Issue 82 - Heights Highlights Spring 2009PAGE 1 MAY 2009 ISSUE 82 mayors message In March I had the oppor- tunity to give a "State of the _ City" speech to the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce. The mes- sage to the Chamber was `_ r that city government of Mendota Heights is in good shape, but as you can imagine, a number of atten- dees are looking at a diffi- cult business climate. Clearly, there are a number of our residents who are concerned about the near term economic prospects and their personal financial well being. Understandably, many of us have adjusted our spending habits. I would like to take a minute to point out ways to still get out and about in Mendota Heights without "breaking the bank." Hopefully as you read this column the long win- ter will have finally left us. This provides an opportunity to use our parks and trails as inex- pensive family outings. Perhaps gather up the family for a bike ride to Mendota Plaza and/or the Village at Mendota Heights. You can take a break there and enjoy a treat at a number of restau- rants and shops. Many of the shops have nearby outdoor seating to take in a beautiful spring or summer day. Another idea may be to take your family or meet some friends at the Par 3 for a casual round of golf and then on to one of the parks for a picnic. Of course, you will want to pick up a few supplies at a local store to make it a memorable day. Even if outdoor activity is not your thing, or the weather is threatening, we have several businesses that would love to have you stop by for lunch, dinner or even just a refreshing beverage and snack. Other shops offer a range of reasonably priced shopping options that cater to doing things on a budget. We all are hoping as 2009 unfolds, we will see our economy turn for the better. In the meantime, let's help bring that day closer by supporting our local businesses and enjoying all Mendota Heights has to offer. I- Mayor John Huber Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks! Friday, June 5th & Saturday, June 6th June 5th - Friday Night "Kick Off" Market Square Park - Village at Mendota Heights Come listen to a free concert featuring the band "6 Below" - 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. Then stick around for the big game & a visit from TC Bear. Twins vs. Seattle The game will be broadcasted on a jumbo outdoor screen at 9:10 p.m. Saturday - June 6th 5K Run/Walk • 9:00 a.m. - Race starts at Market Square o O Day In The Park "Celebration" O Mendakota Park - Noon - 3:00 p.m Free games and events including: ' MHPD Bike Rodeo, Music by "The Teddy Bear Band", petting zoo, pony rides & much more. See pages 4 & 5 for a complete list of events & sponsors. Celebrate Schools in ISD 197 150 Years of Excellence On June 6th, 2009, the ISD 197 community is invited to honor 150 years of education at the schools within the district, including the old one -room rural schools in Mendota and Eagan Townships and the brick schools in West St. Paul. The opening of the commu- nity supported events will be held in conjunction with Mendota Heights Park Celebration at Mendakota Park. Displays will show schools "then and now". Activities will amuse the kids, musical per- formers will entertain, and free cake will be served. The celebration will continue in the late afternoon to dusk at Henry Sibley High School. The descendants from all schools, including former and current students and staff, along with community residents, and area busi- nesses are encouraged to join us in watching a le 103 P" vintage baseball game and marching in our parade. Bring your own picnic basket to a "Picnic on the Grounds", mingle at the social �"`1501 gathering that follows and witness the conclud- Years of Excellence ing fireworks display. The committee invites everyone to attend and is seeking families with multiple generations of students at these schools to contact us. Anyone wishing to participate, volunteer or donate, please call Ralph Dumond (651-456-0986) or Ultan Duggan (651-452-5179). PAGE 2 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 2009 Road Projects Update The city is planning a city-wide pavement rehabilitation project for the Cherry Hills Subdivision and other roads during the summer of 2009. This project is proposed to include Cherry Hill Road, Farmdale Road, Park Place Drive, Boardwalk, and Bluff Circle. In addition, Summit Lane, Victoria Court, Mayfield Heights Road, and Mayfield Heights Lane are scheduled for rehabilitation. Pavement rehabilitation is often referred to as a "mill & overlay" project where the pavement surface is removed and a new driving surface is put down in its place. In some instances, the entire pavement is removed and new pavement is put in place, but no utility replacement or road bed reconstruction is accomplished. Public hearings for affected property owners are antici- pated for May with construction beginning in the June/July time frame. Anyone with questions concerning the upcom- ing City Street Rehabilitation Project can call City Engineering Staff at 651-452-1850. Maintaining Sanitary Sewer Lines Sanitary sewer is an unseen necessity carrying waste- water from our homes and businesses. The City's sanitary sewer mains are located in the street or in utility ease- ments, and each homeowner is responsible for the serv- ice line from the home to the City's main. Property owners are responsible for cleaning, inspecting, and repairing their own service lines. Sanitary sewer line blockages can be caused by grease, improper disposal of items, and tree roots. Sanitary sewer lines can be televised with equipment designed specifical- ly for this purpose. Televising can identify potential block- ages before they become a full fledged backup. Contact a local plumbing professional to ask about having your serv- ice line televised. If you clear a blockage from your sanitary sewer service line, please contact the City Public Works Department at 651-454-4059 to report it. City staff can then make sure debris does not clog the sewer main. If water is slow to go down your drain, you may have a blockage building