Res 72 - 462 Requesting Facts & Estimates from Metropolitan Sewer Boardr� Village of inendota Heights Dakota County, minnesota RE�OLUTION N0. 462 RESOLUTION REQUESTING FACTS AND ESTImATES FROm mETROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD. WHEREAS, the Uillage of inendota Heights has a sewer collection system which is connected with the metropolitan Sewer System, . and ' WHEREAS, the charges levied by the metropolitan Sewer Board for the year 1972 seem unreasonably high, and • WHEREAS, there is an established proceedure for questioning - , such annual charges NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED that the metropolitan Sewer Board provide, as formally established, to the Uillage of mendota Heights the entire facts, figures, and estimates used in determining the 1972 sewer charges. Adopted by the Uillage Council of the Uillage of inendota "• HeigFits this 1st day of February, 1972. 0 � ATTEST: Gilbert �I1 Uillage C UILLAGE COUNCIL UILLAGE OF mEIVDOTA HEIGHTS BY �CJ� �/ DONALD L. HUBER mAYOR