Res 74 - 76 Authorizing Preparation of Assessment Roll for 1974 Street Oiling ImprovementsCITY OF MENDOTA AEIGHT5
WHEREAS, contracts have heretofore been let for the canstruction of
- the improvements more particularly described as:
The ailing and scarifying of the fallowing described
streets situated in the City af Mendota Heights in
Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit:
Kendon Lane
Lakeview Avenue
May£ield Heights Raad
Pierce {Hiawatha)
Rogers Road
Swan Lane
East of T.H. 55
East of T.I3. �5
East of T.H. 55
Soutli o£ T.H. 13
South of Garden Lane
East of T.H, 55
Wagon Wheel Trail & Cheri Lane
WHEREAS, the construction of said improvements has been substantial2y
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Mendata Heights, Minnesota, as fol2ows:
Z} That the total cost of said impravements shall be
assessed against all properties benefited by said
' 2) That the City C1erk with �he aid and assistance af the City
Engineer be and is hereby autharized and directed to prepare
the assessment ro1.l for said improvements showing the proper
amaunt to be assessed agai:nst each of the lots, pi:eaes or
parcels of land benefited by said improvemen�s.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 6th
day af Augu�t, ,197 4.
y • �� �����
Robe/� Lockwood
Acting Mayor
JIJL � 5 ��74
Highway T1Q & Oakdafe Road So. So. 5t. Paul, Minnesata
State of Minnesota �
Coan#y of Dakata $S'
J. R. RITCHAY, being duly sworn, on aath says he is and during aIi times here stated
has been Yhe vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The West St. F'aul Sun
and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follaws: (1) Said newspager is printed in
the English language in news�aper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed
space to at ]east 90p square inehes. {2} g�id newspaper is a weekly anti is d£stributed at least
mce each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local
interest to the community which it purpoxts to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other
�biicatian and is not made up entirely of patents, giate matter and advertisements. {4} Said
spaper 9s circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has ai least
copies regularly delivered to pa,ying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% af its total
circulation currentiy paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-
ciass matter in its iocai post-office. ,{5} Said newspaper purports to serve the City of West
St. Paul and Villages of Mendota and Mendota Heights in Dakota Count,y and it has its known
oifice oE issue in the Viliage of Inver Grove Heights in said county, established and open during
iEs regu2ar business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of sub-
scriptions and maintained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subjeet to his
direction and control during all sixch regixlar business hours and devoted exclusively during
suciz reguIar business hours ta the business of the nawspaper and business related thereta.
(6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the 3tate Historical Society.
(7) Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding
the day or dates o£ publication mentioned be2ow. (S) Said newspaper has filed with the
Secretary of State af Minnesota prior to JanuarV i, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an
afiidavit in the form prescribed by the 5ecretary of State and signed by the publisher of said
newspaper and sworn ta before a natary pubiic stating that 4he newspaper is a legal newsgaper.
He further states on aath that the printe� Advertisement Por �f39
hereto attached as a gart thereof �vas cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed
and published therein in the English language, once each week, for �� tixccessive
weeks: that it was first so pubtfshed on W8� the 2� day of J�1'� 19! "*
and was thereafter printed and published on every to and including
the " day of 19..._ and that the foilowing is a printed copy
che lower case alphabet #rom A to Z, both inclusive, anc3 is hereby aeknawledged as being'
#he size an@ kind o£ t.ype used in the compositian and publicatian of said natice, to-wit:
abcdefghf jklmnopprstuvwxyz
a bcde tR h i Jk I m nopq rs tu vwxv z
:�L_1L� ...r���' . _
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2� day of �u�-� , 29 7� .
�� /�
� ` ;. ..-
(Notarial3eal} ' �
� �� ` .," "` ' �r
" M. Vest, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn.
Commission Expires Apri2 18th, 1979.
�_.,,� ...�..,.�._.�
�` ' d
� tOfficial Publlcatiaa} .
GYty oC Meadmta }k(sYts, Mlaaesott
'17ie City Council of Mendota Heights,
Minnesota, wiii receive seaIed Bids for
the Conskruction of Bitum{nous Surfaced
Streets, Improvement No. 74, Project No.
5, rnnsisting ot khe construction ot ap-
prosimately 26,100 square yards of Plant-
mued Bitum'snous Surfacing tMFID 2341)
and misceilaneous Work on the basia ot
cash paym ent fo,r the Work. Bids.will be
, received until 2:00 P.M., �§.T., Au-
gust 5, 197l, by the City Clerk-1Yeasurer
at the Cit y. Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive,
Menddta Heights, Minnesota SSIZp, at r
which time and place all Bids will be pub I
licly opened and read aloud. i
BiBs shall be ptaced in an envelage and ',
Minnesnta, and shali clearly indicate the
Contraetar's name and address, ti�e
: bers and type of cpnstruction as indicated
� above. Bids shall be for the Curnishing o[
al! lalaor, materials and equipmen4 to per-
, form aii the Work in connection with the
; above statedprojecf.
; Contracf Documents are on [ite tor
� viewing at the City Clerk's oifitt and at
!the affice of Bettenburg, Townsend,
`StoIte and Camb, ine., Architects and
,�ngineers, 1�39 Marshali Avenue, Saint
Paul, MinnesoW 5510�1, as well as at the
Minneapolis and Saint Paul Builder's
Ezchange. Se#s af tht Cantract Docu-
inents may be obtainM by depositing Fif-
teen Dollars 1;15,001 with khe Engineer.
The amount of deposit for ane set of the
Contract Documents will be refnnded to
each actual Bidder who reWrns #hem in
good condition and wiNin ten days ette�
the opening of the Bids. in the event the
ContraeWr dces not enter a Bid, ax�half
of the deposit wiil be refunded for Use
Cantract Docume�ts returned to the En-
gineer within ten days aEter the opening
of Bids.
Ali Bids must be actrompanied bp a
Ca'sh I}cpasit, Certified Cheek or Bid
Bond made payabfe to ihe City of MerKlo-
ta Heights, Minnesota, and in an amount
eqwl to tivepe rcent (5%1 ot the Wtsl
amount o[ the Bid, canditiased thst if the '
Bidda' ia the successfvl Bidder, he will
entmn iato an Agrecment wfth the C[ty in
accdrd�nre with safd Bid and will furnlsh
�ch Performanet, and Payment $ondo
as�are apeeifled.II the �dder fails to tn-
ter` lato an hgreement, this deposit will be
t�trsd as liquidated damages W the
T1�:OirRtt reaerves the rlght #o nject�
any;�:HFcls arid to waive any in[ormai
itld�;�. .w ' '. .
Mendota Heights, Minnespta
55120 ^� -
tJuly?A, i@74}—SYSP
�-�.�.�.� . ,.
File No.
Affidavit of Publication
West St. Paul, Minnesota
In The Matter Of