in your service line. A qualified plumb- ing contractor should be called to service the line. If wastewater is backing up and no water is being used in your home or business, the City sewer line may be plugged. Call Public Works to report this problem. The City is not automatically liable for a sewer backup that occurs in your home or business. If you have a sewer backup and do not know where the blockage is, you may want to call the City of Mendota Heights before you call a drain cleaning company. A Public Works employee can determine if the problem is in the City's line. Please call 651-454-4059 (Public Works) Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., or 651-322-2323 after hours, weekend or holidays. Protecting Storm Water Quality Every resident's yard is very important for protecting storm water quality, locally and downstream. Foreign materials (soil particles, fertilizer, cigarette butts, motor oils, etc.) lying on streets, sidewalks, and driveways are carried away by rain water that flows into catch basins and drains directly into a local pond, wetland, or lake. The City has over 100 lakes, ponds, and wetlands that are designed to store, treat, and/or infiltrate storm water, control the rate storage leaves the City, and provide essential wildlife habitat. As spring yard work begins, please be aware of how work practices can prevent materials from leaving your yard and getting into the storm sewer system. Some suggestions include: • While mowing your yard, use a mulching mower whenever possible to leave grass clippings on the yard. Grass clip- pings contain high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous. Removing them after each mowing will deplete the available nutrients, thus requiring additional fertilizer to maintain your lawn. At a minimum, bag and compost your grass clippings. • Keep leaves and grass clippings off the street and curb. These not only convey nitrogen and phosphorous to the lakes, wetlands, ponds, but they can also contribute to clogging the storm sewer system. Leaves and grass clippings can be compost- ed for use in gardens or around trees. Keep compost sites away from adjacent ponds and wet- lands to prevent runoff from these sites from getting into these systems. • Use fertilizer without phosphorous. Phosphorous is the main cause of excessive algae in lakes and ponds. Since January 1, 2004, State Statute has prohibited the application of fertilizer containing phosphorous to lawns in the Twin Cities Metro area unless establishing a new lawn or a soil test indicates the need for phosphorous. Also, cleaning up all fertilizer applied or spilled on an impervious surface (street, sidewalk, driveway) is required by law. • Reduce the total amounts of fertilizer being applied to your yard. Fertilizer increases turf growth, requiring more frequent watering and mowing, and creates extra grass clippings. Your lawn may grow just fine with reduced fertilizer. Experiment and see. Any questions concerning storm water management and runoff control can be directed to City Engineering Staff by calling City Hall at 651-452-1850. Visit our website at www.mendota-heights.com PAGE 3 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 My Child is so Excited to Ride His New Motor Scooter! Hold On! Before you and your child get too excited, you need to ask the following question: - Are any of the following legal any- where in MH: Golf cart, ATV, mini bike, pocket rocket, motorized skate board, moped, scooter or Segway? - Answer: • In order to operate a powered vehi- cle on public property, a State issued license is required on the vehicle. Public property includes: trails, city streets, county roads, state highways and the interstate/freeway. • Nothing with a motor, other than a Segway (which is the only vehicle that is exempt from the license requirement) may operate on the trail systems. • The operator must also be a valid, licensed operator. Reminder: if a vehicle requires a license, then the opera- tor also requires one. • When caught violating the law, the offender can expect: o A ticket with a court appearance o An impounded vehicle o Juvenile violations will disqualify them from obtaining a driver's license until they reach age 18. o If the minor and/or parent still doesn't learn the lesson and violators are caught again, the parent/guardian could be cited for allowing the activity. Need more information? More rules specific to the City of Mendota Heights can be found at: http:l/www.sterlingcodifiers.com/MN/Mendota%20Hei ghtslindex.htm In October of 2008 the MN House of Representatives published an informational brief on "Low -Power Vehicles" that can be found at: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/lowpow- er.pdf In 2008 American Academy of Pediatrics testified to a US Senate committee on the dangers of ATV operation. They testified that between 1982 and 2006 over 2,300 children were killed in crashes and that annually, opera- tion results in 39,300 emergency room visits. A copy of the report which provides an overview of the dangers of children operating motorized vehicles can be found at: http://www.aap.org/advocacy/washing/Testimonies- Statements-Petitions/06-05-08-ENR-ATV- Testimony.pdf Call The Air Noise Line Bothered by air noise? Call the Metropolitan Airport Commission, Air Noise Line at 612-726-9411. Red Flags Have Homeowners Seeing Red The red flag on mailboxes once had the friendly intention of signaling the neighborhood mailman that we had outgoing mail to pick up. Now, it signals a vagrant thief that an easy source of income and a brand new identity is now available! It now means, STEAL ME! Raising the flag on your mailbox is pretty much the same as handing out copies of your bank accounts, tax returns and benefit information to anyone on the street. DO NOT put any- thing of value into your mailbox, and DO NOT raise the flag on it to inform people it's there! It is too easy to grab, too easy to make money, and often, too difficult to receive justice for the crime. Contrary to popular belief, even if we catch the thief in the act, it typically results in a