Ord 509 Amend Code 7.2 Fire CodeCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 509 AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 2, OF THE MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY CODE REGARDING THE FIRE CODE AND OTHER BURNING REGULATIONS The City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, does hereby ordain: Section 1. City Code Title 7— FIRE REGULATIONS is hereby amended as follows: Title 7.2 is hereby amended by adding the underlined material and deleting the �c-�c�rrmaterial as follows: 7-2-1: CODE ADOPTED: , u � * ��;,,^ ,N�,•'��a �„a �'��, �*�a �� T�he � �•^��Qn��r�ee��398F Mimiesota State Fii•e Code � � — 2015 edition, � �,�����a ��-+��� r�+o,-.,,,+;�,,,,� r„an r�„u�,�;' �.� �;;a is hereby adopted as the code ofthe ., ., ., Csity of Mendota Heights in the Sstate of Minnesota. It regulates and governs the safeguarding of life and properiy from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling, and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices;� �from conditions hazardous to life or properiy in the occupancy of buildings and premises in the Csity of Mendota Heights as herein provided. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of ����' �^*��•��*��^^'the adopted F€'ire Ceode on file in the office of the ^'�Fire Marshal are hereby referred to, adopted, and made part hereof, as i€is fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions, and changes in the following sections of this chapter. A co�y of flle Fu�e Code is maintained in the Office of tl�e Fire Marshal or desiQnee for examination and use by the public. 7-2-2: AMENDMENTS: Section 105, Permits: Permits shall be obtained from the fire code official. Permit fees, if any, shall be established from time to time by resolution of city council and will be fair, reasonable and proportionate and sufficient to defray the costs of issuing the permit or providing the service. Permit fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit. Issued permits shall be kept on the premises designated therein at all times and shall be readily available for inspection by the fire code ofiicial. Chapter 9 of the Minnesota state iire code is amended to read: Fire extinguishers are required at the following locations: MIILTIPLE DWELLINGS-located so that no person shall travel in excess of fifty (50) feet to reach a fire extinguisher of a 2A-1 OBC rating. ABC extinguishers shall also be provided for boiler, furnace, ar electrical rooms. RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLIS�IlVIENTS; an ABC extinguisher with a minimum size of 2A-20BC rating shall protect all boiler rooms, furnace, and electrical rooms. Section 907� of the ���a#-�e��e ee�le�98� Minnesota State Fii•e Code 2015 edition, is amended by adding a new subsection which shall read as follows: When a fire system is required to be monitored by the international fire code, it shall be monitored by an Underwriters Laboratory (LTL) listed central monitoring station. Section �-3-9�56 of the ��������e�! ���-�9{}� Mi�lnesota State Fire Code 2015 edition, is amended h. .,uu� n o o+:,,, 2�nQ i� u � �� �,,.,.. ���«o��»oo: �-� to read as follows: Indoor sales of fireworks shall be restricted to buildings or structures with an approved, fully automatic fire-sprinkler system. Outdoor sales of fireworks is prohibited. 7-2-3: DEFINITIONS: CODE OFFICIAL: The fire chief, fire marshal, or other designated authority charged by the governing body with the enforcement of this code or a duly authorized representative. GARBAGE: Animal and vegetable matter such as that originating in homes, restaurants, food service and processing establishments. OPEN BURNING: The burning of any matter whereby the resultant combustion products are emitted directly to the open atmosphere without passing through an adequate stack, duct, or chimney. PORTABLE OUTDOOR FIREPLACE• A�ortable outdoor solid-fuel-bui-�iina fire�lace tl�at u�av be constructed of steel, concrete clay oi- other noncombustible matei-ial A �ortable outdoor fireplace ma be opeii in desi�i or mav be equip�ed with a small hearth openiug and a short chiuinev or chuiuiev o�enui� iil the top REFUSE: Any combustible waste material, trade waste, or garbage containing carbon in a free state. TRADE WASTE: Any solid, liquid, or gaseous material resulting from any business, trade, industrial activity, construction activity, or any demolition operation including but not limited to plastics, cardboard, grease, oil, chemicals, and cinders. 7-2-4: INTERPRETATION: In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Minnesota state fire code, �� 2015 edition, and the provisions of this code, the more stringent shall apply. Provided, however, that no provision of this code shall be interpreted to exceed the provisions of the Minnesota state building code, ?89t 2015 edition, as amended. 7-2-5: ADIVIINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT; PENALTY: A. Enforcement: The code official shall be responsible for the enforcement of this code to ensure compliance therewith. B. Appeals: Any person aggrieved by a written order pursuant to section 108.1 of the state fire code may, within fifteen (15) days after service of said notice, appeal therefrom to the board of appeals by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk. The appeal shall be heard at such time as may be established by the board. The city council of the city of Mendota Heights shall serve as and constitute the board of appeals. The board may, upon the hearing, affirm in whole or in part Ordinance 509 Page 2 of 5 or deny the existence of a violation. Pending decision of the board of appeals, the order of the code official shall be stayed unless there is an iinmediate fire hazard to life or property. C. Penalty: 1. Any person in violation of the provisions of this code or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the code official or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, may be punishable as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, plus the cost of prosecution in any case. 2. