Planning Commission Rules of Order June 24 1980MENDOTA HEIGHTS PLANNING COMMISSION
In accordance with the City of Mendota Heights Ordinance No, 108,
"Establishing A Planning Commission", the fo]_lowing rules of order are
adopted by the Planning Commission to facilitate the performance of its
duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission created by the
City Council.
l,l - Time. Regular meetings of the Commission are held on the
fourth Tuesday of each month at 7�'3p o'clock P.Me, unless otherwise
agreed to and so stated in the agenda,
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there is no
meeting that month unless otherwise noted.
1.2 - Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the
Chairperson or the Secretary.
1.3 - Place. Meetings are held in the City Hall Council Chambers,
750 South Plaza Drive.
1,4 - Public. A11 meetings and hearings, and all records and
minutes are open to the public.
1.5 - Quorum. Four Planning Commission members, at the beginning of
the meeting, constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
When a quorum is not present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting
or hold the meeting for the purpose of hearing interested parties on
items on the agenda. No final or official action is taken at such a
meeting. However, the facts and information gathered at such a
meeting may be taken as a basis for action at a subsequent meeting
at which a quorum is present.
1.6 - Vote. Voting is by voice except as otherwise stated herein�
Commission members voice votes on each issue are recorded� In the
event that any member shall have a financial interest in a matter
then before the Commission, the member shall disclose the interest and
refrain from voting upon the matter, and the secretary shall so record
in the minutes that no vote was cast by such member.
2.1 - Membership. The number of inembers of the Planning Commission is
established by the City Council. Appointments are made by the Mayor and
approved by the City Council.
2.2 - Absenteeism. A Commission member with three consecutive unexcused
absences is dropped from the Commission and the secretary then informs
the City Council so that another appointment is made.
An absence is excused if the member notifies the secretary or Chairnerson
before 4:00 P.M, of the day of the meeting that the member will be unable to
attend. Minutes of the meetings will record whether the absent member was
excused or not excused.
2.3 - Election of Officers. At the February meeting each year, the
Commission elects from its membership a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson.
If the Chairperson retires from the Commission before the next organizational
meeting, the Vice-Chairperson becomes Chairperson. If both Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers are elected at the next meeting.
If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the
Commission elects a temporary Chairperson by voice vote.
The Secretary to the Planning Commission is appointed by the City Administrator
from the City staff .
2.4 - Tenure of Officers. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson take off ice
immediately following their election and hold office until their successors
are elected and assume off ice.
2.5 - Duties of Officers. The Chairperson, or if absent, the Vice-Chairperson
presides at meetings, appoints committees and performs other duties as may be
ordered by the Commission.
The Chairperson conducts meetings so as to keep them moving as rapidly and
eff iciently as possible and reminds members, witnesses and petitioners to
discuss only the subject at hand,
The Chairperson is a voting member of the Commission.
The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes, keeping records of
Commission actions, conveying Commission recommendations to the City Council
and providing general administrative and clerical service to the Commission.
3.1 - Purpose of Hearings. In compliance with City Ordinances, the purpose of
a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the Commission to
develop a rational planning recommendation for the City Council.
3.2 - Hearing Procedure. At hearin�s, the following procedure is followed
on each case:
a. The applicant shall make a presentation;
b. The Planning Commission asks questions;
c. The audience asks questions of the applicant;
d. The Planner and City staff give any additional information;
e. The audience is allowed to speak in favor of the request;
f, The audience is allowed to speak against the request;
g. The applicant responds;
h. Commission members may ask questions throughout the discussion.
4.1 - Amendments or Suspension. These By-laws may be amended or suspended
with the approval by voice vote by a majority (four) of the members of
the Planning Commission.
4.2 - Adoption. These By-laws were duly adopted by the Planning Commission
of the City of Mendota Heights on this 24th day of June, 1980.