misdemeanor theft citation, similar to shoplifting, even if that stolen check was made out for $10,000. In sharp contrast, visualize the extent of your losses.... Thieves work surprisingly fast and they are good at spotting victims. Being the victim of check fraud, forgery or identity theft, is quite painful and time-consuming, it can be highly preventable! Taking the time to keep your valuables secure is worth every moment! Buy a locking mailbox, send outgoing mail from work or drop it in a secured mailbox — just do not become a voluntary victim. For more information to both protect yourself and to assist if you have been the victim of identity theft, go to the Federal Trade Commission's site: Deter, Detect and Defend: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/microsites/idtheft/con- sumers/defend.html river bluffs village a partnership of community residents and DARTS River Bluffs Village: An independent -living choice aimed at convenience... peace of mind ... and fun! River Bluffs Village (RBV), a partnership of community resi- dents and DARTS, is a new independent -living project avail- able to adults 55 and older in the communities of Mendota, Lilydale, Sunfish Lake, and northern Mendota Heights. RBV coordinates household resources and social activities that allow Village members to live a healthy, meaningful life in their own home and neighborhood. Two membership options are available to fit different needs and lifestyle. To learn more about becoming a member, or providing a membership to a loved one, contact Jessica Hagemann, River Bluffs Village Director, 651-234-2241 or RBVinfo@darts1.org. PAGE 4 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 PARK CELEBRATION FRIDAY JUNE 5TH & SATURDAY 1LINE 6TH "Free" Park Celebration Kick Off Event Friday - June 5th Market Square Park Village at Mendota Heights (Hwy 110 and Dodd Road) Bring your blankets and lawn chairs to Market Square Park at the Village at Mendota Heights 6:45 — 9:00 p.m. — Enjoy our local Band "6 Below" playing your favorites from the 60's, 70's, 80's 9:10 p.m. — MN Twins vs Seattle - broadcast on our Jumbo Outdoor Screen (sponsored by Schaffer Financial & Tommy Chicago's Pizza). Gather your family and friends and take in the Twins Game here in MH! Food vendors and specials from The Village businesses will be available. i Don't miss TC BEAR appearance starting at 8:30 p.m.! Simple Steps Enjoy Walking in Dakota County Join "Simple Steps," the new walking program in Dakota County! It's FREE, easy, and T energizing. All you need to do c�IMPI,}� � is find at least one friend, rela- tive, neighbor or coworker to (STE�� walk with at least once each week. If you want, you can add others to your walking group. To register, go to www.dakotacounty.us and search for "Simple Steps". You'll receive a guide full of tips to get you started and keep you motivated. You'll also get maps of interesting places to walk in the county, notices of special events, and special rewards for participating. This program will run from April 1st - July 31st. There is no charge for this pro- gram. Stop by our booth at the Park Celebration on June 6th. The first 50 participants to register will receive a free Simple Steps t -shirt. Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks is made possible by the generous support of residents, community groups and community businesses. Please remember to sponsor your local businesses and community groups. If you are inter- ested in making a donation, volunteering for this year's event or are a business or community group interested in participating, please contact Teresa at the Parks & Recreation Department at 651-452-1850. "Day In The Park" Saturday - June 6th Noon - 3 p.m. - Mendakota Park The City of Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Department would like to invite you, your family, friends and neighbors to a day in the park to celebrate our parks and bring our community togeth- er along with some of our area merchants and residents who through their donations, have made this day in the park possible. The day will feature a youth baseball tournament, musical perform- ances and youth & family activities. This year's celebration includes the following FREE events: • Teddy Bear Band music performance sponsored by City & County Credit Union • MH Police Dept. Bike Rodeo sponsored by MHPD, Boehm's Bike Shop & McDonald's • Petting Zoo sponsored by Mendakota Animal Hospital • Pony Rides sponsored by Gabriel Financial Group & Children's Country Day School • Fire Truck Rides- Mendota Heights Fire Department • Mendota Heights Athletic Association - Ball Tournament • Soccer Shoot -Out -Sponsored by Sound and Fury Men's Soccer Team and Anytime Fitness • Hockey Shoot -Out Sponsored by Gateway Bank • Face Painting sponsored by Alegra Print & Imaging • Pre -School & Elementary Moon Walks sponsored by Funtastic Party Rentals, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, and Mendakota Pediatrics • "Free Throw" contest sponsored by American Bank • Football Toss sponsored by Beverly Cory with Edward Jones • USTA Tennis "Block Party" sponsored by Lapp, Libra Law Firm • Putting Contest sponsored by Paster Enterprises & Mendota Heights Par 3 • Caricatures sponsored by Hoffmann Development Inc. • Joe the Balloon Guy sponsored by TAJ Technologies • Duggan's Dashes sponsored by Ultan Duggan • Martial Arts Academy Demonstration • Baseball Throw sponsored by Lexington Heights Apartments • Rain Gutter Regatta sponsored by MH Cub Scout Pack #39 • Lacrosse Toss sponsored by MHAA Lacrosse • Underwater World MOA Adventures - Sponsored by United Properties • Wheel of Fortune Sponsored by Liberty Mutual Insurance/Jim Sirek O 0 PAGE 5 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 CEI__ EBfB _ATE MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARKS SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH SPECIAL EVENTS Bike Rodeo 2009 USTA- Tennis Block Party Noon - 3:00 p.m. - Mendakota Park "Causin' a Racquet" Sponsored by in Mendota Heights! The Mendota Heights g SATURDAY, JUNE 6 @ MENDAKOTA PARK (PARK CELEBRATION EVENT) Police