Res 74 - 77 Ordering Advertisement for Bids for Marie Ave Improvements Between Dodd Rd & Victoria AveCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 74-77 RESOLUTION ORDERING ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS FOR MARIE AVENUE I1��PROVEMENTS BETWEEPd DODD ROAD 1�ND VICTORIA AVENUE (IMPROVEMENT N0. 73, PROJECT NO. 2) . WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted his report to the City Council with respect to the proposed construction of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, and street improvements on Marie Avenue between Dodd Road and Victoria Avenue (which improvements have heretofore been known and designated as Improvement No. 73, Project No._2), and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore directed that the City Engineer proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications therefor, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for said improvements and such plans and specifications have heretofore been approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Ciiy Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: That the City Clerk with the aid and assistance of the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for said improvements all in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes, such bids to be received at the City Fiall of the City of Mendota Heights by 10:00 o'clock A.M., Friday, August 16, 1974, at which time they will be publicly opened in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall by at least one of the members of the City Council and the City Engineer, will then be tablulated, and will then be considered by the City Council at its next regular Council meeting. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 6th day of August, 1974. ATTE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By �-�L�. i�c � �Robert �G..� Lockwoocl ; Acting Mayor � � �UN �E�WSPAP'ERS AFFIDAViT 8F PUBLICAiION � WEST ST PAUL �UN Highway 110 & Qakdale Raad So. So. $t. Paul, Minnesata State of Minnesota � Cas�nty of Dakota $�' J. R. R.ITCHAY, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during a2t times here siated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper knawn as 'The West St. Paul Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follaws: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in news�aper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at Ieast 940 square inches. (2} Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspager has 50% a£ its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other -•�biieation and is not made up entireiy of patents, piate matter and advertisements. (4} Said �spaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least copies regularl,y delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currentiy paid or na more than three months in arrears and has entry as seeond- ciass matter in its 2oca2 post-office. ,{5} Said newspaper purpprts to serve the City of West St. Paul and Villages of Mendota and Mendota Heights in Dakota Count.y and it has its known office of issue 9n the Village of Inver Grove Heights in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of sub- scriptions and maintained by the xnanaging officer or persons in its employ and subjeCt to his direction and control during all sixch regular business hours and devoted exclusively during sueh regular business hours to the bnsiness o£ the newspaper anfl business reIated thereto. (6} Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Yiistorical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing conditions far at least two years greceding the day ar dates of pubiteatian mentianed be2ow. (8} Said newspaper has fiIed with the Secretary o£ State af Minnesota prior ta Januarv 1, 1966 and eaeh January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn Lo before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legai newspaper. fie further states on oath that the pxinted Advertisement t`rrr �,i,f�8 hereto attached as a part thereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for �� Cuccessive �veeks; that it was first so pub2ished on ��� the�day of �t21.� 19_/_� and was thereafter printed and pubIished on every to and including the day af —19_ and that the following is a printed copy _ne lower case a2phabet from A to Z, both inelusive, and is hereby acknowledge@ as being the size and kind of type used in the composition anfl publication af said notice, ta-wit: abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefQhijklmnopqrstuvwxvz i w,��:��0���.A�.�r w� _. —F Subscrzbed and swc3rn� o befare me this�day af '��z� , i9 7� . '-`, �•�. !� : {N ariai Seai) � � .1%��� �j� , �'r. /c ��G' ^';, �f` � l=_ 1VX. Vest, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. Commission Expires Aprii 18th, 1979. !Ot[ici'al Publlcatiou) ' AAVERTISEMEN7'FQRBIDS ' , City o[ Mendota Ati�Lts, Minewta ' The City Cauncft af Mctfdota Heights, Minnesota will rete{ve fe�kd Bids for the Complete Constracdan of Marie Avenue between Victoria Road and Dodd Road, M.S.A. Project 144-101-03, Improvemeot No. 73 Project No. 2 Phase 11. The Wor3c consfsksof the following: Approximately 72,700 c.y. of com- mon eacavation, 7,254 I.f. B616 rnn- crete curb and gutter, 6,500 tans bi W- minpus base, 1,950 tons bitumirwus . binder course, 1,750 Wns bitumirwus wearing course, 2,700 l.f. ot 12" dia. through 168" span starm sewers and cutverts and appurtenances, 7,2481.f. piling, 930 c.�, strucWral concrote. 130,000 Ibs. re�nforcing bars,1,900 Lf. 9" dia. sanitary sewer laterals and appur#enances, 3,000 i.f. af 8 and 8 inc6 dia. D.I.P. watermain and ap- purtenances, 700 s.y. crushed gtone base, 7fl0 s.y. bituminaus wearing course and ather miscellaneous work. Bids will be received until 10;00 a.m., C.D.S.T on Friday, August 16, 197�, by the City C3erk-Treasurer at the City Hali, 750 Santh Plaza Drive, Me�ota Aeights, Minnesbta 5512p, at which time and ptace all $ids will be publicly opened and read alad. Bids shalt be placed in a» enve1ope and sealed therein. Envetope shatl be ad- dressed to the .City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, and shall clearly indicate the Cantraetor's name and address, the iMPROYEMEP3T and PRdJECt num- bers and type ot construction as indicated above. Bids shall be for the furnishing ot all labor, materials and cquipment to ger- farm all the Work in connectian with tt�e above stated Project. Contract Documenfs are on [ile for viewing at the City Ckrk"s Oitice and at the office of Bettenburg, Townsend, �Stolte and °Comb, Ine.,*Amhitects�and En6ineers, 1437 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55109, as weR as at the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Builder's Fsehanges. 5ets af thc Cantract Docu- ments may be obtained by depositing FiF- ty Dpllars 1550.001 with the Engineer. Tbe amount of deposit for one set ot lhe Con- , traet Uocuments wili be reiunded W eacd aetual Bidder who returns khem in goo0 condifaon and within teu days after the opening of the Hids. In th� event the Con- tracWr does not enter a Bid, one-half of the eleposrt will be refuncled for tlu Con- tcact Documenks returned to the Engi- neer in good rnndition and within ten days after the opening oE Bids. All Eids mnat be secompanied bp a Cash IIeposit, Certified Check or Bid Bond made payabie ib the City of Mendo- ta Heights, M�nnesota, ahd in an amaunt equal to five percent 15%a ) o[ the total amoudt of ttse Bi�i, conditioned that if.the Bidder is the �ccessfui Biddtr, he wiit enter into an Agreement with the City in accordance with said Bid and will turnish such Performance and Paymtnt Bonds as are sptcified. II the Bidder fails W enter into aa Agreement, this deposit wiil be forfeitcd as liquidated damages ta the Ownei�: ' The. :,."� kbe Yight ta rejcti anyoi� . ' ivaanyinformai- itiest. - -- , . _ .. '�..�» 55120 A � A�`'�� , � . . , File No. f Affidavit of Publication , WEST ST PAUL SUN West St. Paul, Minnesota In The Matter Of