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defect within a reasonable time, and when not otherwise specified, each day that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. 3. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. 7-2-6: OPEN BUItNING: A. Permit Required: Open burning in the city requires a permit issued by the code official. B. Refuse Burning Prohibited: No person, finn, or corporation shall dispose of refuse by open burning or cause, suffer, allow, or permit open burning of refuse upon or from any residential property situated within the city or from any property in the city situated in an area designated as residential under the city zoning ordinance. C. Exception: Fires set far the instruction and training of the Mendota Heights fire department or by approval of the Mendota Heights city council provided that such burning is not prohibited by or is conducted in compliance with any other applicable ordinances, laws, or regulations. 7-2-7: RECREATIONAL FIItES: A property owner or lessee of the property may have a recreational fire without obtaining a permit by complying with the following regulations: A. Hours Fires To Be Extinguished: Fires shall be extinguished within three (3) hours after start but not later than eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. B. Materials Burned Restricted: Clean, dry wood only (no refuse, grass, leaves, logs over 3 inches in diameter, paper, garbage, trade waste or other combustibles). C. Size Of Fire: Size shall not be more than three feet (3') in diameter, nor shall the flames reach a height in excess of three feet (3'). D. Location: No fire shall be within twenty-�ve feet (�8� 25' of any building or structure. E. Means To Extinguish: A means of extinguishment must be in the immediate area of the fire. Ordinance 509 Page 3 of 5 F. Weather Conditions: No fire shall be started or maintained in dry conditions or when winds are over fifteen (15) mph. G. �' . � Attendance Required: Recreational fires must be constantly attended by a competent person of at I least � 16 years of age must be in constant attendance until the recreational fire has been extinguished. H. Po1-table outdoor fi�e�laces. Portable oatdoor fii•eplaces shall be used in accordance witli the »�anufacturer's instructions and shall not be operated witlli�i 15 feet (3048 mm) of a structure or combustible inaterial. L Authority To Restrict Fires: The code off'icial has the authority to prohibit, suspend, or further restrict all fires should conditions warrant such action. 7-2-8: FIRE LANES: A. The code official is hereby authorized to order establishment of fire lanes on public or private property as may be necessary in order that the travel of fire equipment may not be interfered with, and that access to fire hydrants or buildings may not be obstructed. B. When a fire lane has been ordered to be established, it shall be marked by a sign bearing the words "No Parking Fire Lane" on both sides of the sign. When the fire lane is on public property or a public right of way, the sign(s) shall be erected by the city. If on private property, the sign(s) shall be erected by the owner at his expense. C. Fire lane signs shall be twelve inches by eighteen inches (12" x 18") and shall be white with red lettering and be clearly visible from a distance of one hundred feet (100'). The sign(s) shall be mounted at a height of five feet (5') but no more than six feet (6') from the surface to the top of the sign(s). 7-2-9: AS BUILT PLANS REQUIRED: A. The Mendota Heights fire department requires a fire protection "as built" plan of new and existing buildings. The plan must be an eight and one-half inch by eleven inch (81/2" x 11 ") reproducible, legible, Mylar paper and identify the following: 1. Fire department connection. 2. Post indicator valve. 3. Sprinkler riser valves. 4. Access doors. 5. Roof vents and hatches. 6. Stairway locations. 7. Standpipes. 8. Fire lane(s). 9. Building dimensions. 10. Utility shutoff locations. 11. Hydrant locations. 12. Size of water main. 13. Type of construction. 14. HAZMAT/flammable storage rooms. Ordinance 509 Page 4 of 5 7-2-10: STORAGE OF FLAlVIMABLE, COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS: A. Flammable, Combustible Liquids: Flammable or combustible liquids in aboveground tanks are prohibited in R and B zoning districts, except where vault type tanks are approved by the state fire marshal for aboveground use. B. Bulk Plants: Bulk plants for flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited in R and B zoning districts. 7-2-11: FII2ES OR BARBECUES ON BALCONIES OR PATIOS: A. Fire Or Open Flame: In any structure containing three (3) or more dwelling units, no person shall kindle, maintain, or cause any fire or open flame on any balcony above ground level, or on any ground floor patio immediately adjacent to or within � ei ht feet {�� of any unit. B. Fuel Storage Prohibited: No person shali stare or use any fuel, barbecue, torch or similar heating or lighting chemicals or devices in the locations designated in subsection A of this section. C. Exception: Listed electric or gas fired barbecue grills that are permanently mounted and wired or plumbed to the building's gas supply or electrical system and that maintain a minimum clearance of eighteen inches (18") on all sides, unless listed for lesser clearances, may be installed on balconies and patios when approved by the %re chief. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption and publication. Adopted and ordained into an Ordinance this second day of May, 2017. ATTEST Lorri Smith, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIG�ITS Y 1�.:�!(�-� Neil Garlock, Mayor Ordinance 509 Page 5 of 5