Department, Noon — 3:00 p.m. Boehm's Cycling &6"- Open to all ages. Try our Tennis Obstacle Course, Fitness and Tennis 101, and Beat the Pro. Participants will receive c an extra prize drawing ticket for MH McDonald's the chance to win a Park 150 Celebration prize when they *Boehm'sCycling &Fitness will be tennis attend the Tennis Block Party. A0ito rovidin free bike safet checks. p g y USIA Pro, along with our instructor, Terry Olson and the * Kids can ride through the MHPD summer tennis staff will be on bicycle obstacle course. hand if you would like more infor- Fireworks mation on MI -i tennis programs Each participant who brings a bike & rides through the and league! Don't miss the fun, games and PRIZES! obstacle course will get an extra drawing ticket for a chance Sponsored by Lapp, Libra Law Firm to win one of two new bikes. Mendota Heights 5K Run/Walk Sponsored by Gateway Bank Saturday, June 6th 9:00 a.m. start time Entry Fee: Pre -registration $15.00/Day of Race $20.00 Begins at "Village at Mendota Heights" (Hwy. 110 & Dodd Rd.) For information or a registration form, please call City Hall at 651-452-1850 or go to: www. mendota-heights.coin Celebrate 150 Years of Education 1859-2009 Join the Community Celebration June 6th Hrh1, Mendakota Park A Noon - 3:00 p.m.� �er°�a ...............0 Henry Sibley High c School 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. 150 *Baseball Game 3 Parade Years of Excellence" Picnic HIM PAR W RI *Socializing Fireworks www.isdl97.org - Select the 150 logo for more details. IP.PcriP�P�PrJcPrPrJ�nePJncPCPuncPulcPn�� cP.PcPrJ�ePcPrliPiP rPJ�cP�Pucfunu`rPrPrlunurrPrPcnrPrJnuru�ncP�.f+u�iPCP�P�l+rPr.Pc101tlfcncfrP�ncnurPrPCPrP cP.PCPCPrJrrJ� �.PucP.�f-3'+-.Pu�l+�.PNcr+cfcicf+cluelrJrJrPrPu-icPCPrJnuncPCPununununcPrJnrJnulcPur-.PnrPCPrJnrJCPcPrl+u'+uniliJuniPunr.PrPr1rP�PClcrrPununrPu-rPrP�PJnrP 1 LVBA ��u�� X11 uurJnrJnrPCPrJ�cPcPclucPCPcf+r.PclrsUunrJ'�-PunrPrPu'nrPrJununrJnulu� rJ�cPCPCI�iJ�� cfJPcfcrrJnrP r•nununu�n.PCPCPCPePrPrP rJnrJurrJ�cPCPNr.PNNNrPrPrf'r.PCPCPCPcr+rJrJrlrPrP rPrJnrJnunrJnunrJnunurrJnJnrJns cfcficPcfu�cfcPePCPU'+clNrlrPcnr.P ucfrPrP�PCPunrJnunununununrPrJ�rPu�PnunrP.PrP rP�clN�cPrPcfirPcfirP i PAGE 6 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 Mendota Heights Par 3 Golf Program Registration closes for all leagues and lessons one week prior to start date. Please add $5.00 for non-resident fee. The non- resident fee is waived for students attending MH schools or St. Joe's, Visitation or St. Thomas. Participants may register for tee -times online at www.mendota-heights.com or stop in at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Junior golfers are expected to acknowledge golf course rules. Fee: $100.00 - Must pre -pay for all 11 weeks. No play June 29 and July 1. Add $5.00 for non-resident fee. Monday morning league: Boys Wor Girls June 8th - August 24th Wednesday morning league: Boys Wor Girls June 10 -August 26th Friday morning league: Boys Wor Girls June 12th - August 28th Women's Wednesday Evening League Get your neighbors, friends and co-workers to play! Wednesday's June 3 to August 19th - (no golf on July 1st) Fee: $100.00 Must pre pay for 11 weeks. Golf Lessons- Tuesday Evening Classes Three 1 -hour lessons covering golf course etiquette, golf club grip, stance, swing and correct putting techniques. There will be one teaching professional to every 6 golfers, giving personalized instruction. Each participant will receive 2 free rounds of golf. Rainouts will be rescheduled. Classs Times and Fees: Juniors - 5:00 p.m. - $53.00 (Ages 6 and up) Parent/Child - 6:10 pm. - $96.00 (one fee for both; Adult lessons - 7:20 p.m. - $53.00 sion I: Tuesday, May 5th, 12th, 19th sion II: Tuesday, June 2nd, 9th, 16th sion III: Tuesdays, June 23rd, 30th & July 7th sion IV: Tuesdays, July 14th, 21st, 28th MENDOTA HEIGHTS -Par 3- 1 * Register online at 1 1 www.mendota-heights.com 1 Mendota Heights Par 3 Youth Golf Camps Golf camp participants will learn putting, chipping, full swing techniques, and receive on -course instruction during four fun -filled days. Each golfer will need a golf bag, put- ter, and at least three size appropriate clubs. Each golfer will receive a pass for one free round of golf at the end of the program. Camps run from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. for morning sessions or from Noon — 3 p.m. for afternoon sessions. Ages: 6 - 13. All Skill Levels (you will be put with your level) Fee: $107.00 Week of June 8- 11 Session I — 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Session II - Noon - 3:00 p.m Week of June 15-18 Session III- 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Session IV — Noon - 3:00 p.m Week of June 22 - 25 Session V - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Session VI - Noon - 3:00 p.m Week of July 6 - 9 Session VII - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Week of July 13 - 16 Session VIII - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Week of July 20 - 23 Session IX — 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Week of July 27 - 30 Session X - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Week of Aug. 3 - 6 Session XI - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Week of Aug. 10 - 13 Session XII - 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Mendota Heights Par 3 1695 Dodd Road Staff at the Mendota Heights Par 3 Golf Course are mak- ing preparations for the 2009 golf season. The MHP3 is a short par three course, with large greens and a forgiving layout. The course offers an affordable and enjoyable golf experience for the whole family, including beginners, sen- iors and everyone in-between. The Course is open sun -up to sun -down. Leagues, lessons, camps and events are available, including night golf events. Green Fees: Weekdays: $10.00 Adults - $9.00 Youth & Seniors Weekends & Holidays: $12.00 Adults $11.00 Youth & Seniors Business and/or social groups interested in organizing golf leagues, tournaments, outings (including moonlight golf), and/or parties (including birthday party packages), please call 651-454-9822. PAGE 7 