists.
Acting Chair Toth opened the floor to questions for the Public Works Director.
Commissioner Goldade asked about Valley Park trail and trees. Mr. Ruzek replied with
planned trail updates, and gave an update on the anticipated Emerald Ash Borer infestation;
he noted nearly 700 ash trees were on the City’s inventory of parks and public spaces.
Chair Toth asked for an update on area road construction projects, to which Mr. Ruzek
Commissioner Goldade asked about tennis courts, and Commissioner Klepperich noted
graffiti problems in the parks.
Acting Chair Toth asked that the Public Works Department employees be thanked for the
good work that they do on parks maintenance.
Tennis Courts
Ms. Jacobson reviewed four options for replacement of the tennis courts at Marie Park, which
were outlined in a memo from Mr. Wallgren dated August 8th. Discussion centered on the
types of surface, maintenance costs, and the number of courts that were appropriate for
Mendota Heights. Meredith Lawrence, who was in the audience and has served as the City’s
tennis instructor for several summer seasons, stated that in general asphalt surfaces are
preferred by younger or more competitive players, whereas sport surfaces are preferred by
older or more casual players.
The consensus of the Commission was that Option 2 in the memo, which would provide for a
complete rebuild of the tennis courts for an estimated $60,000 to $70,000, was the preferred
alternative. This would provide for an estimated 30 year life expectancy, assuming proper
maintenance every 5 to 7 years.
Motion Levine/second Goldade to recommend to the City Council that it seek quotes for the
complete reconstruction of the Marie Park Tennis Courts, with an asphalt surface.
AYES: 4 NAYS: 1 (Kipp)
The Commission also spoke about the number of courts in Mendota Heights. Commissioner
Levine said that the USTA had surveyed a number of cities, which showed that Mendota
Heights is above average in the number of courts per capita. However, she noted that that
was when the courts at Henry Sibley High School were included. In her opinion, the City
should maintain the courts that exist, but not to add additional courts. She also felt that the
City should talk to ISD 197 about the future of the courts at Friendly Hills school.
Par 3 Report
Ms. Jacobson presented the commission with a report on the golf course. She said that the
Women’s Wednesday golf league was ending the following week, and that golf camps will
soon be taking place.
Commissioner Klepperich asked that information regarding the last five years of revenue and
the number of rounds of golf played be provided to the Commission. Ms. Jacobson said that
that was information that she would be reviewing as well.
Natural Resources
Ms. Jacobson stated that the City had completed its planting of pollinator –friendly
landscaping at City Hall, and that other planting had taken place throughout the community.
Skate Park
Ms. Jacobson reported that other than some issues with graffiti, there was nothing to report.
She asked for comments.
Commissioner Klepperich noted that there was discussion at the previous meeting as to
repairs that were needed. Commissioner Kipp stated that there were safety issues with
cracks on the surface, and recommended that those be addressed as soon as possible.
Commissioner Goldade asked about funding of repairs, and from which budget those should
come. Commissioner Levine suggested finding skateboarding enthusiasts who could advise
the City on skateboard park amenities.
Friendly Hills Hockey Lights
City Administrator McNeill said that a contract had been let for the reconstruction of the
warming house at Friendly Hills Park. John Boland of the City’s Public Works Department has
recommended that pricing be sought to replace the lighting and wiring at the Friendly Hills
hockey rink. Two years ago, the estimated cost of that work was $35,000.
The Commission discussed timing, and efficiencies coming from replacing the lighting at the
same time as the warming house was being installed. They noted that this had first been
discussed in January, 2016.
Motion Levine/second Goldade to recommend to the City Council to seek quotes for the
replacement of lights and wiring at the Friendly Hills hockey rink.
Update on Hiring:
Ms. Jacobson said that the job description for the position which had been previously held by
Sloan Wallgren was being updated, and would be discussed with the City Council. It would be
advertised and posted externally, and so it was unlikely that the position would be filled prior
to mid‐October.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Kipp thought it was a good meeting.
Commissioner Klepperich thanked staff for being in attendance.
Commissioner Levine thanked Cindy Johnson and the Dakota County Master Gardeners for all
of their work on the pollinator friendly plantings.
Commissioner Goldade thanked Sloan Wallgren for his work, and to Ms. Jacobson for her
work in stepping in to fill the duties. He also said that he had received the following ideas
from residents to improve parks:
Add drinking water for Rogers Lake Park
Increase the number of basketball courts through‐out the City, similar to those at
Mendakota Park
Have a plan to deal with Emerald Ash Borer at Valley Park.
Acting Chair Toth thanked staff, and also the Public Safety workers for their response on July
29th, at the White Pines incident.
Motion Klepperich/Second Goldade to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Minutes Taken By:
Mark McNeill
City Administrator