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARKS & RECREATION Cliff Timm Memorial Fishing Geocaching in Derby at Roger's Lake Mendota Heights Parks This event is in memory of Cliff Timm who passed away in Dec. 05. Mr. Timm started our fishing derby. He provided funds to help build our pier and aerate the lake. We hope his love and passion for fishing continues in M.H. and we proudly renamed our fishing derby after him. Prizes and goodie bags will be provided thanks to Cliff Timm's Trust, Ace Hardware of IGH, local resident Ira Kipp and Gander Mountain. A container of worms will be provided for each contestant by Ace Hardware of IGH. Local 1 fishing pros will also be on hand to help with our casting contest ` and answer your fishing ques- tions. When: Wednesday, July 8 - Where: Roger's Lake Fishing Pier & lake area (Wagon Wheel Trail) Ages: Youth 14 & under (Parent/guardian must accompany child) Fee: $8.00 per child. Add $5.00 if non-resident *MUST PRE REGISTER ONLINE OR AT CITY HALL -NO EXCEPTIONS!!! *Participants must bring their own pole and tackle. Bait will be provided. Time: Check-in will be from 5:45 - 6:00 p.m. Fishing pier/land/casting (20 min. each section): 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Prizes awarded for: Largest, smallest, most fish & casting contests. 7:15 p.m.- Fish weigh-in ends, 7:15 p.m. - Entertainment 7:45 p.m. - Awards/prize drawing - following entertainment 3rd Lair Skateboard Camp at Roger's Lake Skate Park For the expert to beginner and everyone in between. The 3rd Lair instructors are very experienced in the sport and have years of teaching knowledge. Equipment needed for camp: skateboard, helmet, (knee pads, elbow pads and wrist F guards are recommended). If raining please meet under the pavilion. Date: One week camp, Monday, July 27th - Friday, July 31 Time: 9 a.m. to noon Ages: All ages (grouped by ability) Cost: $166.00 Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden con- tainers, called geo- caches, outdoors and then share your experi- ences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment. There are 772,065 active geocaches around the world. Enter your postal code at www.geocaching.com and get started on finding geo- caches right here in Mendota Heights. We will be introducing Geocaching this summer to children regis- tered in our Summer Playgrounds program. We are looking for volunteers to help out our summer program by hiding a "cache" for us each week (we can provide the "treasure"). Please call and give the coordinates to our Parks and Rec programmer Teresa Gangelhoff. Or if you would like to hide your own treasure in one of our parks or on our trails please call City Hall at 651-452- 1850 for permission and reference guidelines & rules found at www.geocaching.com. Love Your Parks! Would you like to share your opinions about the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation system? Are you willing to be contact- ed occasionally by e-mail to complete an online �(.�\ survey, or to hear about opportunities to volunteer , for parks events? If so, please send an e-mail to: 1 lovetheparks@mendo- ta-heights.com. Your e- mail address will be added to a database for potential future contact. You will always have the option to remove your e-mail address from this list at any time in the future, and your contact information will remain strictly confidential. Thank you for your support of Mendota Heights parks! PAGE 8 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 Summer 2009 Youth Trips PLEASE NOTE - Trips depart & return from CITY HALL , 1101 Victoria Curve in MH.Trips are for students ages 7 or older unless specified. Deadline to register is Tuesday prior to trip. Each trip has a limited number of space, so register early. Online registration is now available at www.mendota-heights.com. Trips are co-sponsored with WSP and SSP. All trips include chaperones, bus (except WSP Pool day) & activity fee. THURSDAY, JUNE 18th — MN TWINS vs. PITTSBURGH PIRATES We have reserved "Home Run Porch" seats. Twins vs Pittsburgh Pirates. The trip includes a ticket, a hot dog & pop Ages: 6 and older Cost: $19.00/person. Pickup/Return: 10:05 a.m./3:30 p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 25th — Edina Aquatic Center Come join us for a day of pool fun. Choose from the twisting body or inner tube flume; glide over the water on a high -fly- ing cable ride; plunge from a three meter diving board; splash and play in a zero -depth children's pool. Bring a bag lunch, swimsuit, towel, sunscreen and extra money for concessions. Ages: 7 and older Cost: $15.00/person Pickup/Return: 10:05 a.m./4:25 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 9th — MN Zoo, Imax 3D and Monorail Ride It will be a fun filled day that will start out at the IMAX Theater viewing the new release of Under the Sea 3D then we are off to explore everything at the zoo. Bring your own bag lunch/drink or money for concessions. We end the day with a Monorail ride to view the animals from above. Ages: 6 and older Cost: $23.00/person Pickup/Return: 8:55 a.m./3:55 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 16th —Apple Valley Family Aquatic Center Cool off in this huge pool full of activities from thrilling waterslides to a sand and water play area. Bring a bag lunch, your swimsuit, towel and sunscreen! You may bring extra money for concessions if you like. Ages: 7 and older Cost: $15.00/person Pickup/Return: 10:20 a.m./3:25 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 23 —Valley Fair (In Shakopee) Enjoy a fun day at Minnesota's biggest and best amusement park. Bring your swim suit/towel for the water park. Bring bag lunch or money to buy lunch/snacks. Ages: 10 and older Cost: $29.00 /person. Pickup/Return: 9:00 a.m./6:10 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 30th —Cascade Bay Come experience Typhoon & Hurricane waterslides, the drop slide or just hang out in the 700 foot long lazy river. Bring a bag lunch or money for concessions. Ages: 8 and older Cost: $16.00/person Pickup/Return: 10:20 a.m./4:15 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th — Mendota Heights & W St Paul Park & Rec Day at the WSP Pool Have your parents drop you off at the WSP pool @ 92 West Orme at 10am and we start the day with fun and games, activities and prizes outside of the pool in the morning. We will provide a picnic lunch. Then we're in the pool from noon to 3:00 p.m. We will also provide an afternoon snack during one of the pool breaks. Remember your towel, change of clothes, sunscreen and extra money if you want to purchase concessions. Ages: 6 and older Cost: $8.00/person PLEASE DROP YOUR CHILD OFF AT WSP POOL - NO BUS! Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Chaperones will be provided until 3:00 p.m. so please pick up your child by this time) NIGHTtoUNITEI Mark your calendars! Tuesday, August 4th 2009. Come join your friends, neighbors and representatives from the Mendota Heights Police Department for this informational and fun event! Mendota Heights Night to Unite will be replacing National Night Out. Watch the City website for updates as summer approaches and get ready to join the fun! Due to the overwhelming popularity of this program many of the sessions have already filled. Residents interested in this program may go to www.mendota-heights.com to check for any available openings. PAGE 9 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 Mendota Heights Summer Tennis Program at Visitation High School - Tennis Courts Join your FRIENDS, join the FUN, get and stay FIT. 'Play and Learn' via a proven national pro- gram, `Quick Start' tennis. Our tennis programs are 'Games Based' in '09! We will institute 'Quick Start' which was rolled out in Nov. '07 by the major, national tennis organizations, USIA, w TT cK < USPTA and PTR. Terry Olson a local area, Tennis TeachingProfessional & Coach will run our Bennis cue = �- program. Program Schedule: (6) Weeks June 8- July 22, (No classes/team play June 29, 30 - July 1, 2nd Holiday Break) T -Shirt included in all programs. Cancellations/Bad Weather: Call the Tennis Hotline (651) 255-1174 1/2 hour before your session. Rainouts: None *For 8 yrs. & up -we added a fun & games/picnic day — Wed, July 22 from 12 noon -1:30 p.m. to cover any rainouts. Location For All Tennis Sessions: Visitation School Tennis Courts "Little's Tennis" for outh ages 4-7 years old -T-shirt included (40 minute lessons once a week) Cost: $45.00 This program will introduce tennis to your child in a fun and safe environ- ment. Mini nets & other teaching aids will be used to gear this program to your child's age level. , Register early -program fills quickly. (The instructor would like a parent/chaperone to stay with child during lesson. You may coordinate with another parent to help with your child if you are _.4 unable to stay.) Dates: Thursdays, June 11 -July 23 (no lesson 7/ 2) Times: Little's 1- 8:30- 9:10 a.m., Little's II - 9:15-9:55 a.m., Little's III - 10-10:40 a.m. Little's IV - 10:45 - 11:20 a.m. Beginner Tennis Lessons for Youth Ages 8-10 years old. Cost: 75 With the new Quick Start program beginners will have fun and learn how to play tennis. They will learn sportsmanship, general etiquette and develop strokes through this program. Participants will need tennis shoes and a tennis racquet. Dates: M, T, W, from June 8 to July 22 Times: Session I - 8:30 — 9:25 a.m. Session II - 9:30- 10:25 a.m. Intermediate Lessons for Youth ages 10 — 14 years old. Cost: $75 For youth that have had some tennis experi- ence. Terry & his assistants will take them to the next level of training. You will work with the instructors at your level of play, not age. Dates: M, T, W, from June 8 to July 22 Times: Session III - 9:30-10:25 a.m. Session IV -10:30 — 11:25 a.m. Session V - 11:30-12:25 p.m. Intermediate/Advanced Lessons for Youth ages 12 — 14 years old. Cost: $75 This program is for youth with previ- ous tennis experience or participated in our tennis program last year. These lessons will take the player to the next level of training. You will work with the instructors at your level of play, not age. Dates: M, T, W, from June 8 to July 22. Times: Session VI -11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. IN HOUSE LEAGUE PLAY FOR AGES 12-14 Cost: $75 You will need to qualify for this program and will be evaluated your first day. This program is great for kids that have been through our lessons but are not ready or wanting to join the travel team. If Terry feels you are not ready for this program your money will be refunded or you can be moved into Session VI lessons @ 11:30 a.m. Time: 11:45 a.m. -12:45 p.m. Dates: M, T, W, June 8 to July 22. Traveling Tennis Team New For 2009 A competitive program for ages 10-16 years. This program will be held on Monday & Wednesday afternoons We are joining with the communities of Farmington, Inver Grove Heights, Woodbury, South St. Paul, and Eagan for our traveling tennis program. Games will be on Mondays and Wednesdays at one of the above listed cities, or on our home court at Visitation. *Note: Parent car pooling to the matches required-Instructor/Coach is not allowed to drive players . Fee will include Team T -Shirt Cost: $80.00 Dates: Monday & Wednesday, June 8 — July 22. Time: 1:30 game start times — each match lasts approx. 2 hours. *Coach may add some Tuesday practices. End of Season picnic/games July 22 - Noon to 1:30 pm. Martial Arts Summer Camp In Mendota Heights Martial Arts Summer Camps will be held at The Martial Arts Academy. Call Master Boltz at 651-683-0355 or go to www.boltzstkd.com for program and registration information. 'Alk PAGE 10 Summer Playhouse Presents "Eloise" Free weekly entertainment for kids! HEIGHTS HIGHLITES Summer Playhouse is a traveling variety show which will be making appearances at both Marie and Mendakota Parks this summer. The Summer Playhouse group will provide creative, quality performances free of charge. The shows will include: choreographed performances, puppet shows, songs and dances. Performances last approximately thirty minutes and are designed to entertain families with young children. Performances will not be held if it is raining. Feel free to bring lawn chairs and/or blankets to sit on. Mondays starting June 15th. 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. - Marie Park - (Marie Ave. between Victoria & Lexington) 3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Mendakota Park (Mendakota Drive and Dodd Road). "Free" Outdoor Concert Series Music at Market Square Park Village at Mendota Heights (intersection of Hwy 110 & Dodd Road) Friday, June 5th Come listen to a free concert featuring the band "6 Below" 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. Then stick around for the big game. Twins vs. Seattle to be broadcasted on a jumbo outdoor screen at 9:10 p.m. Thursday, June 18 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. "The Mayflies" Thursday, July 16 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. Connie Evingson with Clearwater Hot Club Thursday, August 20 6:30 — 8:30 p..m Andra Suchy Band I Please visit http://Www.villagemh.com for more up to date information about outdoor concerts and other activities at Market Square Park. MAY 2009 "Summer Performances In The Park" Free Family Entertainment Enjoy "FREE" Performances In The Park! Bring a blan- ket or lawn chair. Children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the entire performance. (Market Square is our newest park located at The Village at Mendota Heights -Hwy 110 and Dodd) Friday, June 5, 6:45 — 9:00 p.m. — Market Square Park Enjoy our local Band "6 Below" playing your favorites from the 60's, 70's, 80's Friday, June 5, 9:10 p.m. — Market Square Park MN Twins vs. Seattle, broad- cast on our Jumbo Outdoor Screen. Gather your family and friends and take in the Twins Game here in MH! Food vendors will be available and don't miss TC BEAR appearance starting at 8:45 p.m.! Saturday, June 6, Noon — 2:00 p.m. - Mendakota Park Celebrate 150 Years of Education - Showcasing student and alumni music performances including the band "Century Brass". Saturday, June 6, 2:00 — 2:45 p.m. — Mendakota Park "Teddy Bear Band" This Band inspires movement, imagination and fun for children. This upbeat musical show is targeted to a younger audience, with opportunities for adults to join in the fun. BYOB - Bring Your Own Teddy Bear. Wednesday, June 10, 6:45-7:15 p.m. - Henry Sibley High School parking lot - "The Alphabits Band". This musical group is back again playing your favorite children's songs. Kids can sing, dance, laugh and shout. In conjunction with ECFE Trucks and Travel event which begins at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, June 18, 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. — Market Square Park. "The Mayflies". Pushing the limit of jam rock and bluegrass, the "Mayflies" are known for their inexhaustible energy! Wednesday, July 8, 7:00 p.m. Rogers Lake Park - "Halls of Magic" - Come and enjoy this "Magical" show. Tons of fun for the entire family. Thursday, July 16, 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. — Market Square Park - "Connie Evingson with Clearwater Hot Club" - Twin Cities jazz vocalist Connie Evingson will appear with Clearwater Hot Club and sing selections from her CD Gypsy in My Soul. Wednesday, August 19, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. - Mendakota Park - "Leroy's River Minstrels" - Your favorite old time and Dixieland Music and Free Lemonade! (Follows the Senior Softball Game on Mendakota Park Field #1 at 5:30 p.m.). Thursday, August 20, 6:30 — 8:30 — Market Square Park — "Andra Suchy Band" - Andra has been a guest on A Prairie Home Companion 4 times and has the honors of singing with such legends as Garrison Keillor, Emmylou Harris & Renee Fleming. Visit our website at: www.mendota-heights.com PAGE 11 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 mportant Phone Numbers & i West St. Paul -Mendota Heights -Eagan, (Recreation Information I Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul _ You may register for programs or Public Schools Community Education (take out ark ermits at the rece Itionist desk in City Hall during normal I City I 69— Do you want a safe and engaging environment for your child? Do want to learn a new skill or brush up on an old one. If so, business hours through 1busi you y from 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m.). I Community Education is right for you. The combined Community ll I Education program for the school districts of West St. Paul - Park &Recreation Programmer, Teresa Park 65 Recreation 1850. I Mendota Heights -Eagan, Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul * MH Adult Softball League : Teresa @ 651-452-1850 I offers a wide range of opportunities for all ages and abilities, I* Softball rainout (adult leagues) Hot Line: 651-255-1173 I including: i* Tennis Hotline: 651-255-1174 I Early Learning Programs * Sibley Sting Youth Soccer: 651-457-1426 i* Thompson Park Activity Center: 651-450-8291 I •Youth Enrichment I * DARTS: 651-455-1560 I School -Age Care Adult Enrichment I* Fort Snelling State Park - 612-725-2389 I • Adult Basic Education 15(i i* Special Olympics: 651-452-1850 I Adults with Disabilities * DNR information Center: 651-296-6157 I I* Mendota Heights Garden Club: 651-454-3337 Older Adult Programs Years of Excellencc. I* Dakota County Parks: 651-438-4671 I PWUD PAST 90,.D RMAE. I* St. Thomas Ice Arena: 651-209-6020 I* Mendota Heights Mom's Club: I To view our current catalog, please visit www.isdl97.org and www.mendotaheightsmomsclub.me I click on 'Community Education.' For more information or to reg- * Mendota Heights Athletic Association (MHAA) - All i ister, please visit www.celearn4ever.org or call 651-403-8313 youth sports (excluding tennis & golf): Please call MHAA @ 651-263-3760 or sign up on line at: www.mendotaheight- Isathletics.com South Region Stars L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J The Area 12 Special Olympics "STARS" are "in training" City of Mendota Heights Parks & Recreation Ways to Register for Programs 1. Register online at: http://www.mendota-heights.com 2. Mail in or drop off registration forms at City Hall, (forms available at http://www.mendota-heights.com) Mail completed forms along with payment to the City of Mendota Heights Parks & Recreation, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55118. City Hall Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday — Friday Please call MH City Hall at 651-452-1850 if you have any questions. and participating in a wide variety of sports and activities which include: soccer, floor hockey, swimming and basket- ball. New athletes can be registered at any time during the year. Call Teresa at 651-452-1850 for more information. Thompson Park Activity Center (TPAC) for 55 + Adults If you are looking for activities and fun check out THOMPSON PARK ACTIVITY CENTER located at 1200 Stassen Lane (off Butler and Highway 52) in WSP. This is our area (ISD 197 Community Education) 55+ center. Mendota Heights residents are welcome to join classes or take part in any of the activities. If you would like to get on the TPAC mailing list for the "Thompson Times" which lists all upcoming activities and classes, or need more information on what is offered, please call the Thompson Park Activity Center at 651-450-8291 or stop in for a visit. Older Adult Programs Dog Days of Summer August 17 - 21 Join your Northern Dakota County Cities of West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, South St. Paul and Inver Grove Heights for an end of the summer get-together with food, fun and games just like the good of days. If you would like to sign up to be part of the Flea Market, Golf Tournament or join one of the softball teams please call the appropriate number for further information about the events below. Monday August 17 —Noon start Flea Market, Entertainment and Hot Dogs at TPAC (Call 651-450-8291) Tuesday August 18 — Morning tee times TBD Golf Tournament at Thompson Oaks Golf Course (Call 651-552-4150) Wednesday August 19 - 5:30 — 7:30 p.m. Old Time Softball Game, Music & Dance in the Park (free lemonade) at MH (Mendakota Park) (Call 651-452-1850) Thursday, August 20 - Time TBD "Flicks and Float" at SSP Central Square (Call SSP 651-306-3690) Friday August 21 3:00 — 5:00 p.m. Car Show & Ice Cream Social in IGH (Call IGH 651-450-2469) PAGE 12 HEIGHTS HIGHLITES MAY 2009 Mendota Heights Spring Clean -Up Saturday, May 2, 2009, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mendota Plaza, Highway 110 and Dodd Road (Enter & exit from South Plaza Drive). Mendota Heights Residents Only (ID Required) Only cars, pick-ups and small trailers are allowed. WE WILL ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: * Car Tires, Furniture, and Mattresses, $3.00 each * Scrap Metals (remove all non-metal components), Volume -Based Fee * Home Remodeling Debris and Miscellaneous Junk, Volume -Based Fee • Home Electronics - Fee Based Upon Weight - $.25/lb WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: * Household Hazardous Waste (Motor Oil, Batteries, Paint, Household Chemicals, etc). Yard Waste Items that can be recycled at your curb * Commercial or Contractor Debris "Appliances: you can call JR's Appliances at 651.454.9215 at any time to recycle your appliances! Spring Clean -Up is made possible by a grant from Dakota County Environmental Management and the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA). r � � � � � � � � � � 7 f Drop Box Reminder There are 2 drop boxes outside of City Hall for your 1 convenience. One is for utility bills and the other is for US Mail. Just drive up and drop it off! 16 � � — � �j om � u� � � , City Directory Council Members: John Huber, Mayor 450-0729 Ultan Duggan 452-5179 Sandra Krebsbach 454-5696 Mary Jeanne Schneeman 457-4337 Jack Vitelli 455-5625 Staff Members: Jim Danielson, City Administrator 452-1850 Kathleen Swanson, City Clerk 452-1850 Mike Aschenbrener, Police Chief 452-1366 John Maczko, Fire Chief 255-1371 John Mazzitello, Public Work Dir. 452-1850 Jake Sedlacek, Asst. to the City Admin. 452-1850 Tom Olund, Public Works Supvr. 454-4059 Kristen Schabacker, Finance Dir. 452-1850 Teresa Gangelhoff, Rec. Prgmr. 452-1850 Paul Berg & Dick Gill, Code Enforcement Officers 452-1850 Severe Weather Awareness The outdoor sirens in our city are activated on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m; if this scenario doesn't fit when you are hearing the sirens, seek shelter! In 2008, our OUTDOOR WARNING SIRENS were activated a total of 8 times for severe weather. The County Emergency Manager has worked diligently with the National CP Weather Service (NWS) to help reduce the number of activations in areas that are not a part of the severe weather. The NWS and Dakota County Emergency Management continues to work on making sure every acti- vation is relevant so we do not have any unnecessary deaths like Hennepin and Washington Counties have expe- rienced in the very recent past. Our goal is to keep you safe! The National Weather Service will call the 911 center for activation of the Mendota Heights sirens if the City is in or about to be in a storm that meets the following criteria: • Severe Thunderstorm Warning (winds 58+ MPH). • Tornado Warning (a tornado has been sighted in or on a path toward our city). Additionally, a police officer or trained NWS spotter can call for activation of the system. All City sirens will be acti- vated for every event that calls for the public to be alerted. Be very aware that tornados usually form on the backside of a severe weather system as it travels through your area. Also, the sirens in Mendota Heights do not have battery back up systems; if there is no power, the sirens will not sound. HOW DO I KEEP MY FAMILY SAFE? Purchase a public alert device or a Weather Alert Radio with an alarm. This type of clock radio has "SAME" technol- ogy which allows you to set the clock radio to sound an alarm/alert when the NWS has issued a warning for your area. We have provided two links below: the first will direct you to the NWS website for a quick overview of these emergency radios; the second will help you make decisions on which radio might work best for you. For more informa- tion please go to: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/nwrrcvr.htm or http://www.ce.org/Standards/2946.asp